
  1. I’ve never heard of them, but I need help saving for Addie and her medical bills. Thanks for this post!

  2. What a great concept. I think it is so important to teach our kids the importance of giving back esp in this materialistic society! Love that ableBanking is doing this. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a great concept!!

  4. In a me, me, me, instant gratification world, it’s hard to teach kids about saving for the future. This is a really nice idea and it not only teaches financial responsibility, but social responsibility, as well.

  5. I never heard of them but I love the concept!!

  6. That is awesome! I’m all about teaching my kids the value of a dollar, about savings and about giving to others. This is great that they can do all of those things in one spot!

  7. never heard of them before but it sounds like a great concept

  8. I am so happy to learn about and to support companies who are actively making positive change in the world! Thank you for letting me know about them. I will certainly spread the word…not everyone has extra money these days to give to charities, but when big companies give us the opportunity to help I appreciate it so much.

  9. What a neat concept, I have not personally heard of them but this is something Ill have to look in to we are always trying to save around here.

  10. this is neat! i hadn’t heard of them before; thanks for their info!

  11. I haven’t heard of them but it’s a super concept!!
    And look how happy she is with that lemon-aid stand!!!

  12. Love this concept! I’ve never heard of them before, but I know that saving for school is going to be a big issue for me. I like that you can support charities too 🙂

  13. What an awesome concept! I’ve never heard of them, but I love (trying to save) money and charity! Thanks for the information. I definitely am going to look into signing up. Thank you!

  14. This is really awesome! I love helping people out!! Teaching our littleones to help each other is a great concept and will make the future of our world a little brighter.

  15. having kids it is very important to start planning and saving. thanks for sharing.

  16. this is a great reminder for me..esp. in teaching my kids to start saving at an early age.

  17. I hadn’t heard of them! But they sound great! Teaching kids to save while they’re young, will last a lifetime! We made it a game with our Son and now, he works for Google and loves paying his house payment ahead! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Thanks for the information– I really like this idea,This is worth looking into– I don’t believe we have anything such as this in our area, but I am going to find out–It’s not only great for the kids, but the whole community,and the economy–Thanks

  19. This is such a great idea!

  20. Great idea. Banks helping to save more rather than take more.

  21. I think its a great Idea for our children@ I have not heard of this before but I would like to find out more about it!

  22. Wow i love it! What a great idea to keep kids busy and out of trouble!

  23. this is a excellent concept

  24. I have never heard of them but this is great, thanks for the information.

  25. I had never heard of this what a great idea!

  26. awww i remember doing lemonade stands as a kid!

  27. Great idea!

  28. This is a wonderful idea!!! Thank You for sharing!! <3

  29. lisagough says:

    awesome concept!!

  30. This is a really neat idea – I’m really glad you shared and I’ll be talking about it with family and friends!

  31. I have always been a supporter of children learning to earn their own money. That may be old fashioned but I believe alot of children in this day and age are given too much because most parents feel guilty about leaving their children to work and try to gain their friendship by buying them stuff.

  32. I hadn’t heard of them but I will certainly spread the word:)

  33. Very interesting. I too had not heard of this.

  34. Betsy Barnes

    This is such a great idea! First time I heard about this 🙂

  35. oh nice never heard of them, but totally love their concept!

  36. I have never heard of this before, and really .25% per year is an amount that is very reasonable. I like the idea!

    tannawings at gmail dot com

  37. Margie M. says:

    I’ve never heard of them! But i love what they’re doing.

  38. That’s cool – it’s nice to hear that there’s still a bank out there that’s not quite as scum-tastic as the big ones!

  39. I Like the idea of the donation program when opening new accounts, very enticing.

  40. Don’t we already help people through the massive amount we pay in taxes and what we give to our churches?

  41. Love that they give to charities. Dont love the online banking only option, it makes me nervous not to be able know a physical location

  42. What a great concept! I hadn’t heard of them before either. Thanks for the information.

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