I was lucky enough to be at the grand opening event of the new flagship Walgreens Store in Boston, MA, #BOSWAG. It is located at the corner of School and Washington Streets in the heart of Boston. This highly traveled and touristy corner will bring in many customers to the new store. The offerings this store has will amaze those that decide to visit it. I want to share with you all the aspects of the store that I believe sets it apart from all … [Read more...]
Boston Walgreens Flagship Store Recently Opened; A Store You Don’t Want to Miss!
Filed Under: Uncategorized · Tagged With: Alcohol, Boston Walgreens Flagship Store, Freestyle Coca-Cola Machine, Fro-Yo Bar, Grab-N-Go section, Grand Opening, Juice Bar, LOOK Boutique, Mama Luvs Books, Modern Pharmacy, No7 Products, Sushi Bar, Washington and School