Claddagh Rings from Celtic Wedding Rings

Disclaimer: I was given this product for review; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.

I remember in high school when many of my friends wore Claddagh rings to show off their relationship statuses. I always wanted one, but never had one until I found them at Celtic Wedding Rings. This company is based in Ireland, and the ring I just received is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! It’s elegant, shiny, and I love the braided backside of the ring. They have all different style Claddagh rings to chose from. Ones with stones, gold ones, silver ones, and all different styles of bands. You definitely have to check out their selection of Claddagh rings

As I stated earlier, the Claddagh rings show a symbol of your relationship status. If you are not aware of this Irish tradition, here’s how it goes via wikipedia:

  1. On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, the wearer is single and may be looking for love.
  2. On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, the wearer is in a relationship.
  3. On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, the wearer is engaged.
  4. On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, the wearer is married

This traditional Irish ring represents love, loyalty, and friendship. I love that you can get the Claddagh rings delivered right to your house directly from Ireland. They have quality jewelry and fast delivery. 

Claddagh Rings

The company has so many wonderful handmade rings to choose from and the quality is amazing. They have Celtic wedding rings, Irish wedding rings, birthstone rings, engagement rings, and much more. You can create your own ring for them to design and it’s completely handmade for you.

Claddagh Ring from Celtic Wedding Rings

I visited Ireland a couple years ago, and this country is absolutely amazing! The people are great, the sites are fabulous, and the overall vibe there is a friendly and fun atmosphere. If you ever get the chance to go, make sure you go! For those that do not get that chance, at least you can order items that will be mailed to you directly from Ireland. I think that is so cool. Right from their country to your door! Sláinte! Cheers to good people and great Ireland-based companies.





  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    That is a gorgeous ring. I have never had a Claddagh Ring before 🙂

  2. I love Claddah Rings. I may not be Irish, but I really appreciate their traditions.

  3. I have never heard off these rings before!! I love the story and tradition with the ring! Looks great on you!

  4. Wow, what a pretty ring. I had an old friend who had one, but it was not this pretty. Thanks for sharing the traditions behind it.

  5. I totally wore one after college… we got it from a beautiful shop owned by an Irish woman! I loved it! …just not the boy!

  6. I love the idea of Claddagh rings! The one you have looks so cute! I’ll have to see their selection.

  7. This is a beautiful ring. I have always wanted to get a Claddah ring.

  8. I would love to go to Ireland someday. The Celtic rings are gorgeous.

  9. I think these rings are gorgeous and I have always wanted to know what the different meanings were. Very cool that each way signifies a different status.

  10. I have never had one of those rings before. I absolutely love the ring and the story behind it.

  11. That ring is so pretty. I have always loved Claddagh rings.

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