The hottest DVD that was recently released is Hunger Games!!!!
It’s Free At Last has teamed up with other amazing bloggers to bring you this 4~hour Flash Giveaway!!!! One winner will receive a Hunger Games DVD.
What better way to celebrate your holiday weekend than winning this fabulous giveaway?? Enter today to win!!!!
Please take a moment to visit and thank all of these AMAZING Bloggers who helped bring you this fabulous giveaway:

Remember you can’t win if you don’t enter! Must be 18 years of age or older and a US resident to enter.
I would love this to watch with my family!
Hmm..Rachel..I was thinking the same thing…lol..Hunger Game Scent for me also…
I am not sure if I am doing these rafflecopter giveaways correctly, do you need to be a fan of everything on there in order to be part of the contests? I never win, maybe because I am doing them incorrectly.
Hunger Games is my favorite as well as anxiously anticipating Twilight:Breaking Dawn Part2. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful giveaway!
Definitely The Hunger Games!
I’m not sure yet. Really looking forward to The Hobbit coming out in December and also The Great Gatsby
Actually – The Hunger Games. I read the books first and really loved the movie. I thought they did an excellent job. (
I haven’t seen the Hunger Games, but it sure got some good review
I can’t pick just one. I am feeling left out, however. I have never seen Hunger Games. : (
Hunger Games!
Looooveee the hunger games books! Movies great too!,
odd life of timothy green
I loved The Hunger Games!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
The hunger games was amazing! the books were better though.
I loved this movie! Would love to watch it again 🙂
Brave was just awesome, but The Hunger Games was great, too.
I have not watched a new movie but heard lots of good things about Hunger Games.. Alysson Liberatore
Obviously the Hunger Games!! So goooood!!
Battleship &hunger games
The Hunger Games was my favorite movie of 2012!
I haven’t seen any new movies lately. I would LOVE to see Hunger Games. We do not have cable and we don’t go to the movies. It has been a while since I have seen anything new.
Hunger games was my favorite this year
I don’t really pay attention, but my daughters have so wanted to see this!!
Hunger Games
Dark Knight was probably my favorite movie so far this year.
sadly, I haven’t watched any new movies this year, but I am dying to watch the Hunger Games! Loved the book!!!! Thanks!
I have been told this is a wonderful movie. Would certainly enjoy watching it.
My favorite 2012 movie has not come out. Not sure what it will be, jsut know I haven’t seen it yet.
I just rented the hunger games last weekend. It was awesome.
dark night
I havent had the time to see any 2012 movies with 2 full time jobs plus my own business 🙁 If I had it at home though maybe this would be my fave!
I havent been to the movies and saw any but im hoping to rent the lucky one
actually so far I think it is the hunger games!
Dark Knight. Jacqueline Ellis
I liked the Dark Knight rises but haven’t seen Hunger Games or read the books. Id like to read the books before seeing the movie.
There were several new movies that I would have loved to seen, but hospital stays, dr. appointments & lack of cash due to 30+ years of muktipule severs medical problems don’t allow for many trips out of the house.
i haven’t been to the movies in over a year and i still have yet to see the hunger games… hopefully i will see it soon! 😉
The Avengers
Dont get to go see many movies but have been desperately wanting to see the hunger games
hunger games was probably my favorite of the year.
I haven’t seen any for 2012 but I am real interested in seeing hunger games after reading all the comments!
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
The hunger games !! Although I really am looking forward to watch Savages !
The Avengers is our favorite movie so far this year.
I would have to say the Hunger Games. It was a pretty awesome movie.
Hope Springs
toystory 3
The avengers!
Hunger Games…of course!!!!
hunger games
Hope Springs
I haven’t seen a single movie this year!
But I want to see Hunger Games because I loved the books!!
Hunger games was pretty good. Young romance and survival.
Cant wait to read the books!!! 🙂 Good luck all 🙂
I’m not sure!! I haven’t been to the movies since before my 1st was born (last movie was May 2010). Possibly the only 2012 movie I’ve seen is The Lorax. I actually haven’t watched it all the way through yet, my kids are 2yrs and 8mos, but it seems good so far!
I do want to see The Huntsman!
The Avengers
American Pie Reunion