You Are Stronger Than You Know….. #MyHeroMom

I participated in an Ambassador Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for the Northwestern Mutual Foundation. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.



I still remember the call. I was home alone in my apartment when my mother called me late one afternoon. She was quite upset, and I had to get her to calm down to tell me what was going on. Finally she said, “I have cancer.” I sat there for a second, and then just replied, “We will get through this. Let’s just figure out what we need to do next.” I am one who can get upset about small things in life, and I am working to be stronger in those instances. However, when it comes to big things like this, I end up being stronger than I would even imagine I could be. I felt she was upset and confused, so I could be that rock for her to help and bring some order to the chaos of the situation. This made her stronger as well, and she made it through. Mothers that go through these issues with cancer and other illnesses are truly heroes, just like my mom.


Both my parents have had some form of cancer in the past few years, but both are in remission and leading great lives. We are lucky in that sense. I know many other close family members and friends who have not been as lucky. Whenever you hear the word cancer you know it is serious. It’s going to be a fight. We also have friends who have had young kids with cancer, and some that have even lost their kids at an unbelievably young age. It just doesn’t seem right when that happens.

I love that Northwestern Mutual is helping to raise money for childhood cancer by initiating the #MyHeroMom program with a $25,000 donation to ALSF, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. In celebration of Mothers and with this past weekend being Mother’s Day, people are encouraged to honor moms who have touched their lives and help to generate another $25,000. The full campaign donation of $50,000 will fund 1,000 hours of childhood cancer research. How amazing is that? For each social action (image upload, Facebook share and like, tweet and retweet) generated by consumers, the Northwestern Mutual Foundation will donate $5 to its nonprofit partner, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF).


How can you share on Facebook?

To share a photo of your mom or special woman in your life, check out this Facebook App page from Northwestern Mutual. The more shares and uploads, the more we can help to raise money for childhood cancer research! I am uploading a pic of #MyHeroMom today! 

How can you help?

Simply upload a photo to Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook, using the hashtag #MyHeroMom. Images should showcase how one values a mother figure in their life! It can be a mom, daughter, aunt, sister or friend. Just share whatever image shows to you that these women are heroes! To learn more about #MyHeroMom, Northwestern Mutual created a one minute video which you can see below:



#MyHeroMom is just one of the many ways Northwestern Mutual is committed to accelerating the search for cures to childhood cancers and to providing support to families battling the disease. Since 2012, the Northwestern Mutual Childhood Cancer Program has supported more than 2,500 children and families and funded more than 26,000 research hours toward life-saving cures. 

Make sure to share your images today! I know many women in my life that are heroes! What it means to be a hero is different to us all, but if you think about the things people do to help each other, the things people endure and get through, and the challenges many mothers face……there are heroes everywhere! Celebrate yours and be a hero yourself by raising money to help with childhood cancer research!



  1. My grandmother passed away from cancer. It’s such an awful disease. I’m so glad that a lot of people, organizations, and companies are working hard to make a difference. Maybe there will be a cure soon.

  2. It sounds like both of your parents are heroes. Neither of my parents has gone through anything like cancer. That has to be so difficult. #MyHeroMom sounds like a really great initiative.

  3. My mom passed away after a long struggle with cancer. I’m so happy that both your parents are in remission…they both truly are heroes.

  4. What a touching post. This is a great thing that they are doing!

  5. So glad you could hold it together and be a source of strength for them. I’ve been through it with both parents as well and it’s not easy. You rock!

  6. What a touching post Kristin; thanks for sharing.. many HUGS to you and our family.. what a great thing…

  7. We have had a few people in our family diagnosed with Cancer. It is terrifying. But we always try to support Alex’s Lemonade. It is such a great cause

  8. Cancer is so awful. my in-laws both had it and it was awful to see them that way.

  9. That’s a great campaign. I hope someday there’s a cure so there’s no longer a need. Great to see companies trying to make a difference.

  10. What a great way to honor your hero mom! Cancer is an ugly disease that needs to be stopped. Praying that someday a cure is found and families don’t have to watch their loved ones battle cancer.

  11. What a blessing to have both of your parents in remission (it would be better if cancer never existed!). Praying that a cure for cancer will be found.

    It’s great to see companies giving back and this is a great campaign!

  12. What a great program! It is so important to keep researching and find a cure for childhood cancer.

  13. Cancer is so horrible and we’ve seen it effect way too many kids lately. I am so glad to hear that both your parents are in remission. Happy to hear about this program, too.

  14. I think your mom is a hero also! I have a number of friends who are battling cancer right now; or their moms or dads are battling it right now. it is a scary diagnosis. That is so exciting to see so much support and companies trying to do what they can to help.

  15. Anyone that knows you knows how strong you can be! So glad your parents are in remission!

  16. Oh I am really sorry that both of your parents experience this, must be really difficult. It’s wonderful that this organization is helping, what a great cause.

  17. Amy Desrosiers says:

    Thank you for giving us hope that you can recover from cancer and live great lives! I recently realized how strong I can be too!!

  18. It’s such a scary diagnosis. The good news is that researchers and doctors have been able to slowly chip away at cancer. Your mom does sound like a Hero!

  19. Praise God. I’m so happy they’re both in remission. This is such a hard journey for the whole family 🙁

  20. What a beautiful tribute to your mom! Sounds like she was a huge influence in your life.

  21. Wow both your parents have had Cancer, those are some crazy odds. I can see why you picked your mom as your hero, but I bet she would pick you as hers.

  22. I have a blogging friend, Amanda @highimpactmom, that is battling cancer right now. She is stronger than she know and we will help her through this. #AmandasArmy

    What a beautiful tribute to your mom

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