Sports Illustrated Kids’ July Issue is Out! Pick Yours Up Today!

Disclosure: I am being compensated for this post as a Brand Ambassador for Sports Illustrated Kids; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.

My kids are both into sports! My son loves playing lacrosse and my daughter is a competitive gymnast. Sports are an important part of our family, and both my husband and I feel that not only do sports provide an outlet for kids to get exercise and be healthy, but it also provides them with a sense of confidence and discipline to better themselves as they grow and mature.

Sports and Kids Mama Luvs Books

Sports Illustrated Kids’ magazine is a great tool to read with them and to show them how other kids involved in sports excel, overcome adversities, learn and grow, and show determination with sports and overall life in general. The July issue of Sports Illustrated Kids (SI Kids) is now out; you can find it with Michelle Obama on the cover surrounded by athletes who are passionate about certain causes. It includes inspiring stories of athletes who use sports to make a difference. One such story focuses on 14-year-old Will Thomas, founder of Operation Hawkeye, a mission that raises support for U.S. Special Operation Forces and military families.

SI Kids July Magazine is Out! Check it out! #spon #SIKids

Because of a tragic military event during the summer of 2011, Will Thomas was inspired to honor our fallen heroes. He committed himself to shoot 17,000 baskets in his driveway as a way to honor them. At the time he was only 12-years old. People in the community began to learn of Will’s challenge and were inspired as well, so they started pledging money per basket for this awesome cause! His mission goal in 2013 is to raise over $300,000 for military forces and their families. Watch this inspiring story at SI KIDS Facebook Page and learn how he is making a difference one basket at a time. He is an example of how even kids can change their communities, and he can help inspire your own kids to do good for others!

Will Thomas

How Can You Join In and Help with Will’s Latest Challenge?

You can check out the E17 Free Throw Challenge, which is a 60-day basketball event where kids all over the country will attempt 1,700 (individual) or 17,000 (team) basketball free throws in an effort to raise money and awareness for military families. How fun is that? And for such a wonderful cause too!

For more information or to participate, individuals or teams can register and pledge funds at the Operation Hawkeye E17 site. All participants will receive recognition from the U.S. Special Operations Command as well as an Operation Hawkeye bracelet. The individual or team that raises the highest donation will receive further recognition and a special prize!

Other Important Facts from SI Kids:

  • Don’t forget to visit the Sports Illustrated Kids Facebook page to watch a video about Will’s inspirational story and ALSO share how your family is using sports to give back and build community this summer.
  • The Sports Illustrated Kids July issue is on newsstands or through iTunes, Amazon Apps, Google Play or Nook Apps stores. So many great ways to get SI Kids! Additionally, you can also subscribe to SI Kids, visit by visiting their site:
  • For more information or to participate in the challenge above, individuals or teams can register and pledge funds at the Operation Hawkeye E17 site!
  • Lastly don’t forget that all participants will receive recognition from the U.S. Special Operations Command as well as an Operation Hawkeye bracelet. The individual or team that raises the highest donation will receive further recognition and a special prize. That’s a great incentive, as well as the fact kids know they are completing the challenge to help others! Sports, determination, and caring kids can help our community!

I hope you make the decision to check out Sports Illustrated Kids today! What a perfect time to subscribe and get your kids reading this summer to keep up their skills. Remember it’s important to find quality and interesting material for kids to read to make them want to keep reading, and SI Kids will do just that!



  1. The free throw challenge….what a wonderful idea!

  2. I had forgotten all about the kids issue of Sports Illustrated. I used to get it as a kid. I need to get a subscription for the kids. Thanks for sharing.

  3. What an amazing cause! I love reading about children who are doing BIG things! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  4. I used to love to read SI Kids!

  5. That’s an awesome cause!!
    Our 6 yr old get SI Kids… he changes up every so often which sport he plans on winning a gold medal at LOL It’s fun to listen to him dream like that.

  6. What a great cause, I don’t know if I could do that many baskets, lol

  7. How neat, it is always fun to see how much of an impact kids are making in this world!! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I never even knew that Sports Illustrated had a kid’s version! That is great!

  9. My kids like this magazine! Lacrosse that is cool!

  10. I loved Sports Illustrated when I was a kid! 🙂

  11. What a great cause. My kids love the Sports Illustrated Kids Version too.

  12. What a great inspiration for all young athletes! I’ve heard that SI had a kids version, but have never looked into it for my kids. Great idea!

  13. not only does it inspire our kids to be active, but to do good as well! Now that the boys are getting older I need to check out SI kids.

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