Are You Addicted to Blogging? ~ Take the Quiz and See!

Are You Addicted to Blogging?
photo credit: Kristina B via photopin cc
So, we all know addictions are bad, right? Well, I personally believe that addictions may not always be a bad thing. As long as YOU are in control of the addiction and the addiction is NOT in control of you or causing you or your family members harm. Sometimes an addiction can mean you are motivated to do something well, but as long as you are not too motivated in the sense it can be harmful to you and others. You need to find a balance in your life, and I will be posting more on how to find work-family balance in my next post. The first step is to see if you have a blogging addiction. Take this quiz I created and find out:
Please respond on a 5-point scale and answer as 5 – happens all the time and continue to 1 – never happens: 

Get a piece of paper and write 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 to relate how you feel about each statement below and then add up your total. 

1. I find myself sneaking onto the computer or my smartphone to check my follower count during a giveaway.

2. I check Google Analytics and Statcounter at least once a day to see where my traffic is coming from and for traffic rates.

3. I have a smartphone and check it constantly for emails, Facebook, and other social media sites. 

4. I make sure to take my smartphone with me everywhere, and people pretty much know what’s going on in my life at all times.

5. I constantly get on the computer to blog, comment on other blogs, set-up and run giveaways, check my Alexa rating, check on social media sites for opps, look for new companies to pitch, or anything else social media related.

6. I am in multiple Facebook groups that I check and comment in daily.

7. I go out with my family for family-time, but constantly take pics to later put on my site in a post (because you are always thinking about what would make a good blog post).

8. I get daily visits from the FedEx and UPS people, and some might even know my name.

9. I am up until at least midnight (if not later) doing something blog-related.

10. I get antsy when I’m away from the computer or my phone too long. 

11. I ignore my family/kids to finish up something on the computer until I can get to them.

12. My significant other or close family/friend has had “the talk” with me about limiting blogging time because it’s too much!

13. Dinner has been late due to something blogging-related.

14. All the clothes and toys I own for my kids were free from blogging.

15. My kids are trained to smile on cue and know words like, “Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter, Pinterest, Alexa” and MORE!

Now, add up your total score and find out your results below:

You have some issues finding work-family balance and feel the need to check your site and social media channels constantly. You sometimes put your site ahead of other things in your life you need to do (housework, family, etc.) ~ But, the good news is you are working hard to be a successful blogger and you just need some some help in the work-family balance area. I will be posting soon about how to find a better balance, so stay tuned. 

You are working hard to create a successful site, but without the expense of your family and other obligations. You stay up-to-date with the latest in social media, but only feel the need to check your traffic sources on occasion. You do giveaways, but not constantly. You realize your Alexa rating is not the be all end all. You think of creative content and post fairly regularly.

You are not addicted to blogging in any way. In fact you might just blog for fun or once in a while. You do not worry about stats, finding new places to pitch, applying for opps, or even posting on a regular basis. If your goal is just to have a blog and not to use it as a part-time job or to get a lot of free items, then you are all set. If you are looking to make money or get more opportunities from your site, then you might need to spend more time on the computer networking and posting more regularly.

What was your score? Do you think it accurately shows your addiction level to blogging?


  1. LOL you’ve got me pegged on all counts!

  2. ONLY a 57.

    I think it might need to be adjusted because when I scored so low, I was like, oh man, I need to work harder. LMAO!

  3. I only got a 47 which is clearly wrong but that’s because I don’t own a smartphone yet but I REALLY WANT ONE!

  4. What a great list!!! I scored 48. But there were a couple fuzzy answers for me too 🙂 My kids know that everything I do (almost) is going to end up on the blog. Loved this quiz! I go through spurts with my blog too.

  5. 52, but I’m afraid that the fact that we’re taking the quiz adds another 5 points to our score. ; )

  6. 71………hahaha

  7. How cute! I will need to add my score tonight:)

  8. Love this! I am so very addicted!

  9. I scored a 45, but that is due to not having a smart phone as well…However, I am choosing to believe that it is better that I don’t at this point! LOL Great quiz!

  10. Hehehe, may be I didn’t need to know! Love it 🙂

  11. 40 for me!!! I think that’s a great total!!

  12. Wow I was a 56! I knew I was addicted but I didn’t realize how bad I was, lol. I do need to figure out how to balance my schedule better. I look forward to your post!

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