The Fairy Hobmother Paid Me A Visit!!!

I have some fun news!!! I was just visited by the Fairy Hobmother! I received an email yesterday out of the blue with that exciting news! How fun is that? I’m sure most of you have heard about the Fairy Hobmother (I’ve been hearing about bloggers being visited for the past few months), but if you have not heard here is a little more about it:

1. The Fairy Hobmother is there to spread random “light and joy across the blogosphere!”

2. The Fairy Hobmother will find you just by leaving a comment on this post!!! Yes, just one comment and right below here!

3. What kind of love will you get? You will get a $50 gift card for being noticed and recognized by the Fairy Hobmother! Fun, right?

4. The Fairy Hobmother has fairy overlords who help with the effort of spreading joy!


Fairy Hobmother


So, would you be interested in a gift card, too? You could be next! Remember, all you need to do is comment on this post telling the Fairy Hobmother how YOU want to be visited too!

Good luck everyone!!!

Disclaimer: I received a $50 gift card for this post, so this is a sponsored post.




  1. Glenda Jackson says:

    I would love to be visited by the Fairy Hobmother. I have several birthday gifts gifts I need to buy this month. Thank you.

  2. How fun! I was recently paid a visit also.

  3. He sent me an email, but I haven’t had a chance to respond to the Fairy Hobmother. This is such a neat idea though.

  4. In my day, I waited for Santa, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. Now I will wait for the Fairy Hobmother. 🙂 This is the first time I’ve heard of these visits. What fun!

    Come see me Fairy Hobmother. You can meet Wendell, my horse. He’s a regular on my blog and He’d love a visit.

  5. I just got an email from the Fairy yesterday!! I Am so excited!!

  6. I would love to get a visit! My main question for the fairy hobmother: What is their hobby – other than randomly visiting and blessing bloggers with fun gifts! Would love to hear!!!

  7. A visit from this fairy would be the best of all! Bloggers getting some love <3 Such a cool notion.
    Plus a $50 gift card… that's some good groceries 🙂

  8. Oh second time finding a post with this fairy. Congrats to you. 🙂

  9. It’s nice to receive a little unexpected surprise sometimes, isn’t it?

  10. The Fairy has been busy lately! What a neat thing. I would love for the Fairy to visit me. I haven’t had a fairy visit in 20 years!

  11. I would love to get a visit from the Fairy Hobmother, I’d like to get something for myself for once.

  12. Oh how fun! The fairy hobmother has visited several of my friends. That would be so cool to be visited – I love the spirit of this. Thank goodness for bloggers! 🙂

  13. Congrats on your visit, I was just visited as well.

  14. The Fairy Hobmother ROCKS!!!!

  15. What a fabulous idea! I’d love a visit!!

  16. Hey Mama!

    Congratulations on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother! It’s nice to see you’re being recognized by the famous Fairy Hobmother for all the great work you do! #FairyHobmotherRocks

    I’ll be over in the corner twiddling my thumbs, writing blog posts and obliterating some great music with my horrid singing voice while crossing my fingers and wishing for a visit of my own 🙂

    PS: Bloggers, if you’re not already submitting your posts on my blog – come on over and get some free links back to your site! #BloggyLove

  17. Cool Beans glad you got your visit.

  18. Love that Hobmother!! I was paid a visit and it felt like Christmas!!!

  19. Congrats Kristen, how awesome for you, to be one of the lucky bloggers who have been visited by the FairyhobMother! He and or his overlords are wonderful spreading joy like they do to so many hard working bloggers! Waiting for him to sprinkle his love and fairy dust on my little world one day, open invitation to visit I’ll be anxiously awaiting your arrival 🙂

  20. Wow i never heard of the fairy hobmother before but i am very interseted now and would love for her to hop by and see what i do on my own blog. thanks for the heads up and congrats.

  21. I LOVE the Fairy Hobmother! He has visited my blog before too :P)

  22. Kelly Brown says:

    Wow, I haven’t heard of the Fairy Hobmother before! This would be great though for sure! I’d love to be visited so I could buy something for my classroom….I am always needing to buy something for my kids!

  23. I have never heard of this!!! I am always updating my Amazon wish list, and would love to update my workout routine with some new DVD’s from Amazon!!!!

  24. sue killgore says:

    I would love to be visited by the Fairy Hobmother. I have 15 grandchildren and there are many birthdays coming up soon, so help would be great.

  25. I love this idea! What a great way to give back. I’d love a visit so we could get a few things for our new house when we move.

  26. I will not be losing any teeth soon (unless I have one of my klutzy moments and run in to something) so not expecting any visits from the Tooth Fairy and since I am not in a Disney Fairytale and secretly a princess waiting for a pumpkin to turn in to a carriage, I am not keeping my fingers crossed for my Fairy Godmother to pay me any visits. Guess I will have to sit here an hope that the Fairy Hobmother blesses me with some of his fairy magic!

  27. Wow! Is this for real? I’d love to be visited, I could use some magic in my life right now.

  28. Have not had a visit but he is getting around!

  29. I have been wanting this visit too! Having a baby tomorrow maybe I can get a visit? 🙂

  30. I would love to be visited by the Fairy Hobmother! I could definitely use a gift card 🙂

  31. How exciting!!! I love getting surprise emails like that. Congrats.

  32. Congrats on this amazing visit! I have seen many blogs graced with the fairy hobmothers fairy dust! Maybe one day I can get a visit too! Congrats again 🙂

  33. I wonder if the Fairy Hobmother looks like his photo… wouldn’t that be awesome? 🙂

  34. That’s so awesome. I would love a visit. How cool would that be?

  35. I would LOVE if the Hobmother found my blog (! We’re about a month away from my daughter’s second birthday and $50 would be a super help!

  36. I keep commenting but not yet picked – hoping he visits me soon!

  37. Congrats! You deserve it 🙂

    The idea is great, I love doing random acts of kindness and this is one of the most thoughtful ones I’ve read about on blogs.

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