Great Ways to Save Money this Summer! Check Out These Tips!

Summer Budget Strategies
Homeowners often look forward to the summer months because household heating bills go down. Those who don’t live in hot climates won’t have need to have the air-conditioner running constantly, so many families are able to save during this time. However, the carefree days of summer come with expenses specific to the season, and if your family is like most, recreation is an important aspect of the warmer months. 

Camping, fishing, hiking and going on road trips all involve a price tag, and if you’ve got active children in your home, you already know the challenges of keeping them entertained and happy when school’s out. Even though it may seem that lowered heating and electricity bills may provide your household budget with some breathing room, other expenses quickly eat up the savings for some families.

Hidden Ways that Summer Can Cost You Money

Most schools in the country still observe a summer vacation for students, and that means that children are present in the household on a daily basis for over two months. If they’re involved in activities, it’s probable that they’ll be needing transportation. Most parents drive more during the summer than at any other time, and prices at the pump are traditionally higher than during other parts of the year. Because you want your children to be active rather than playing video games and prowling social networking sites, of course you’re going to encourage them to have interests outside the home. However, it can take a real toll on your credit card debt.

Make Sure You’ve Got the Right Credit Cards

Because travel usually involves paying for lodging and meals with a credit card in order to avoid carrying large amounts of cash, it’s smart to thoroughly investigate the best credit offers and decide on what works for your specific situation. If you’ve got a good credit rating, your current credit card company may be charging you too much interest. Looking around for a good deal on low interest cards can help cut summer travel costs as well as other seasonal expenses.

How Home Businesses Can Save With the Right Credit Cards

Many people are operating businesses in their own homes these days. Although this offers a pleasant lifestyle, home-business owners often use personal credit cards for business expenses and purchases. Looking into low interest business credit cards can save you money.

Summer is an excellent time for a financial overhaul of both your family and business budgets. The above information is a great place to start.
* Consideration was given for reviewing and posting this article.


  1. Lot’s of great info to think about, especially the credit cards…thnks

  2. Love the blog!

  3. Great info! We are always looking for ways to save a little!

  4. Thanks for the info

  5. Great information! Though right now I’m glad we don’t have any credit cards… LOL

  6. amy guillaume linderman says:

    hubby is currently looking into lower interest cards

  7. Anonymous says:

    awesome info

  8. Wish I would have read abt financial overhaul before the cc. Bad situation withthem right now. If you can’t afford to pay them off each month, don’t use them. Simple as that’

  9. Thank you for the money saving information, especially the air conditioner, that’s a big one for us!

  10. Great information. I follow the pay them off each month
    debbie jackson,
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  11. great money saving ideas we have here for those who cant afford those high bills you can sign up and they base your monthly income and bills and then figure out what your bill should be every month i only pay 47 dollars for electric and gas thank god for that.

  12. thanks for the great tips!

  13. Very informative! Thanks for the tips!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Seems to me that it would be important to have separate credit cards for personal and for business expenses, for ease and accuracy of record keeping. When you open a business checking account, your bank will probably offer you the option of a business credit card. Take it.
    Elaine Sumner

  15. great information and yes its hard to decide what credit card to get but, its always good to research the ones you may want to get

  16. Anonymous says:

    Great info…lots to think about.. love to save some $

    Victoria Findley

  17. this is really informing. great tips that i’ll look into in the future.

  18. Great info, I love to save anyway I can!

  19. thanks for the tips been thinking about changing my credit card.

  20. Thanks for the great tips! I will be sure to keep them in mind.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the tips!
    Cecilia Nguyen

  22. Thanks for the tips.. Truely the best

  23. Anonymous says:

    thanks i love the information that i can find on your page

  24. Anonymous says:

    Love the tips!

  25. Great tips and info…thanks for the post!

  26. Lots of great info there. thanks 😉

  27. Lots of great info! Most people do not realize that just a simple fishing trip can add up! I have been surprised after a short day outing just how much it actually cost! Thanks for the tips!

  28. Teri Crawford says:

    Great information. We currently have one credit card through the military and the only reason we have that one is because it has zero interest, which is amazing. One perk to military life, I guess. Keep up the great work on the blog!

  29. thanks for the tips, and yes the best credit card with the best interest rates because its true once the summers here your going out and experiencing new restaraunts or great adventure so make sure the card you use is the right one thanks again…

  30. Really great info, love your blog. Thanks

  31. Thanks for all you do…

  32. Thanks so much for the information. I’ve been looking for ways to help my finances. I really appreciate your help.

  33. Really appreciated the credit card calculator

  34. Currently investigating cards with no interest transfers, thanks for the great information.

  35. Lisa Puckett says:

    Thank you for the great info and tips!! 🙂

  36. Living in Florida I look forward to the winter months when I can open the windows and leave the A/C off…lol

  37. I really think that children should be encourage to look for other activities outside the home,and yes that will effect the pocket book, that’s why I am always checking the interest on my credit cards.. Thanks so much for the infothe

  38. Great to know about the Business credit you can save with. My husband wants to use his at home business. That will save us money thanks.

  39. Some great ideas I can really use!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Really good tips,and I love saving money!
    Carol Pool

  41. Ronda Guy Loiacano says:

    Really like all the great tips and resources =) Thank You for taking the time to get all this together for all your customers/followers =)

  42. Never thought much about how kids can cost you extra in summer. Even with a son not yet in school, that holds true!

  43. This is definitely a topic we could all use. My electric bill actually increased and of course my grocery bill. I’ve been following these awesome blogs getting some great coupons and advice. Thanks!

  44. this helps me so much thanks for this

  45. Thank you so much!

  46. Eyeliner

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