Start Your Day Right with Maxwell House Single Serve Cups!

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Wake Up with Maxwell House Single Serve Cups! #MaxwellHouseRules #cbias

Coffee is one of life’s little pleasures that I cannot live without. With three little kids and many, many sleepless nights, coffee is my savior and many times what gets me through the day! It was many years of brewing pot after pot, and having my pots go cold (wasted coffee isn’t good) before we decided the Single Serve was the way to go. At first there were limited options for our Single Serve coffee machines, but over the years our favorite coffee brands have gotten the message of their customers busy lifestyles, and now you can get your favorite NEW Maxwell House coffee in this quick and convenient single serve cup!

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I recently purchased my NEW Maxwell House Keurig K-Cups at Walmart (who doesn’t love a deal?) for a great price compared to other coffee brands, and this morning was my first day to try out a nice warm cup. Of course a great pro of using single-serve cups is the speed and ease of use for a quick cup of warm coffee to enjoy at home or on-the-go. Today was a stay at home morning (I work part-time and and home with my kids part-time), so I quickly brewed my NEW Max well House – House Blend Cafe Collection single-serve cup, to enjoy with my breakfast.  I was thrilled that these Maxwell House K-Cups did not disappoint, and it brewed the same great aroma and flavor that I remember growing up as a kid.  My kitchen was filled with Maxwell House goodness, and it really was “good to the last drop.” Although I stayed home this morning, my husband was rushing out the door for work, so I brewed him a quick cup of Maxwell House as well, of course in a to-go mug, and he was able to take his morning cup of Joe with him! He sent me a message from the car…”Thanks for the coffee, hon. Is this really Maxwell House?” He was surprised how great the NEW Maxwell House Single Serve cups are! I confirmed with him that yes, Maxwell House now has K-Cups we can brew in our single serve coffee machine, yay! Its really the small things in life that make us happy.

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So if you’re like me and you grew up with your parents brewing Maxwell House in your home, and you now use a single serve coffee machine at home with your busy lifestyle, you will love NEW Maxwell House Cafe Collection single serve cups. Whether you want to enjoy a cup at home, in the evening or in the car, they are quick, easy, and most of all, delicious.

They remind me of my youth, and help me start off the day with a nice, warm cup of Maxwell House coffee.  “Good to the last drop!”

To see my entire shopping trip at Walmart, check out my Google+ Album. Also, make sure to check out Maxwell House on Facebook!



  1. Carol Plowman says:

    I make Maxwell House coffee often. Would love some free.

  2. Looks so yummy! Love your photos too 🙂

  3. Makes me want coffee right now! Must wait until morning.

  4. We haven’t tried Maxwell House coffee around here yet. Will definitely check it out next time we go shopping! I do hope they have Vue cups though.

  5. Looks great! My Mom is a big fan of Maxwell House!!

  6. I LOVE Kcups! I love Maxwell House too!!!! Always Good to the Last Drop right????

  7. My mom would love these.

  8. I am a huge coffee lover and anyway I can get that good stuff into me faster, the better. 🙂 Since I’m the only one in my family who drinks coffee, single serving options make a lot of sense for us. I am a Maxwell House fan too.

  9. Your pictures are awesome! Makes it look tantalizing and I don’t even drink coffee! Although my sister would love that they make it so easy to have a delicious cup of coffee at home!

  10. I love single serves of coffee. We waste a lot with our coffee pot!

  11. I’ve never tried the single serve cups like this, but I definitely love my morning coffee!! This would be good for keeping from wasting the full pot!

  12. I can’t live w/o my Keurig, so glad to know Maxwell House makes kcups now!

  13. I had no idea that Maxwell House made Kcups. Yum! I need to get some!

  14. Delicious! I have Maxwell House Single Serve Cups at my house too!

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