GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats ~ Helping Potty Training One Night at a Time! #HuggiesWalmart #CBias

Potty Training Is Supposed To Be Easy, Right?
 ~ GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats Help! ~
GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks
I hate to say this, but I was one of those parents wondering what all the complaining was about with potty training. I trained my daughter in just two weeks at age 2 1/2, and everything was great. What was all the fuss about? Well, now I have my foot placed right in my mouth. Along came my son, and now I see exactly what everyone was complaining about. We are going on over two years of potty training for my son. It has been awful. He has had issues with everything you can imagine. In fact we recently went to a pediatric specialist to try and help resolve some issues he has been having.
One thing we have been doing for over the past year (maybe even two years), is waking him up at midnight every night to pee on the potty. I’m not sure if this is the best training method or not, but it got him to stop peeing in his bed. When he would have accidents before he would get really upset and embarrassed. We would have to spend time in the middle of the night changing his sheets and clothes. It was quite a process and it disrupted sleep for us ALL! 
The doctor thought it was best for us to let Drew start to try and regulate his own body overnight, so no more midnight “pee times!” At age 5 1/2 now I was worried about what this might do to his self-esteem, but with these new GoodNites Bed Mats we found at Walmart by Huggies things are going well so far. First of all, he was excited to get them! He saw “big kids” on the package so he didn’t feel they were babyish. It also gave him confidence to know we would not have to change out his sheets if he has an accident. All we need to do is take off the super-absorbent mat off the sheet that we stuck onto it and swap it out! Easy as that! Drew was thankful to have that extra layer of protection on his sheet, and I’m proud to say that going on day three we still have the same (DRY) mat on his sheets! He’s been able to wake-up himself so far and go pee without an accident. He likes the security of knowing the bed is protected, but is super excited in the morning when it is still dry! 
We have a little potty chart for him, so he does get stickers when his bed is dry! He can add up these stickers to get special prizes (apps, date with mom, books, Webkinz, etc.). I’m glad we finally made the decision to let him try on his own. I think the GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats is giving him that confidence he needs to feel safe to make it through the night on his own! We are moving in the right direction now! He has been adding stickers for night dryness to he’s sticker chart he’s been using for no “other” accidents in his pants (I think you know what I mean).
GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks
GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats by Huggies are sold at your local Walmart. I just ordered them online and had them shipped site to store. It was SUPER easy to do and I picked them up the very next day! We started with ordering 5 packs so we could have a bunch to take on trip, keep at home, keep at the grandparents’ house, etc. Think of how great these are for travel? If you’re in a hotel and there’s an accident, just simply rip the mat off the sheet, throw it away, and put a new one on! No problem at all! I used to be nervous about traveling with a potty trainer and now this makes things much easier. 
GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks

GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks

GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks

GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks
So, how do they work? Just take them out of the pack, remove the paper to see the “sticky side,” place it in the center of the bed, and you’re done! Here’s what is great about them:
  • Super-Absorbent Core to keep the bed clean
  • Non-Residue Adhesive, so really easy to remove from the sheets and keep them nice
  • Leakage Barrier for extra protection
  • Soft and Quiet Mat so it feels as soft as the sheets and does not make noise while they move around at night
  • Fits a nice large area at 2.6 X 2.9 ft. 
  • They are easy to use and disposable

GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks

I highly recommend trying these if you have a child who is struggling with bed-wetting or learning to potty train. Very easy to clean up and use! I’m so glad we found them! They definitely have given Drew the confidence and security he needs to succeed! Remember, you can order them easily online at and get them shipped to your house or site to store. We are traveling over the Christmas holiday and I am going to feel much better about our hotel stay with having the GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats with us! Happy Holidays everyone! Here’s to dry nights ahead!

GoodNites Bed Mats MamaLuvsBooks

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Huggies. #HuggiesWalmart #CBias #SocialFabric. All opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. Whew! So nice that there are products to help our kids when they have an issue like this. Love the fact that they don’t feel like plastic.

  2. I wish they had these when my kids were training. We had to throw out a couch because of going the bathroom while sleeping.

  3. He is adorable! I am glad to know about these, especially since we are just starting the potty training journey…

  4. It’s good to know they don’t feel like plastic like I assumed they did. Might need to pick up a pack soon since we are almost ready to take the pull ups away at night.

  5. oh awesome – I will totally be picking up some of these when we’re ready to train our littlest one (whose older brother was over 3.5 before we even tried, and she’s following along so we have to wait a while I think). What a great idea!

  6. My son is 5 1/2 and we still have him wear the Goodnights. Most of the time now he wakes up dry, but for the nights he doesn’t it is nice to have them so I don’t have to change sheets in the night!

  7. I hated changing sheets in the middle of the night! I wish these had been around when my kids were potty training.

  8. Potty training is easy, someone forgot to tell my son that, lol. We love good nights. I love that they came out with products to help older children make it through a sleepover without being embarrassed.

  9. I didn’t have any potty training issues, but many of my friends did and still use these. Every kid is different!

  10. I’ve never heard of this, but I’m glad I know now. We’re “kind of” training our 2 year old on a freelance basis, but having this will definitely help!

  11. Those sound like a really good thing to have for those kids that have trouble potty training. My oldest has been hard to potty train, and we are still working on it at times. I’m going to have to check these out in the store.

  12. These are so neat! We occasionally still have accidents at night!

  13. What a great idea. I wish this was around when my kids were little. Cleaning up accidents would have been so much easier.

  14. These are great and so much better than those rubber sheet things that they still sell. Would definitely pick these up! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Why didn’t I have something like that when my kids were little? Awesome!

  16. What a brilliant addition to the potty training system!! When jade is FINALLY ready to potty train, I am SO getting these!!! I hate the night time bed sheet changes. I always used the Huggies pull ups for potty training, and now I have another Huggies brand accessory to be adding to my list to use this time around!

  17. I feel like it was only a matter of time before someone “invented” this. I’m sure it’s wonderful, I would have liked it when I was young (I wet the bed a lot haha) but I can’t help but think of puppy training pads when I see it!

  18. Potty training is not the easiest thing ever but that potty chart probably would help a lot! People love reward systems!


  19. Giving rewards does help them take a pride in their achievements 🙂

  20. I know kids that have trouble way into their double digits, sometime it is physical. Love this for those who just need a little inspiration

  21. This is awesome! We just started potty training so I probably will need these at some point.

  22. I’ve never heard of these before. I’ll have to keep them in mind, I might need them one day.

  23. Thank you for this informative post.

  24. I wish I knew about these 6 months ago when I was changing sheets daily!! I will have to check them out for the next kiddo!

  25. My six year old is almost day trained and I know that we’ll be using these to get him night trained soon too!

  26. I love night time help for training. I used extra bedding with daughter, but will for sure use these coming up with Son! Glad to know there are other options besides changing sheets every morning.

  27. Awe, it’s good to see him starting to be able to regulate that stuff himself.

  28. These are awesome, I wish I knew about them a year ago! My daughter is 4 but it seemed it took forever to get a hang on holding it overnight!

  29. These are a great idea. Wish they would have made them years ago when my kids were toddlers.

  30. This is absolutely wonderful for Zane!

  31. We haven’t needed overnight mats, yet. But it’s good to know these are available if things change. So far, my 2 1/2 year old has stayed dry most nights and through nap time.
    But #2 – that’s a whole other story. He still prefers to poop in a pullup 🙁

  32. Walmart always has the best prices. I love them!

  33. What a great invention! Wish those would’ve been around when my daughter was younger!

  34. I loved the goodnight mats when we used them. Such a life saver! Lucky we only had to use them for a week or so, but it was nice not to have to wash the sheets everyday!

  35. Fantastic! I’m glad they are working so well and I hope they continue to give Drew confidence! I love his smiling face while holding his sticker chart! You can tell he is so proud!

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