We want to Pay it Forward to our fans!
A small, wonderful group of bloggers have come together bring you this 4 hour flash giveaway!
$27 Wal-Mart Gift Card (or winner can choose Paypal) – Easy entries!
Open to US & Canada (Canadian winners receive Paypal)
Don’t miss out come & enter this flash giveaway ends @ Midnight EST!
Here are all the fantastic bloggers who have contributed to bring you this flash giveaway!
When you can stop by and say hello and enter one of their other giveaways
Emptynester Reviews
Mom Does Reviews
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Mommy & Baby Reviews & Giveaways
Couponing 4 You
Donna’s Deals & More
Zoes Printable Coupons
Mama Luvs Books
It’s Free At Last
Coupon Nurse
Teeth Me
One Mom’s Moxie
Coupon Hauls
Remember you can’t win if you don’t enter! Must be 18 years of age or older and a US or Canadian resident to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I would prefer paypal.
I like to buy everything at Wal-Nart. Paypal is awesome too!!!
i’d be happy with either one!!!
This is a very generous giveaway! Thank you!
I love walmart, we buy everything there, but since I am from canada I think paypal works better
kids clothes 🙂 paypal is great to 🙂
bianca roman/adoruhs(at)gmail(dot)com – i pressed enter too quickly!!! AHHH 🙁
I like to get groceries and such because of the price matching
i prefer paypal cash!!! thank you all!!
I would love to buy something for my fiance, because he is so wonderful and works so hard for his family!!!
We do almost all of our staple shopping at Walmart, but I’d probably choose Paypal. Thanks for the chance to win!
Tracy Awalt Juliano
ohsopetite1 (at) yahoo (dot) com
like to buy anything that they have that has Tweety Bird on it…
i love shopping for groceries and anything else walmart has lol. i only shop at walmart.. i love paypal also ..
Paypal cash please and thank you 🙂
I would much prefer the PayPal cash!
Dog food and printer ink!
I shop at wal mart once in a while so either works for me but paypal good all over
Great giveaway – I’d love the PayPal cash 🙂
I prefer paypal cash, which is fortunate, because I’m from
Canada so that’s my only option in this contest.
Either one would work for me!!
i would love paypal!
I would love either one!
I buy everything at walmart
Walmart would be great, I need groceries. Exciting, I know! 🙂
I would use it for Christmas for my 3 kids!
At Wal-Mart you know I price match groceries! This winter I’m price matching toys, though PayPal could be used towards Daily Deal sites most of the time. I’m not picky! 😀
Paypal would be good for me.
Thanks for the contest.
I would like either or any option. Just winning would be great. I love Walmart, I love paypal.
groceries @ walmart
I love all or any options for gift cards. Walmart is great I shop alot there, I use Paypal. Too. I would just love to win anytime anything for a change. Thanks Mama luvs Books. Bernie Dunne facebook name
i would like paypal cash
walmart, I am considering buying a prepaid cell phone.
I enjoy shopping at Walmart! I would use this GC for Christmas shopping!
I do a lot of shopping at Walmart. Personal & household products, pet supplies, foods, etc.
Save extra on gas
I do all of my shopping at Walmart. I love it there!
I prefer paypal cash rulz!
I would like PayPal cash… Money is always great!
I would get some food and tiny christmas surprises.
I buy a lot of stuff at Walmart, but I would probably use the card for gas.
A Wal-Mart card would be awesome!! We’re there at least once a week! Thanks!!
Stacey Kijowski
my babies need new clothes! 🙂
Walmart is a good spot for the kids school supplies.
Paypal cash would help pay my registration on my vehicle!!
I would use it to pay credit card bills
We buy everything at Walmart it is just up the street.
paypal….the opportunities are endless haha 🙂 ..baby things 😉
I buy everything at wal-mart and I use PayPal a lot! So hard to say which .
I would prefer the Paypal. Do most of my shopping online, but there is a Walmart 15 minutes away, so either is good. 🙂
Pay Pal would be great…but Walmart wouldn’t be bad either..
Paypal! It can be used almost anywhere!! 🙂
Would prefer the PayPal so I could use it for gas.
Paypal…can use it in more places…TY!
I definitely prefer paypal so I can make it stretch.
Paypal would be best for me.
i buy groceries at walmart, can’t beat the prices!
Groceries, clothes, electronics, and seasonal things!
I buy everything at Walmart!
Still need to get school supplies. Its been a rough year..
I prefer PayPal cash.
Clothes shopping, and school stuff.
I love Walmart with coupons. I get good deals !!
Books and crafts!
I prefer paypal just because it can be used anywhere.
Food for a family party!
I would buy diapers !
paypal cash!
i buy food at walmart but would prefer paypal cash. 🙂
I am in canada so i would have to choose paypal
Walmart! And saving up!!
If I won I would use it to get my 2 year old son a suprise!
I wouldn’t mind either one. If I got the Walmart card, I would probably buy a book. If I got the paypal cash, I would use it towards a WAHM cloth diaper. 🙂
Either would be great but I’d think I would like Walmart better!
I LOVE WalMart and really want to get my 4 year old a bicycle!
I love buying all types of things at WalMart, but would love either the card or cash 🙂
Paypal or walmart…I am happy with either. I have a bunch of clothes and stuff to get this weekend, so I could definitely use it at wallie world!
I’d prefer paypal, but love walmart as well 🙂 Would get my dad’s birthday present with either.
I’ll take the Walmart GC and use it to buy my four kids school supplies because right now we don’t have the money.
paypal cash please but I buy my kids diapers at walmart
Walmart is fine!
I’d prefer paypal.
I would prefer paypal
Marin Mandrick
Wal-mart, right now on my shopping list is some hardware for some neat projects I came across on pinterest.
I buy all kinds of things at walmart.
We buy lots of groceries at Walmart, paper towels, t.p., clothes, diapers, wipes, etc.
I prefer Paypal. Thank you!
Groceries! Alysson Liberatore
Just winning something once would be a change in luck