Disclaimer: As part of the StreamTeam from Netflix, I am participating in this post. Incentives are given for being a part of the team; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.
My daughter is 11-years old, and for the past few years all she has talked about is how much she loves school and in particular math and science. Being a former middle school teacher, I know how challenging it can be to get kids (especially girls) interested in math and science as favorite subjects. I am elated to see her excel in this area. She currently aspires to be a computer engineer when she grows up, as she stated below on her Back-to-School Night project I saw above her locker.
One of her new go-to shows on Netflix is the original series Project Mc². It really resonates with her because of the math and science components and the age of the characters. This show promotes how being “smart” is the new cool for back-to-school this year. The show features four supercool teen spies who show how girls can use their science smarts and math problem-solving skills to save the world. How cool is that? You can check out a clip below:
Netflix StreamTeam also provided us with some cool experiments for my daughter to complete. She’s worked on a few and loved seeing what happens with the experiments. Who doesn’t love wearing science goggles and seeing what happens when chemicals are involved? Another fun activity has been watching the first three episodes of this new original series on Netflix! Her favorite character is the lead, McKeyla, who she also has a doll of now for her collection. I love seeing strong female characters that are smart and show our growing girls that they can be anything they want to be! Make sure to check this show out with your tween and teen daughters too!

See a science experiment in action below! My computer engineer in training!

She even had a lab assistant named Darwin!

I think it’s so important for all kids to develop a love of math & science at a young age! That Netflix show sounds really cute.
That is so awesome. My daughter is 10 and she loves math and science, too. But her current aspirations are animation and fashion design!
My kiddo loves science and math too. He might be a little too young for this one yet, but I will keep it in mind as he gets a little older! It is really cool!
Oh that’s cool! My daughter is only 3, but I bet she’d watch this! She might not understand it all, but it sounds too good and positive to miss!
My daughter just went to a STEM camp and she loved it! She will love this new show on Netflix.
I don’t have any girls but my son does enjoy science and math. I’ll have to tell him about this show!
Now I think that is so cool that they are starting to accept girls can love science stuff too! And now even encourage it! That kit is awesome.
My kids were always interested in Science. They like to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy. Netflix has a ton of great shows to choose from.
My family loves Netflix. I love the great selection of movies and shows you can choose from. My kids love Science. It is fun to try experiments with them.
I have to tell my daughter about this. I would like her to get into more math and science.
My kids are a little too young for this show still. But I think it sounds like a great show!
I love that there’s finally some role models for young ladies who are interested in math and science! It’s taken too long to get them!
I think my girls would love this show. Math and science are so important. It is great when kids have a passion for it.
My daughter hates math. I hope I can get her to watch this.
Project Mc² sounds like such a great show! I loved math and science growing up and wish this show had been around then!
I love any kinds of motivation that can help girls to like technical subjects