Nutrisystem Week 16: Four Weeks Until My Reunion!

The Sixteenth Week……… 

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back!

I am in my sixteenth week on the Nutrisystem diet. It seems whenever I get into a good grove of working out and eating right something comes up to set me back a bit. I don’t mean a huge setback, but enough to keep me from losing a lot of weight. I am also DOWN TO THE WIRE!! I have only 4 weeks left until my 20-year high school reunion! Now I need to deal with the fact I am not going to be quite where I wanted to be at, but oh well. Nothing I can do about it now but keep trying hard these next four weeks! No extra snacks, drinks, and I need to get to the gym at least 3-4 times a week ~ minimum!  

I did 510 calories on the elliptical yesterday, and I am meeting a friend for an ab crunch workout Monday morning (which should kill me)! I hope with the extra workouts I am trying to get in I will at least feel more toned. Sometimes it just takes feeling toned and feeling like you’re eating healthy to feel better. It’s not always the numbers on the scale!

Here are a few cute sayings I came across this week that I wanted to share (maybe some will motivate you too)!

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

Weight Loss Motivational Sayings

These saying make me feel better and motivated that I can push it these next four weeks! I. CAN. DO. IT.

Starting Weight: 165
Current Weight: 156.8 (only a .2 loss)
Total Loss: 8.2 pounds!!!  (Almost to my Teddy Bear ~ PLEASE)!  

Here’s to a NEW WEEK! Please leave me a COMMENT telling me what accomplishments you had this week in your journey to be healthy!  

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Disclaimer: I am receiving the meals free of charge as a participant in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. Good for you Kristin!!! I have gotten on the treadmill 3 times this week! So I’m with you in this journey too! It’s sure tough to stay mtivated!!!

  2. I agree that losing weight is so hard! It sure isn’t hard to gain it, though. Good luck to you. 🙂 I hope you get where you want to be. 500 calories on the elliptical? YIKES! I envy you for your will power. 30 calories on one, and I’m panting like I just hiked up three Mt. Everests.

  3. You can do it!! You are down 8 pounds and that is AWESOME!!

  4. Wow a 20 year reunion? I bet it will be awesome! Good luck on your weight loss journey and 20 year reunion.

  5. Hmmm, I resisted having the large ice cream cone instead of the small? I’ve had an entirely off week as well. Then again I am just now trying to get back on the wagon after two years OFF of it. Yikes!

  6. Oh, I know how hard it can be. I’ve had set-back after set-back. I’m FINALLY in a mode where my habits are lasting more than 1 day. I’m currently on day 4 of tracking my calories via My Fitness Pal. It is really helping! Good luck, you have lots of support behind you 🙂

  7. It is so hard to work out and eat healthy. You are doing great though. Congrats on the loss so far!!

  8. Awesome job! If losing weight was as easy as gaining we’d all be supermodels! Before you do any ab workouts PLEASE check to see if you have Diastasis. If you do then crunches will only make it worse. There are so many crunchless ab workouts available. I wrote a post about Diastasis here:

  9. YOu are doing great! It is so hard and one step at a time. 8 pounds is something to be proud of ! You go girl!

  10. Love the quotes, so true! You really are doing great 🙂

  11. Love the quotes! I have failed miserably at dieting this year! Best of luck to you…just keep at it.

  12. You’re doing good! I REALLY need to start losing a few pounds..maybe this post will be my motivation!

  13. Wonderful quotes for motivation. 🙂
    I agree that it isn’t just numbers on the scale; it’s your overall quality of life that makes you healthier. When you feel better, you act better and make better choices. 🙂

  14. Love the quotes!!! I made myself get out there and walk one morning and have been parking in “no man’s land” at work instead of right by the entrance like I normally due. We even had salad one day this week for dinner 🙂

  15. I have got to be better about eating healthy this week since it is grocery shop week. I cant go shopping hungry and I cant’ take Lauren with me haha, she picks out junk food.

  16. Within coloring therapy, it has been one common practice to get the particular red color throughout restaurant inside.motivation to weight loss

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