Mama Luvs Books: Ever Think You Want to do Something Over? See How Things Would Turn Out Different? #CleverDoOver

 Do You Have a Do-Over Moment?
~ How Would Things Be Different ~
When I think back in my life to things I would do over, there are a handful of events I can think of. Maybe something I would have said differently to someone, taken someone up on their offer for something, made different choices, or looked at things before I acted on them. One of these do-over moments that I can recall is the fact that I decided to live at home during college. 
I went to George Mason University in Virginia, and it was only a 20 minute drive from my house. I decided at the time since it was so close I would save my parents the money and live at home. They said I could live on campus if I wanted to, but it was a huge expense. I was also a little nervous about moving away, so after going back and forth on what to do I made the choice to stay at home and I would decide the following year about moving out.
George Mason University
Looking back, I should have made the decision to live on campus. I was a bit shy in high school and in my first year of college, so it would have been good for me to interact and live with others. I remember just going to campus to go to classes and then I would go home. The other students were having fun bonding all day and night, doing activities on campus together, and experiencing things that I was never able to do. I never did live on campus, but moved out and lived in an apartment later in my college years.
I did make the right decision to join a sorority though. I figured out pretty quickly as I was left out of everything from staying at home that I wanted a do-over on the choice to live at home. I wanted to get involved in campus life somehow and make some friends, so I rushed and joined a sorority called Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII). It was a great decision, and it helped me in so many ways. I finally had some friends on campus, it gave me a social life, and it helped me with becoming confident enough to speak in front of groups. I eventually became a confident person and a teacher who could speak freely in front of groups.
AOII Gamma Alpha Chapter

AOII Gamma Alpha Chapter

AOII Gamma Alpha Chapter
I think many people can always think of things they could have done differently in life, and think about how the different choices might have affected their future. The thing is you never know how different decisions truly would have changed things, and if they would have made things better in your life. Maybe everything just happens for a reason……
One thing you don’t want to have to do-over though are the dishes! Who wants to deal with that mess twice? 
From Frigidaire: The Frigidaire Gallery™Dishwasher gets dishes fully cleaned the first time, so there are no dish do-overs. Nearly half of adults admit to re-washing and/or re-drying dishes after the dishwasher cycle has been completed. To prevent dishwasher do-overs, Frigidaire® is stepping in with its new Gallery® Dishwasher featuring the OrbitCleanTM Wash Arm, ensuring dishes are cleaned right the first time. 
I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own. 


  1. I did not attend college although I wish I had. I can see though why you wished to stay at home and you did make the best of it by joining a sorority and it seems like it was a wonderful ideal. I need a new dishwasher and I can think of some things I could do over so I will have to check them out on Facebook.

  2. Hmmm, I always say I wish it could erase my first marriage. I was too young and not thinking. On the other hand… that marriage did give me one beautiful blessing… my son. So I guess I agree that everything happens for a reason.

    And no, I hate having to re-do the dishes 🙁 Which is why I actually scrub them before throwing in the dishwasher, hehe.

  3. Boy oh boy, so many do-over moments. I didn’t go to college til I was 30, so I missed out on the entire “fun” experience. Bummer.

  4. LOVE THE PICS!! I always wanted to join a sorority but never went to a school that had one. Due to my own poor choices, I attended a community college. I guess we all have moments we wish we could do over!

  5. I didn’t attend a traditional college… I did it over the internet. I guess that would be my ‘do-over moment’. It would have been a great experience.

  6. I would have returned to Umass Amherst after the semester I had to take off and finished my degree in communications THERE instead of coming home and attending 2 other colleges, changing my major and not graduating.

  7. I also lived at home during college and wonder what kind of experience I might have had if I lived on campus!

  8. My school didn’t have any sororities so that is something I would want to do over. 🙂

  9. My parents wanted me to go to a University in our state and live in the dorms. I didn’t want to at the time. I moved out and went to community college and got a job. I wish I had experienced life at college now though.

  10. I had to live on campus – it was 3 hrs away from home! I wish I hadn’t gone home so much on the weekends though during my freshman year.

  11. I too wish I lived on campus. I feel I missed a little of the college experience by not living on campus.

  12. I feel the same way! It is a life I feel like I missed out on, and how awesome of Frigidaire to give $1 per entry?!? Very cool!

  13. I loved my sorority so I wouldn’t want to do over that. I would want to do over a bad relationship that I got involved in though!

  14. The only thing I would do over is going back and not starting to smoke!

  15. I have to be honest and say I really don’t have any do over moments! I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done, even the bad stuff! They all make me who I am. I loved sorority life too! I didn’t know we had so many sorority girls in our group! 😉

  16. I could really use a dishwasher that didn’t require me to have any do-overs. Maybe when I get a house. As far as life goes, I would like to have quit working after I got married and finished college. We really didn’t need me to work and it would have been good to finish school before the kids came.

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