Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant……Take the Journey!

So, you’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been hiding for the last two weeks. I’ve been taking my break from blogging by entering the world of Veronica Roth. Don’t know who she is yet? Well, you will soon enough. She is the author of the young adult Divergent series, which consists of three books: Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant. At first the books looked daunting (I chuckle as I write that word and you’ll see why in a minute), because they were about 500 pages a piece. I am normally a pretty slow reader, so I was a bit afraid to pick them up…..however, the chapters are set up so you zip through each one and keep wanting to read on to the next chapter. All three of these books are complete page turners. You won’t want to put them down and you’ll be sucked into the life of Beatrice, Four, and their world. This is the reason I have been MIA. So, why did I say that you will hear about the author soon enough if you haven’t already? The first book in the series, Divergent, will be coming out this March in theaters. It’s sure to be a hit, so you will most definitely want to at least read the first book by then! What are these books about? Let me give you the run down.

Divergent: One Choice; Must Read


Roth introduces you to a world run by factions to keep people living in a more peaceful manner. Or so it should be according to laws of the city. At the age of 16, young adults in this city are tested to see which faction they are best suited to based on decisions and actions they take in certain situations. A child can grow up in a family under one faction, but then they can test and be more suitable for another. Once they get the results, the teenager can choose whether or not to stay with the faction they were raised in or to choose another. Veronica Roth states, “One Choice Decides Your Friends, One Choice Defines Your Beliefs, One Choice Determines Your Loyalties…Forever!”

The five factions set up in the city are: Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). Now you can see why I chuckled above when I wrote daunting. Don’t let the size of these books steer you away from reading them….be brave, be dauntless….and read them! I was thinking about the five factions, and I think it’s so hard to decide where one would fit, as I see a little bit of each faction in myself. My husband told me if it came down to have to pick a faction that I would be Abnegation and he would probably be Erudite. I would have to agree. I also love that I convinced him to read these books after me. He could not put them down either.

I don’t want to say much about what happens in the story, but know that it’s a love story, a story of family, a story of courage, and a story of self-discovery. It takes place in a futuristic world in the city of Chicago. It reminded me a bit of the Hunger Games series in the beginning, but after reading it a while it definitely has a different vibe and storyline. Completely worth reading.


This second book in the series continues with the adventure of Beatrice (Tris) and her trying to save the world around her from an overpowering government, war, and destruction. So many different characters and emotions are intertwined and lead to shaping each individual. This book deals more with questions of forgiveness, identity, grief, and loyalties. It’s so hard to know who to trust and who you should defend. It also exposes secrets and the lengths people will go to learn the truth. Do they finally find out what is behind the fence? You’ll need to read to see!


I was really worried about reading this last book, because I did hear chatter on Facebook about it being the “worst of the series” and warned me to “not read it!” I can’t leave a series unread though, and I wanted to know what happened regardless. I’ve also read some pretty horrid reviews on Amazon, and I’ll have to say after reading this book I disagree. Yes, I was sobbing at the end of the book. Yes, I wish maybe some things could have possibly ended differently. You know though, that is not real life. Some people just need fairy tales I guess. Sometimes things happen and people have to learn and grow from them, and that is what this book is all about. I don’t want to share too much about this book, except for the fact that I thought it was well-written, had many life lessons that were shown, and really ended how it should have. I will let you decide for yourself. You can find all these books on Amazon or at Barnes & Noble!

In all, I loved this series and read it non-stop! I would definitely recommend reading ALL of them, yes ALL OF THEM!!! I cannot wait to see Divergent in March and see these characters come to life on the big screen. And now that I have finished reading this series, I will be back to more regularly scheduled blog postings. Movie preview is below (I personally believe it looks like it’s going to follow the book quite well ~ EXCITED!):




  1. I will have to check this out! It sounds like a more mature version of “The Giver”!

  2. bianca roman says:

    one of my friends has been reading divergent and i’ve heard great things! i love when i get into a book and i cannot for the life of me put it down!

  3. I have not read the series yet, but it’s on my list to read in 2014. My husband finished them recently and has encouraged me to pick them up too. They sound like a great series. But I’m not really excited knowing that I’m going to be in tears at the end.

  4. The series sounds very interesting–always looking for new reads! 🙂

  5. Can’t wait for the movie! I’ve read the first book and need to read the other two.

  6. My teen daughter just started this series and so far she really loves it! Can’t wait to take her to the movie soon!

  7. Sounds like a great series! I have been looking for some new books to read.

  8. I read Divergent knowing it was going to be made into a movie and that kind of killed it. Insurgent, wow, it was very disappointing and the last chapter sort of saved it….I am still not 100% sure on whether I will read the last book or not.

    The movie…well, I will wait for it to come out on DVD.

  9. A friend has been talking about these books and how much she loves them. I can’t wait to pick them up and read them.

  10. I seriously couldn’t put these books down! I had the first two books read in 3 days. And then I had to wait 4 weeks for the third book to be released for purchase! Oh that was agony!! They seriously are the kind that I couldn’t stop reading. I had many sleepless nights with these books, as I couldn’t put them down. I adore them. Although…book 3…yeah….we won’t discuss all the tears shed in that one…but you know what I mean Kristin, we’ve talked about it. lol.

  11. I haven’t read it yet. It does sound like something my son would enjoy.

  12. Roechelle Adair says:

    one of my goals is to start back reading, this series sounds very good, I will have to check them out!

  13. I’m so excited! I’ve been looking for something to read- and this sounds perfect!!! Thank you for sharing! <3

  14. i cant even say how much i want to read these. worse now since you posted ths!

  15. AH!!!! I had no idea this series was being made into a movie!! I loved all 3 books! If you’re looking for another good series that kind of has the same feel, try Poison study!

  16. I have actually heard of these but haven’t read any of them. I had no idea a movie was coming out, though, so thanks for the heads up! I might have to read the first one now. 🙂

  17. My daughter loves these books and is excited for the movie, even though she is disappointed with the casting.

  18. I love it when I come across a book that I can’t put down. This series has just been bumped to the top of my reading list, although I can’t really afford to drop off the face of the earth at the moment. 🙂

  19. I’m in the middle of Allegiant and I’m loving it so far! And thanks for sharing that trailer….I’d not seen it yet and now I’m PUMPED!

  20. You deserve a break! I have heard of these books so they might be worth reading (even though I am not a youth any longer 🙂

  21. haven’t heard of this read, sounds very interesting!

  22. I have heard nothing but great things about this series! A friend of mine just started reading this series. It has been on my list of books to read…I think I may have to start soon!

  23. This sounds intriguing. I must put this series on my To-Read list. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Oh I HAVE to read these now!! How awesome! Great review!

  25. I haven’t read the series yet but you make me want to move it up on my must read list. Thanks for this great review.

  26. Ok, that movie looks really good. Ashley Judd too. Definitely going to check out this series.

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