Nutrisystem Week 25: Weight Loss is a Journey; Not a Race

The Twenty-fifth Week……… 

~ My Goal is to Live Healthy  ~

I’ve just finished my twenty-fifth week on the program, and I did well this week with Nutrisystem! I lost two pounds! For me it takes eating the food they give you, adding in water, and getting some exercise (at least 2-3 times a week). If you do this without fail, you WILL lose weight with Nutrisystem. As you know I’ve been doing this for a while now, and although I have not reached my goal yet I have learned a lot about weight loss and myself. I learned mainly that this is something I will be dealing with and if I focus on it as “I need to lose weight and diet” then I don’t do as well as when I say “I need to be healthy!” Weight loss is a journey, not a race. I was very frustrated at first since I was not losing as fast I was anticipating. Once I came to grips with the fact I should be focusing more on just being healthy and living a healthier lifestyle things got easier.
Things I Learned from Nutrisystem:
1. Keep my goals realistic
2. Don’t give up (even when I regress) ~ Every day is a NEW day!
3. Drink water (BIG TIME)!
4. Watch what I am snacking on and why (am I bored, emotional, or really hungry) 
5. Eat more fruits and veggies
6. Portion control (restaurants serve way more than a portion)
7. Prepared foods like Nutrisystem provides can taste GOOD!
8. The program works when YOU work it! You have to WANT to lose weight or you won’t! And it can be FUN!
Things That Held Me Back:
1. Traveling a lot over the time I was on the program
2. Not watching my snacking on some days
3. Not exercising on a regular basis
4. Not getting in enough water
5. So busy with my kids we ate out a lot (this was a BIG ONE)
* I do realize that these are all excuses and if you really want to make it work you will ~ Nutrisystem is NO FAIL if you do it right!
My Accomplishments:
1. I lost 13 pounds!
2. I went from a size 12 to an 8!
3. I feel better about myself now!
4. I dress in better clothes, wear make-up, and feel healthier.
5. I like to exercise!  
* And I would like the THANK Nutrisystem for making a difference in my life and helping me to lose weight and feel better!

What I Will Do After Nutrisystem:
1. Continue to exercise
2. Continue to watch portion sizes and focus on fruits and veggies
3. Drink more water
4. Continue on my journey to BE HEALTHY each day! ~ Life is short, be healthy for yourself and your family! Just make being healthy part of your lifestyle and you will never have to “diet” again!

BEFORE PIC (Size 12, not happy and wore sweats a lot):
Mama Luvs Books
AFTER PIC(Size 8, happy and more comfortable with myself):
Mama Luvs Books
(With Friends at Give & Glam this Past Weekend – I am second from the left in black pants)

Starting Weight: 165
Current Weight: 152 (Lost 2 Pounds this Week!!!)
Total Loss: 13 pounds!!! And not stopping yet! I will continue some future posts to let you know how I am doing! Still 15 more pounds to go! I will eventually get there by living healthy! It’s not a race for me, just my life’s journey! Thank you to Nutrisystem for giving me the tools I need to continue this journey!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Disclaimer: I am receiving the meals free of charge as a participant in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.


  1. Congratulations! I need to do something, I feel like a before on a make-over show.

  2. You did awesome and it certainly shows. You are beautiful!!! 🙂

  3. You look great!! good job!

  4. Wow, that is awesome! Great job. I can definitely tell a difference between the two photos.

  5. There is definitely a difference!! You look GREAT!! xo

  6. Very inspiring! You look amazing keep up the good work 😀

  7. Good for you!!! Love the before and after pic! What a fun difference!

  8. You look great, you are very pretty. I love your approach, so many are in a rush and want instant results, taking your time is much healthier. Besides that way you will hopefully keep posting and motivating the rest of us to be healthier as well!

  9. Congratulations! Keep up the hard work!

  10. You look so fantastic Kristen! Good for you for sticking with it! Congrats on your success!

  11. Congrats that’s wonderful!

  12. You look great my friend!

  13. You have done great! The before and after pictures show it!!

  14. Good for you! That is great that it is making you feel so confident!

  15. Looking great! 🙂

  16. Congratulations!! You look great as a size 8! You must be so happy and feel much better! Thanks for the info on NutriSystem. I always wondered if it worked…

  17. Congratulations!! You look amazing!

  18. Congrats!!!

  19. I love how you said that weight loss is a journey, not a race – so true! The people who race often end up gaining it back…I think it is much more effective to slowly build better habits that will stick!
    Good for you and congrats on the new you! 🙂

  20. Looking good! I am on week 10 and I have lost 18 lbs but have a ton more to lose, so nice to see someone look so amazing at the end!

  21. Wow, congratulations! What a phenomenal accomplishment, you look awesome!

  22. Congrats, you really look amazing!! Great job!

  23. You look fabulous! I’m impressed that you stuck with it so long. Great job!

  24. WOW, you look so good. Congrats on the weight loss!! I am on week #17 and a little discouraged but I’m holding my heard up and opening my heart to reach my goal. You inspire me, Thanks for this post!

  25. You definitely look amazing Kristin! I’m on week #11, and it’s been an amazing journey for me as well, and I have to say I have learned the same things as you and face the same challenges. Keep up your amazing job, and if you ever need an extra boost to put down those snacking items, you can text/message me any time. 🙂

  26. You look great but you looked great in the before picture too, I understand it was about feeling better and getting healthier so I digress.
    I have tried NutriSystem and absolutely loved their food, I lost a little wait as well too & although I have ‘fell off the wagon a few times I feel a lot better(:
    Good luck to you with your continuing journey!

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