Easy Made Snow Ice Cream Recipe!



With the Blizzard of 2015, Winter Storm Juno, descending upon Rhode Island, we had to go out and grab some snow to make delicious Snow Ice Cream! With all of that snow, we might as well put it to good use! Yum! How do you make snow ice cream you wonder? Well, it was quite simple. Here’s the recipe:

1. Head out and find FRESH fallen snow (of course) and grab 8 cups of it! We used untouched snow from the backyard.


2. Take your 8 cups of fresh snow inside and mix in the following:

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/4 cup sugar (or a little less if you don’t like it too sweet)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of sea salt/rock salt OR any salt


3. Just stir and EAT! So delicious!!! Ice cream made in minutes! And much cheaper than getting ice cream at the store. Who knew this blizzard snow would be great for making ice cream! Kids loved helping! You can also add FRESH STRAWBERRIES if you have them, or CHOCOLATE CHIPS! Get crazy and create your own flavor of Snow Ice Cream!





  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    Since we just got about 3 feet of it, the timing of this is perfect. I will have to try it.

  2. That is really cute! LOVE it!!!

  3. I LOVE snowcream! It’s delicious. We used to make it every four years back in Alabama. That was about how many years it was in between any sort of real snow.

  4. It looks like I moved to Florida a little too soon! I don’t think I’ll have many opportunities to make this now. =(

  5. I’ve never tried this before. I live in Rhode Island, though, so there’s not shortage of snow for me!

  6. This recipe sounds good, but I’ve never done it myself. I’m actually sort of grossed out to try it,

  7. Oh what fun. I have never thought of nor seen this before. This is awesome… Thanks for sharing.

  8. We get a lot of snow here. I will have to try this recipe the next time it snows. I hope everyone is safe during the storm.

  9. Snow ice cream is the best! My kids LOVE making htis!

  10. Snow cream is one of my favorite parts of getting snow! It’s rare but it does happen every once in a while in Alabama.

  11. Really? you mean I can make use of all that white stuff everywhere? Done! I’m so trying this!

  12. I’ve always thought this was a neat thing to do. I can’t believe I’ve never tried it yet!

  13. This would be so much fun! Too bad we don’t have any of this white stuff in Arizona! We will have to make this next time we are at Nana’s house!

  14. Snow cream is my favorite! I wish we had enough snow to do this !

  15. We very rarely get snow, but if we ever do I’ll definitely have to remember this!

  16. We made this last year. My kids got the biggest kick out of it.

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