Why Buy Your College Textbooks When You Can Rent Them?

My husband is a college professor, and one thing he’s told me over the past few years is how expensive it is now for students to buy their books. I was blown away by the cost of them these days, which usually range from $150-$200 per book (even more for some classes). It’s crazy! I remember when I was in college 20 years ago they were $40 and I thought that was insane. You pay so much to go to college in the first place, why have the added burden of paying close to $1,000 a semester for books?
Well, you don’t have to pay that much if you use Campus Book Rentals. It’s so easy! Just search out your book, rent the book, get free shipping, and then an envelope to ship back for free too. You can decide how long you want to rent for, and you can even decide to buy the book if you really LOVE it! I know there were some that I did like to save from College to refer back to, but most I never touched again. 
Books for all subjects like Chemistry, Biology, Math, Education, the Social Sciences and much more can be rented for a fraction of the textbook price! That’s pretty amazing!!!

Some Other Perks of Campus Book Rentals Include:
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
-they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented

Make sure to check them out on Facebook and Twitter for more information!

*This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. Hubby & I are in school & the books can get SO expensive. This looks like a fabulous resource!

  2. I hated buying books for school! So expensive. I love that this a resource where you can rent them. They seem like a great company, too!

  3. Tell me about it, my husband attends the community college and it is really sad that sometimes the books cost almost as much as the classes! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. I will bookmark this company when my daughter gets to college in several years~!!

  5. Wish they had something like this in my college days, luckily the Fire Dept. I worked for paid for most of my tuition.

  6. Awesome idea, but you can also buy used from Amazon and then sell them when you are done too.

  7. I’m glad this exists. College books are way overpriced, and probably where people spend more money.

  8. I didn’t realize you could highlight in the books (I am the highlighter queen!).

  9. I wish we had known about this when my hubby was taking classes. It would have made things so much easier! His books were very expensive…one of them was almost $500 just by itself!

  10. Thanks for the great idea. I’ve thought about renting, but I think it is still cheaper overall to buy and re-sell them for something instead of not having a chance to get anything back.

  11. Wish they had this when I was in college!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This sounds like a really good idea.My son plans on going to school for a Paramedic so I’ll have to tell him about this site.Thanks

  14. This is a great idea and will save students lots of money!

  15. I was thrilled when my grad school program offered almost everything we needed free online! But I love the idea of renting so then I don’t end up with a bunh of books just laying around!

  16. LOL I love that video!
    I wish they had this when I was getting my psych degree!
    Books are crazy expensive!!!!

  17. I remember paying an arm and leg for books just to sell them back to the bookstore for peanuts 🙁 This is so great now that you can rent them!

  18. That’s so true! They’re just way too expensive and I wish I would’ve known about renting them bc that would’ve saved me lots of cash. I always tried to sell mine back, even though it wasn’t for as much.. at least it was something. The Rentals is a great great GREAT idea.

  19. That’s so true! They’re just way too expensive and I wish I would’ve known about renting them bc that would’ve saved me lots of cash. I always tried to sell mine back, even though it wasn’t for as much.. at least it was something. The Rentals is a great great GREAT idea.

  20. I agree that renting textbooks is a MUCH more affordable way to attend college! I have bought some books in the past, ones that I want to keep for future reference, but I also rented some too to lighten the blow to my wallet!

  21. This is great. My college had their own rental program. It was wonderful! Of curse teachers always had their own add-ons or there were ones you thought would be helpful with your major. Overall I was great in that it saved tons of money.

  22. The VA is paying for my husband’s schooling and books until the end of the year. I dread the cost of books after that!

  23. These books costs have gotten crazy. Too bad there was no service like this when we went to college! Hmph!

  24. $200 per book?! That’s too much 🙁
    Renting is a great idea if textbooks are that expensive.

  25. What a great service!!! I’m going to be taking online courses in the spring and will definitely be checking out this service! Every savings helps!

  26. wish I knew about this when I was in college

  27. Awesome

  28. My parents have a book store, I couldn’t believe how expensive they are!

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