Black Friday ~ My First and Last Time!

The Chaos of Black Friday Shopping
~ Last Night Was My First Time; Now My Last Time ~
Black Friday Mama Luvs Books 
I’ve always heard about “Black Friday” and seen the various newscasts the next day with people waiting in lines and pushing each other through the front doors, so I’ve been a little afraid to venture out myself. This year as we were visiting friends in Alabama, my friend asked if I wanted to go out with her to shop. I decided since she wanted to go early and not the midnight start times I hear about, I thought I would go ahead and check it out
We drove past Toys R Us and the line to get in was wrapped around the front of the store. We chose to keeping on driving and go on to Michael’s for some wreaths on sale and not stop at Toys R Us. Michael’s seemed to have some good sales and my friend found what she was looking for and checked out without any line at all. Now that’s my kind of shopping! After that we decided to head to Target. She had a few items she wanted to pick-up there. It was about 9:40pm on Thursday night.
Black Friday Mama Luvs Books
We got to Target and noticed the parking lot was full. We found a spot around back and headed in. We walked by a gated off area on the side of the store that looked like a spot for people to line up. No one was lined up though, so we didn’t know if we were early or late for the opening. Well, after we headed in the door I realized we were late. The store was packed. Doors opened at 9pm! There were empty bins and people walking everywhere. We could not find a cart in sight, so you had to keep in hand anything you wanted to purchase. The toy section was our first priority. My friend found a scooter there (the second to last one) and picked that up first, and then we saw it………THE LINE!
Black Friday Mama Luvs Books
I could not believe this was the checkout line. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It literally wrapped around half the store. My friend was smart and asked me to pop into line while she was searching for a few things. It started in the children’s clothes section, wrapped down the aisles through the home goods, down past the toys (again), to the electronics, back to the toys (for the third time), down to the grocery section, up the frozen food section, and then finally back up to the front of the store. It was incredible. I normally would never get in a line this long (unless I was at Disney World, and even then not so sure), but we were there and decided we would stick it out and see how long it would take. My estimate was about one-two hours. Luckily, it only took us 52 minutes. Not too bad considering I was thinking it would be longer. 
Black Friday Mama Luvs Books
Some people were irritated with the lines and left, some got in line like we did and sent others out to shop, but overall people were civil and kind to each other and having fun. My friend said it could have been much worse. I did not see the initial grabbing of TVs (the stand was empty when we walked in), so I’m not sure how that went, but when we got there the worst seemed to be just the long line. We made friends with the people in front of us (they were very entertaining), and my friend was able to find a few good deals. So, overall success with Black Friday shopping, but since I am someone averse to standing in any kind of a line and being around crowds, it is not something I will be doing again. I would gladly pay an extra $20 to anyone not to have to stand in line. The online deals for me are good enough. I know this is a family tradition to head on out to the stores after Thanksgiving dinner for some people, but it is just not for me. To those that go I wish them all the best, but I will be sitting on my couch, watching TV quietly, and shopping online next year.

Almost forgot to mention, the worst part was that the Wii game I picked up was a complete rip off. I am returning it tomorrow. I found it $10 cheaper on Amazon when I got home! I’m glad my friend got some good deals though! Me, not so much! LOL!

How Do You Feel About Black Friday Shopping?           



  1. Wow! A regular shopping day is enough for me, I wouldn’t have the patience to attempt Black Friday shopping. Glad everybody was civil there though! 🙂

  2. I’d rather shop at Target with my coupons on any other day. Last week I spent $215 and save $135 with coupons. To me that is way better. And I am learning to shop for other things online.

  3. So, I went to my very first black Friday shopping experience too. I thought since I live in a small town it wouldn’t be that bad. Boy was I wrong! We went to Walmart to get that awesome Xbox deal…well that line wasn’t so bad, but seriously the rest of the store was a NIGHTMARE and total chaos. I looked at my husband and said, “NEVER again!” and honestly if it wasn’t for that awesome deal on the Xbox, and it going to be the family gift and if it hadn’t been for the Skylander game that came with the xbox all for less than what the xbox costs normally by itself…well…it would not a have been worth it. Honestly, it made up for itself..this year. But quite frankly we don’t’ make big purchases like this very often..usually only once every 5 years. So, I don’t think we will be doing another Black Friday sale event. I much prefer shopping online. 🙂

  4. I HATE IT! I rather spend more than spend time on those crazy lines. Besides, I prefer to shop locally or online.

  5. Not a fan of malls / superstores to begin with…I stick to small businesses and online!

  6. I was going to intent shopping last night the mall was going to open at Midnight, I got there at 11:20 and there must have been about 350-400 in line already! I decided to go home. I went out again around 8:30 am and the mall was pretty empty, I got what I needed and only spent $32!

  7. i do just as good online from my comfortable couch with a nice cup of coffee– i almost finished my shopping between last night and today .

  8. I’ve never gone out to the stores on Black Friday. I love getting y deals from home on my computer! A cup of coffee, a good movie, the kids playing after setting up the tree and some online shopping – that’s the way I love spending Black Friday!

  9. Could you imagaine how that one person who went to just pick up a forgotten ingrediant for thanksgiving desert must have felt seeing that line…that would be horrible…

  10. LOVE IT! My friends and I get up early, leave the kids home w/ hubbies and enjoy the hunt for the bargains. We went out at 6:00 AM and just got home about 7:30, found almost everything on my list!

  11. I’m really glad I didn’t go shopping. I hate lines and I hate crowds. Noise isn’t happy making either.

    I’m glad it wasn’t too bad for you guys though.

  12. That is nuts! I’ve never attempted to go shopping on Black Friday and this is exactly why haha. 🙂

  13. That is crazy. I avoid the stores. I can’t stand the rudeness of people in crowds. I get really cranky too. LOL

  14. I don’t live in the states so we don’t get the real Black Friday madness… They offer deals here in Canada but not anymore close to what you guys have… I wouldn’t go shop in stores though, it’s a waste of time. I prefer shopping online or just when it’s more peaceful in the stores!

  15. I avoid all Black Friday madness. I do not like crowds.

  16. I’m with you–would rather spend more and get trampled less!! I walked out of a veggie store the day before Thanksgiving this year–could not move in there–the lines-well–I walked out—I think I will give up shopping for anything in any store at this time of the year!! On-line is just fine with me!!

  17. Very interesting crowd there at Target. I saw my local Target getting ready before the even started. Long lines can be intimidating but well worth it if you get the right product for a really big savings. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  18. Black Friday is still very new to Canada. I only heard about it when I started blogging and met Americans. I would not want to shop with all those people and lines even if the deals were good. I’ll stick to online shopping. Black Friday seems really stressful.

  19. I did it once, two years ago and I stood in line for 2 hours in the freezing cold. I did snag some great deals but I’ll never do it again. I prefer to do my shopping online or on small business Saturday. Those lines are for the birds…lol!

  20. My boyfriend did black friday at Walmart with his mother and her boyfriend and at Target by himself. He was in and out of both stores in under 30 minutes. Thankfully we have good stores that have never gotten crazy and have things in place to keep chaos at bay.

  21. I didn’t go out til last night, so the crowds were all gone and stores were still stocked up. I scored a ton of deals at Gap for myself but Target’s prices were better last week than they were yesterday. On every single toy I had looked at last week that were on my girls’ lists.. the prices on them were high last night. i’ll be waiting til they go on sale again to shop there!

  22. I never have and don’t think I ever will go shopping on Black Friday. I do a lot of my shopping online, and then will venture out for gifts as it’s closer to Christmas. I find good deals then, too!

  23. Looking at the photos gives me anxiety.

  24. I have never gone out, my husband tried this year and he came home quick and said it is not worth it, lol. I prefer cyber shopping this time of year. I actually hit the clearance sales after Christmas and put the stuff away for the following year. We do not have the latest and greatest (though one just release toy for each child is allowed), but we save a ton which allows me to donate more to others.

  25. Oh Black Friday…… I haven’t done it in a few years and I don’t think there is anything that I’ve wanted so badly that I have had to camp out at 3AM! Thank goodness Zac hasn’t requested something ridiculous from Santa yet, but he’s only 4 so I have a few more years before I’m totally in the clear 😉

  26. My husband and I went to black Friday in 2006, and never have nor will again. At least with the super early crazies. I went to Joann’s last night and was buying my super cheap felt with lots of old ladies! 😉

  27. Ugh, I hate black Friday! I have shopped it only once in 18 years! I have done an excellent job of finishing my shopping before Thanksgiving every year just to avoid these lines! Sounds like it was at least civil though

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