Social Media Blackout with MetLife: Make Your Mother’s Day Count!

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.


We are all too connected to technology. Whether it be checking email, scrolling through your Facebook feed, searching Pinterest, Tweeting your friends, or reading blog posts and articles, technology is a way of life these days. Kids are even too connected as well. From iPads to iPods, and even Wii games to Leapsters, kids love their technology. I agree that some technology can be educational in value for kids, but it’s when they are too connected and do not do anything except for technology that there are issues. In fact, we have a no technology rule for our kids during the school week. iPads and iPods can only come out on the weekends.

I must say, due to my profession in social media, I am highly connected. My iPhone is always on me, I constantly check my emails, respond to Facebook posts, and work on my blog. I know it’s not a great example to set for the kids, but they know mommy’s job is “in the computer.” They understand this now (it was very hard at first explaining this to them), but even though they have an understanding of this that doesn’t mean they like it. What do they like? They crave quality time with mom and with their family. And this does not mean going to the beach with your kids and sitting there on your iPhone. It means disconnecting ALL TOGETHER! Yes, I said it! Leave your technology at home! It’s hard to do, but that undivided attention with your family will be more meaningful than those ten emails you responded to.

I love that MetLife is having a Social Media Blackout for Mother’s Day this coming May 12th, 2013! What’s a better gift than spending quality time (truly technology-free quality time) with your family? In my opinion, there is nothing greater! When my husband asked what I wanted for Mother’s Day, I responded with, “Let’s take the kids on a little day trip!” And we are going to do this with all technology left at home! You should consider participating as well! Make sure to check out MetLife’s #SocialBlackout on their Facebook page, and join in their group to make the commitment to unplug! I did! Follow them on Twitter all weekend @MetLife to see all the fun action! I am even adding the graphic below as my Facebook profile pic on Sunday to show that I am disconnecting on Mother’s Day and spending quality time with my family! This means I will have to post it on Saturday very late since Sunday will be technology-free! #SocialBlackout time!


Make your Mother’s Day count and make those memories with the family! I’m sure you will see on Monday all the fun pics of my family time in my Facebook feed, but as for Sunday I will be unplugged and my kids will be SUPER happy that mom is truly with them! Happy Mother’s Day everyone, and I hope you consider disconnecting with technology and reconnecting with your family as well!



  1. I will also be spending the day with family for Mother’s Day and refrain from Social Media!

  2. melissaq says:

    Oh what a great idea! Thank you for telling me about this!

  3. A lovely idea and maybe the best gift for your mom…and yourself! Thanks for sharing!

  4. GREAT IDEA! We’ve gotten so used to social media that we forget to disconnect and spend quality time with our love ones! LOVED this post!

  5. Such a cool idea!! It would be a challenge I’m sure for me. I’m always checking my phone etc. It would be nice though to just unplug and try and relax.

  6. We do this almost every Sunday and it really helps!That extra time together instead of plugged into technology is very important and the kids love the attention too. They are beginning to understand that Mom’s job is In the Computer, but the husband is having a harder time accepting it. So it makes a big difference on the weekends when we all unplug and spend that needed quality time together.

  7. I wish we actually spent Mother’s Day together, but Dave is working- as usual- so I’m sure I’ll try to get some writing and girl time in with Addie. If we do get to spend some time together it will be with NO devices- thank you for sharing this. I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!

  8. I will be joining you all on this! We should all do this more. Let’s live in the moment!

  9. I like this idea and hope I remember it on Sunday! 😉

  10. I’ll be joining you all too! I love spending time with my family.

  11. EXCELLENT IDEA! Family time is the best. Thank you for sharing this Kristin!

  12. It’s a great idea. I plan to step away from social media on Mother’s Day too!

  13. Nice reminder to unplug…

  14. This is a great idea. The Hubs happens to be off work on Mother’s Day. Maybe, weather permitting, we can load up & go somewhere to take some photos of the kids or venture out somewhere. May even snag your idea of placing that photo as my FB picture that day 😀 TY for the heads up!!

  15. Great reminder to spend time on what’s important – our family!!! Love this!

  16. It’s going to be tough, but you know what? I’ll do it! 🙂

  17. Love this idea! I create my own “don’t check email” days then I regret it the next day! 🙂
    Happy Mother’s Day to All!

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