My Daughter Keeps Adding to her Polly Pocket Collection

Polly Pocket Mania
~ My Daughter Is Loving These Toys ~
Polly Pocket
As you saw in my first post about Polly Pocket toys, my daughter absolutely loved the Polly Pocket Hangout House Play Set and the Polly Pocket Stick N Play Room! She sets them up all around her bedroom and plays with them every night before bed. Well let me tell you how excited she was to add to her collection! She now has the Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop Play Set as well. This was a great addition to her other play sets, especially because she loves the little animals that they come with. 

Polly Pocket Mom Central

Polly Pocket Mom Central

Things she LOVES about here new Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop Play Set:
  • Slides
  • Swings
  • Spinning Carousel
  • Elevator
  • Bath
  • All the little animals
  • Pet Carriers
  • There’s just SO MUCH to do! 
The only thing she did notice with this new set is that the pieces do not have the suction cup bottoms that she loved on the previous sets. She really liked how those kept her Polly Pocket dolls and pieces in place while she played and traveled with her toys. She took this toy with her on a trip and it was so easy to travel with ~ great size. She can also take the Polly Pocket Playtime Pet Shop Play Set as well, but without the suction cups she might be more likely to lose pieces to the set.
Polly Pocket Mom Central

Polly Pocket Mom Central

Polly Pocket Mom Central

Polly Pocket Mom Central
Polly Pocket Mom Central
Another thing my daughter got was the Polly Pocket DVD! She’s watched this DVD a few times already. Her favorite thing about the DVD is that it brings her dolls to life! “I can actually hear what Polly sounds like Mom,” she said. “I can also see her personality.” I think watching this DVD added to her creativity when she plays on her own at night. I hear her trying to talk like Polly. It’s so cute! My son also watches this with his sister. Although not as into it as she is, he still seems to enjoy the DVD with her as well. I definitely recommend adding this DVD to your Polly Pocket collection! 
Polly Pocket Mom Central

Polly Pocket Mom Central

Make sure to check out Polly Pocket toys for your kids TODAY!

   I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Mattel Polly Pocket. I received a product samples and a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.


  1. I didn’t realize polly pockets had a movie! We went through the craze for a while too!!! They are really cool (but I hated changing the outfits on some of them lol). Looks like fun!

  2. I used to have Polly Pockets! Taylor got some for her last birthday, and my mother and I were talking about how they actually used to be “pocket sized”, and I would carry mine in my pocket! lol I didn’t have all those cool new additional things with her. Yes, I’m jealous.

  3. My little sister used to be totally obsessed with her teensie tiny Polly Pocket toys! She would bring her little compacts everywhere.

  4. I never had Polly Pockets, but they look fun! Wonder why they got rid of the suction cups?

  5. Very cute. The little animals actually remind me of Little Pet Shop!

  6. I used to love them when I was a kid when they were the really small ones! They are really cute!

  7. My daughter loved these growing up!


  8. We love Polly Pockets here. Great toys!

  9. Looks like she is having a lot of fun!

  10. Very cute. I have a son who is 20, so never got to have fun with these little things. All I can think of is .. wow.. all the pieces.. LOL

  11. My daughter is 14 and she’s grown out of Polly Pocket, but it took a while and we used to have all the accessories… it’s a great way to stretch their imagination!

  12. There are just so many detailed little doodads as part of the sets. I really think it’s adorable and love that the videos also help bring it to life.

  13. I LOVED polly pockets growin up! i think it is so fun that they are “back”! So much fun!!

  14. I love how the size is so proportional to the size of the dolls. My daughter has a doll house but all her dolls are huge and don’t even fit in it. I think she would love this!

  15. Definitely different than the Polly Pocket I grew up with!! Very cool though 🙂 It’s great that they have revamped and are appealing to a whole new generation.

  16. I remember these so much smaller!! But I actually prefer them in their new size (they are now less prone to getting lost). If I had a girl I’d get her tons of Polly Pockets!

  17. I haven’t heard of Polly Pockets. I bet my grand daughter has. Your daughter looks very happy and content! Lucky her!

  18. Brings back memories 🙂 Looks like fun!

  19. We are also loving this play set. I love that they all connect to each other. Pretty soon they will take over a whole room in the house though! 🙂

  20. We love Polly Pocket in this house! I need to remember this for christmas. Thanks

  21. EEK! I seriously love Polly Pocket! I had my own little ones when I was a kid, and I love that they are back! Now I just need my daughter to be old enough to play with them because they are super cute!

  22. Those are so cute, never knew they had a movie though. I will keep an eye out for those when I start holiday shopping for the foster families. I only have boys so I have no idea what girls want or like!

  23. They’re so cute! I think my girls would LOVE the movie!

  24. My daughter loves Polly Pockets though at 9 years old she’s finally outgrowing them. We got a whole tub full from Craigslist for $30! Great deal! 😀

  25. Oh I need to get this for my granddaughter. Oh wait, she is not old enough yet lol I can’t wait for her to get big enough to have toys like this.

    Thanks for the review.

    Still Dating My Spouse

  26. I seriously miss Polly Pockets. They were so cool when my daughter was young and they are still super FUN! Holiday gift giving – cant go wrong with Polly Pockets!

  27. Those are so cute!! I can’t wait for Olivia to be old enough to play with them (just so I can too!!) They look like such sweet little girl toys, not too old or mature.

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