Forget the Fancy $5 Cup; Get your Fresh Brewed Seattle’s Best Coffee at the Rubi Kiosk!

CB-sponsored-post-white-600Rubi2Go heading, #shop, #cbias

I don’t know about you, but my wallet gets a little tired of the sky high prices of the big coffee brands.  Yes, they are good. Yes, I crave pumpkin spice and peppermint as soon as the holiday commercials begin and the leaves begin to fall. Yes, I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee The good news is, there is now another option. Another option, that not only is a little sweeter to my wallet, but a little sweeter to a mom who is almost always in need of a coffee with kids in tow. Here’s the deal, I’m out shopping on my day off, and have a million things to do. The last thing I want to do is stop at a coffee shop, get my kids out of their carseats, wait in line (while I look like a total crazy person, screaming at the girls to please LISTEN and WAIT, while trying to stay in line), and then get my coffee, and get back in the car, strap them back in, get on my way, blah blah blah. The entire experience of the nice warm coffee in my hand has already been ruined.

#shop, #cbias, #Rubi2Go

Today, with my littlest baby in tow (15 months is the prime, I hate shopping carts age), I headed into the grocery store to pick up a few items for tonight’s dinner. What greeted me at the door was more than fresh produce, but a Seattle’s Best Fresh Brewed coffee kiosk. What the heck is that, you ask? Well, it’s a self-serve kiosk where Seattle’s Best coffee is ground, customized, brewed and poured right there, on demand, for just $2 (or less, if you want less fancy coffee).

Rubi2Go collage, #shop, #cbias

It’s October and there is a chill in the air today, so I went right to the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Yuuuuuummmy.    I pulled my cart over, swiped my card (you can use cash, coins or cards), and chose my brew. Within just a minute or two, my fresh Pumpkin Spice Latte was in my hand. And it was JUST AS GOOD as my $5 cup I love so much. No joke. No person you need to talk to, no line you need to wait in, no store you need to enter, just a little old Rubi Kiosk and some yummy coffee choices, right in my grocery store!!! That couldn’t be any easier for me, when I’m shopping with kids. I want to be in, out, and hope not to forget the main ingredients for tonight’s dinner during the shopping chaos. The coffee from the Rubi coffee kiosk is quick, warm, yummy and perfect for a mom on the go. See my *quick* experience in my Instagram video below!!!

You can customize your cup, choose anything from regular coffee to the tasty lattes I love. Find your closest Rubi coffee kiosk by visiting the Rubi site. Not sure if any $2 coffee can be that good?  Well, try a cup for free by texting BEAN2CUP to 727272 for a free coffee code.



  1. This is a genious idea! I remember a coffee vending machine when I was in college being very 1. popular and 2. outdated! haha Great idea to update with good coffee!

  2. Cool! I’m gonna be on the look out for these kiosks now. Thanks for the info!

  3. This would definitely brighten my shopping experience! Yum! #client

  4. A coffee kiosk? What a great idea to help get you through the shopping experience!

  5. I’ve never seen one of those but know of several stores I’d welcome it at!

  6. We had an antiquated coffee machine in college. Glad to see they have made a more modern comeback!

  7. I NEED this kiosk at my work!! Wouldn’t that be amazing!!

  8. sounds good, I have never seen a big coffee machine like this before! I see one I will have to check it out!

  9. I need that machine at my grocery store! And, I need shopping carts with cup holders! You are lucky! 🙂

  10. What a fantastic idea!! I need to try this! I have never seen it before. My eyes will be peeled now!

  11. That is so awesome. I’m gonna try it!

  12. I love this! I’m a fan of Seattle Coffee so I’d totally grab a cup out of one of these! Thanks for letting me know they have them, now I”m going to find one near me.

  13. I need to look and see if we have one of those in a store nearby! You’re right – coffee does make mama happy!!
    Thanks for the coupon code!

  14. Seriously? That is so neat!!! I just wish we had one of these close to us! 🙁

  15. Oh if only we had one of those machines in our stores, lol. Looks like an awesome idea though!

  16. Wow! I didn’t know about these!!! Amazing idea! I love coffee! Drinking some now! 🙂

  17. Wow that is cool! I’ve never seen a kiosk for coffee like that.

  18. Such a great concept! And now I want a Pumpkin Spice Latte 🙂

  19. I can guarantee my husband will be stopping at every one he sees.

  20. Do they have cocoa??? I’m not a coffee drinker but I have many friends who would die to have this near them!

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