Nemo Blizzard 2013 ~ We Survived!

Nemo Blizzard 2013

Our House Under 24 inches of snow ~ Front door blocked!

The blizzard of 2013 has come and gone, but the aftermath still continues. The kids still do not have school today, as three of the six schools in our district are without power. We are hoping they get things up and running soon, as kids already have off all next week for their winter break. We also don’t want to have the kids in school until the end of June. There are no built-in snow days here in Rhode Island like we had in Fairfax County, VA. Every day missed here needs to be made up!

The kids did have a blast playing in the snow. We were lucky with this storm and did not have any extended power outages. With Hurricane Irene we were without power for a week. We have been luckier with Sandy and Nemo!

Today it is raining like crazy out making the Nemo snow all nasty and causing some flooding problems in the area! I will keep you updated on FB about our situation. Hopefully the flooding doesn’t get too bad. We have had some crazy weather here in the Northeast the past few years! See some pics below of all the SNOW FUN!

nemo2 nemo1

Have You Had Any Winter Time Fun?



  1. Wow! I hope things get back to normal around there soon! We’ve had quite a bit of snow and freezing rain dumped on us the last week in Wisconsin but we haven’t been hit as hard as you in quite some time. Good luck!

  2. Wow! I know it was a dangerous storm and all that, but everything looks so beautiful!! I love snow and living in Florida I never get so see any except sometimes when I travel to N Carolina or Oklahoma to see family (if we get lucky it snows while we are there)… I am glad you guys are safe and everything is good!

  3. Oh my goodness – that is a crazy amount of snow! I can’t even imagine but am so glad you are all OK! Stay safe and hope the snow clears soon!

  4. It’s crazy, isn’t it!? My kids are so upset about today’s rain. No snow is enough snow for them. Stay warm!

  5. I was showing my boys your pictures from Facebook. They kept asking, “are we going to go visit them? That would be fun!” lol. Yes, it would be fun.

    I’m so glad it hasn’t been extended power outages for you. We can go without the electronics, but the heat and cooking ability is very important and we currently don’t have backup options. That is something we are really working on fixing with our Emergency Preparedness campaign this year.

    We had a lot of snow; not as much as you, last week. But it was still a good foot all in one night. Then it rained. It was nasty! Slush everywhere and the street drains are still frozen over.

  6. That’s so beautiful! Here in Oklahoma we haven’t had snow in almost 2 years thanks for sharing the pictures and glad you guys are doing ok!

  7. I love your Nemo pictures! Think of all the memories!

  8. This is a familiar site for me, living in Northern Michigan, but the front door is quite the sight! 🙂

  9. My kids built their own sledding hill in the backyard this morning. Since it’s February, that means when there is snow it will rain and it will flood my basement.

  10. Wow! Brings back memories! I did not remember you telling me you were from Fairfax! I’m a native Washingtonian! (D.C., that is!)

  11. Gotta love snow….and Mother Nature! Hope normalcy is back soon…at least it’s pretty 🙂

  12. Glad you guys are doing good still.. We would love to have some snow but if it’s not going to give us enough to play in, then we want to go ahead and have spring! Love the pics!

  13. Our house here in CT looks about the same 🙂 I’m glad to see you’re making the best of it! Stay warm and safe.

  14. That is a lot of snow!! I live in northern Michigan and when we get that much snow I stay inside. Looks like you made the best of it 🙂

  15. I know you probably do not want to hear this, but those are very beautiful pictures. I have never been in snow and while I do not want to experience Nemo, I would love to see something like those pictures myself!

  16. Love that picture of your empty street. Just beautiful. Makes me wish I’d stepped outside to take at least one shot. Looks like the kids had fun!

  17. Glad to hear you still have power! I’m thankful our schools were open today … and it’s a good thing because my little guy was so stir-crazy. Hope life returns to normal soon, and in the meantime, it looks like you guys had some fun 🙂

  18. Wow! I am sure you are sick of it, but it looks so beautiful! We rarely get snow in Alabama, and even more rarely do we get something like that! I bet it is tiring though, to say the least!

  19. We are finally digging out!! I do love snowstorms though when we don’t have to be anywhere– nice pics!

  20. Woah! The front door!!! Looks like everyone made the best of it. I hope that all the power gets back on for the schools soon. No one wants to be in school until the next school year 🙂 Keep us posted… we are having flooding issues in Cranston, too.

  21. I’m glad the kids are having fun! It’s always more fun for the kids. Our snow is almost melted and I’m so glad!

  22. That poor tree in the first picture looks like it is saying, “Help me!” I am glad that you did not have any extended power outages. I have to admit that I am a bit jealous of your snow. I have seen only the errant flake here and there. *Sniff*


  23. Glad you all were safe, it sure looked like the kids enjoyed it!!!

  24. Cute pics! I am so glad our street kept power this time! Whew!

  25. Having Power is the Most important thing. I’ll bet the kids are having a BLAST in the snow. Glad that your family made it through…hope the flooding doesn’t get you now.

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