$100 Gift Card Giveaway

Let’s Celebrate!


 photo credit: Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton via photopin cc

In celebration of a successful start to 2013, our friends at the Christian publishing company, eLectio Publishing, are giving away a $100 gift card to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or iTunes (winner chooses). No purchase is required to enter, and you can earn more entries every day. I also have it on good authority from the CEO of eLectio Publishing that you can earn an extra-special entry if you sign up for the monthly eLectio Newsletter before the next edition goes out (April 16). Enter on the Rafflecopter below:

Leave me a comment telling me what you would do with $100!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway




  1. Teresa Parker says:

    I would use the gift card to purchase books on Amazon…

  2. Lisa Klingenberge says:

    I would request the ITunes card for my kids to down load their music and movies.

  3. Books, books, and more books!

  4. What else do you do with a $100.00 gift card but buy books off of Amazon.

  5. I would use it to buy some household stuff since my hubby is off work with an injury and the money is lacking!!

  6. penelope merriweather says:

    I will buy groceries! Thanks for this giveaway!

  7. stacey dempsey says:

    I would buy an ereader

  8. diane sabatini says:

    Buy some new stuff for my 2 boys and maybe something for myself.

  9. Jen Haile says:

    I’d get some games and books from Amazon!

  10. I would buy some new kitchen gadgets

  11. I would use the iTunes GC to download music to my new Touch.

  12. I would probably use it for household supplies from Amazon 🙂

  13. I would buy some new techy gadget!

  14. Nicole Carter Weasley says:

    I would some new perfume from Amazon

  15. susan hartman says:

    Just got back from vacation. Have to pay it off!

  16. Katie Contests says:

    I’d save it for school!

  17. I would buy some new shoes and some clothes.

  18. stacey dempsey says:

    I would get my son a nice grad present

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