Say Yes to Less and Keep Your Families Healthy! #SayYes2Less

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Little Remedies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Little Remedies Say Yes to Less

There are so many things that our society overindulges in that leads to bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles. Eating junk food too often, playing on the iPad for hours, consuming more waste in our homes and not recycling, etc. All of these and more can lead to living lifestyles that are not healthy for our families. We need to pledge to “Say Yes to Less!” Less sugar in our diets, less distractions with electronics, and less waste in our homes to add to landfills. As we have multiple things to work on in our family, today I am taking the pledge to “Say Yes to Less Distractions!” I work on the computer all day, we love watching our shows at night, and my kids can’t seem to get enough of the iPad and iPod. We really need to get back to some family time, reading time, and quiet and relaxation time. My site is titled Mama Luvs Books for a reason; it’s not Mama Luvs Technology. I need to get back to reading more, spending time with my family more, and being distracted by technology less.

I took the pledge online to “Say Yes to Less” and you can take the pledge too! Little Remedies is promoting families to “Say Yes to Less” so families can be happier and healthier this new year! What can you do with your family to be healthier? What can you say yes to less of to help your family? I am saying yes to less computer use at home. I want to only be on the computer for work, and then sign off to spend time with my family when I’m done! I am also going to be an example to my kids so they are on technology less as well. We already limit iPad time to weekends, but I would love for them to want to read and do other things besides technology on their own.

Additionally, Little Remedies donated $1 to Make-A-Wish in honor of my pledge which is awesome! Make your pledge today and they will donate $1 in your honor as well!

Say Yes to Less Pledge

I also love that Little Remedies says yes to less as well! Did you know that Little Remedies medications have no artificial flavors, no artificial colors, and no alcohol? They know that there is a better way for kids to get better. They only give you what is needed to make your child feel better without the extras! They are saying yes to less to help keep your children healthy and happy! I have always been a proponent of finding ways to make the kids feel better without harsh medications. I love that Little Remedies is a more natural way to help alleviate my kids symptoms when they come down with a cold, cough, or stomach issues. We’ve used Little Remedies for years. I wanted a more natural alternative when giving medications to my daughter. Our pediatrician recommended Little Remedies to us when my daughter was younger, and we’ve used it ever since. I trust in Little Remedies and feel good about them as they “Say Yes to Less” as well.

Stay healthy this winter! Wash your hands often, eat healthy, and take vitamins! It’s great to try and prevent becoming ill; however, sometimes even taking measures to prevent ailments you or your kids may end up sick. When this does happen, turn to Little Remedies to help alleviate symptoms in a healthier and more natural way! Hopefully we can all “Say Less to Less” this season and keep our families happy and healthy!




  1. Great reminder. I need to do this too!

  2. I wish I could say no more often – too much on the plate and kids running around from place to place – maybe next year will be better

  3. This is a great campaign. We can all make changes….I know I have a few I could pledge!

  4. I love the Say Yes to Less Campaign! I pledged to say Yes to less Negativity!

  5. Oh I really love this campaign! There are so many things I need less of in my life! I don’t know where to begin! Off to pledge!

  6. Say yes to less TV time. We’ve already limited it, but sometimes I let them watch too much on weekends

  7. We are working on this concept at home. We are saying yes to less “stuff” that we don’t need. I like Amber’s idea too!

  8. SAY YES TO LESS!! Lots of things I could pledge to be less of!

  9. Saying yes to fewer distractions is a very good idea!

  10. Great post and an important reminder — especially this time of year!

  11. Awwww I love your video girl! This is a great product!

  12. How fun! We have said yes to less tv time at our house. I need to further that and say yes to less computer time too…boo. But so worth it in the end.

  13. You are so true!!! I love this such a reminder of what is important and what we all should do!

  14. This is such a great campaign, and I love how they donate $1 to Make-A-Wish for your pledge!

  15. Thank you for the great reminder. I love that they are donating to Make-A-Wish foundation!

  16. I think this is a wonderful campaign. The Make-A-Wish foundation is such a great cause.

  17. I’ve spent the last year reducing and I’ve noticed recently that I feel great! I feel less stress and I feel like I’m giving my kids a lot more full attention. I also love that they are giving back to Make a Wish Foundation! That’s one of my favorite charities!

  18. This is a wonderful idea and SO HARD to do when you work from home!!! Great campaign and love LOVE the Make-a-Wish foundation!

  19. We really limit our electronics time with the family. Thanks for the reminder to keep our priorities in line – esp this holiday season!

  20. we say yes to less chemicals whenever possible

  21. Oh this is awesome! Love your motivating video… it’s so hard to balance working at home and family life for me. I needed to read this today!

  22. Good Luck with your pledge – it is a great one! I am going to do this with my 5th grader and pledge to spend less time arguing about bedtime. I am being serious and I hope that he takes it seriously too. He is a stinker lately and needs to be restful and happy when he falls asleep. This might be something that he takes seriously!

  23. I love the say yes to less campaign. I know that I could try to do less computer time and spend more time doing things with my family.

  24. I have a list of things I want to do to make some significant changes in our home, from being healthier to setting time aside for nothing but family – no phones. No electronics. We started it recently and we all agree, we love the quality time we are spending together.

  25. Wow, what a great campaign. I would agree with nicole b. Less computer time so I can be with my family more.

  26. My goal going into 2014 is to be intentional and minimize my load. I so love this campaign! And we actually use Little Remedies since they don’t add in all the things the kids do not need!

  27. My plan for 2014 is to do just this. I am already planning out when I will have yard sales to clear out the stuff in my house that we no longer use or want.

  28. It’s really a struggle when your job is online because the hours just extend and extend and extend. I try to walk away at 8pm but I do find myself back online at bedtime on some evenings.

    I like that Little Remedies isn’t full of all those icky additives!

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