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$10 Amazon GC to Celebrate Earth Day TODAY with Mama Luvs Books!!!
April 22, 2013 by · 157 Comments
KristinLive, Laugh, Learn
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Make sure I recycle and plant some flowers.
I plan on getting paper instead of plastic at the grocery store AND taking my own shopping bags in! Ihave 3 but always forget to use them 🙁
I’m making my own laundry and dishwasher detergents that are chemical-free.
Picking up garbage when I see it laying around
Use less paper towels!!!
I’m going to recycle.
I plan on using more green items in my household and trying hard to stop using plastic and more glass and reusable bags
Plant a tree or three!!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
We just put in Rain Barrels!
I take reuseable water bottles to work instead of buying bottled water.
We have really kicked up our recycling.
Buy more re-usable items, and do a better job with recycling.
I am trying to recycle all paper that comes into the house. Once we get the hang of this, I’ll add aluminum, then plastic, etc.
One of my Earth Day Resolutions is to actually remember my reusable grocery bags. We keep them in the trunk of the car, but when they get used it seems to take weeks before they find their way back to the trunk… so we have several shopping trips without the bags. Reusable bags are one of those little things that would have big impact if we all did it.
get back into recycling and keep it going this time 🙂
Turn off lights and unplug appliances I’m not using!
Buy more green products
reuse items instead of getting rid of them
I planted a tree today!!
I recycle and use a reusable water bottle at work and on the road.
I will use recycled items more often
I plan to continue my efforts to conserve water, recycle as much as possible, and use my car much less.
I just bought a Kindle. Going to convert my mags 2 it. I get alot of mags delivered, at least it’s a start.
I am making lanterns out of recycled cans with my girl scout troop to use when camping & talking about what we can do for Earth Day.
We are planting a large vegetable garden this year
We work hard to recycle every week – but we’re going to be stepping up our efforts this year, as well as to try and reduce the amount of electricity we use.
We are starting a compost bin this year!!
try to choice products that use less packaging.
I compost, fill our recycle bin (we hard have any garbage) cloth bags for groceries, repurpose, read Kindle books and have planted lots of trees on our property <3.
I always recycle everything I can
We pick up garbage that we see others have thrown on the ground and we recycle and use green products 🙂
Try to remember to take my own bags to the market!
give up plastic water bottles!
I’ve started my own flower seeds to cut down on the plastic trays I buy with plants.
Planting several trees on our property.
More garden, less lawn 🙂
Use my shopping bags and reuseable water bottles all the time, not just sometimes!
I recycle and use reuseable items
Be more conscious of the water I waste when brushing my teeth. And dump the leftover water from dog bowl into plants
I am going to pick-up trash on my walk today.
Recycle and make my own homemade cleaning products
I just planted a tree, and will be stepping up my use of reusable bags. I bought about 8 of them recently and will be putting them in the cars so I don’t forget them every time I run to the store!!!
Plant more green stuff – flowers, trees!
Recycle and plant a garden.
Recycle, reuse where I can and use more earth friendly cleaning products! 🙂
I do recycle and today we r going to clean up local park-school project
We have started by conserving water, and Electricity. We use our car only when needed, and recycling instead of just throwing away.
reuse and recycle
Taking my reusable bags to the grocery today!
im recycling everything thats recycable
I’ve planted flowers/bushes, make my own products, reuse as much items as I can.
Making sure I recycle everything that can be recycled. I already use things in home to clean with instead of buying products that can harm the environment plus it’s cheaper.
I’ve been making an effort to recycle and use reusable products.
i use some of my stamping left over packaing on my cards like the pastic for doing die cuts.
doesn’t matter… we’ve been sold the lie that our personal footprints matter more than the corporations spewing out toxic crap and using up finite resources.
my way of helping the earth is trying to convince everyone they need to worry less about the 2 liters they waste while brushing and more about the 283 billion liters of water coca cola wastes per yer getting rich by selling us gut-bombing drinks. and that’s just one company – do a little research and stop buying from those who put profit at a higher priority than the planet. 🙂
I’ll be replacing my paper towels with “Unpaper Towels”, want to begin Canning my own food.
I’m trying to put more things into the recycling bin where they belong 🙂
Use less water.
Recycle more and use my reusable bags at the store, thanks!
We already do a lot… use reusable shopping bags, recycle, volunteer for beach/city/park clean up, compost for our garden… this year our big purchase was 2 rain barrels for the garden – so excited!
Recycle more..
Buy less aerosol products, I don’t have a instagram account
Try to recycle more, use green cleaning products and eat local
Recycle each and every thing I possibly can
I recycle old jewelry into new jewelry
I recycle and try to use more eco-friendly products
My grandkids favorite book is “But it’s Just a Gum Wrapper” and I read it to them everynight. It talks about recycling and not throwing garbage on the ground. So now when we take walks, we take bags along to pick up any garbage we may find.
I recycle plastic jugs, cans and other containers into other items. I make some of them into birdhouses and feeders for use around our yard. I re-purpose household items to get more use out of them in new ways. I recycle coffee grounds, tea grounds, egg shells and newspapers in the garden. I make my own laundry detergent and have eliminated using harmful cleaning supplies around the house.
I am making paper towels.
I read a lot of ebooks instead of print books. I am going to try to switch over even more 🙂
Build a compost pile
We recycle as much as we can. We participate in our local “green up” day to help clean up our environment around us by picking up our yard and our neighborhood. We have changed all of our lightbulbs (and boy did our power bill go down). We are walking more to local stores and I carpool with my friend.
Recycle. Everything. I can from. Pop cans. To. Clothes
Recycle more and try to come up with creative ideas on reusing things
Switching to more glass and less plastic. Also going for a menstrual cup this year, not only eco-friendlier but money saving too, can’t beat that!
I plan to recycle more!!
We are growing our own Veggi garden & we are also working on recycling better.
I’m gonna continue to recycle but try to do it more series not just the easy stuff
I will definitely recycle much more. Buy more Green products.
Carol L
Buy more green products and use my reusable water bottle more. 🙂
Recycle more 🙂
Recycle and upcycle a lot more.
Recycle and feed the birds
buy more green products
I plan on recycling more, having a garden , a compost, and a rainwater collection system.
recycle more instead of throwing it away.
I am trying to recycle a little more.
We use cloth diapers, recycle, and reusable snack bags 🙂
I am hoping to actually plant some veggies this year!!
I planted some trees
I plan to recycle more.
Remember to take my reusable bags to the store every time I go!
I’m using reusable water bottles and washing dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher.
Happy earth day!!!!
Bought more green bags to use..
Recycle!!! 🙂
A couple times this summer I want to go out and pick up trash. I hate how it accumulates after winter! 🙁
I do everything every year to do the earth better. I recycle everything possible.
enlarging our veg garden
Recycle more
recycle even more, upcycle/reuse what I can.
I use reusable bags and recycle and reuse 🙂
Try to cut down on consumption, and recycle what we can, reuse what we can’t recycle.
recycle more
Buy less plastic in the first place so there’s less to recycle
Continue to recycle and compost. Cut out/down bottled water and soda. Make our own cleaning supplies.
We recycle clothes to people who need them. We are also gonna try to plant a garden.
Plant more trees! I also want to start a garden this year!
I am going to try to use things I would throw away to re-use for other things.
i recycle all the time
We are going to start a compost in the back yard.. plant more veggies and donate more…
wash clothes by hand to save water and electricity.
I am going to try and recycle more
I always recycle my plastics n newspapers I am on my kindle fire n can’t do the rapplecopter
Reuse, Recycle and shop at thrift stores.
Thanks for the contest.
Instagram follow: slehan2
Teach My to Recycle More.
Recycle more.
We started getting our garden together for the year. Cleaning out the yuck and making it pretty!
Recycle more.
I’m going totally organic in my vegetable garden this year!
I always use my refillable grocery bags
use my own bags at the grocery and my own water bottles. Less Plastic!
Wow, awesome giveaway!
I would like to quit smoking, and that would eliminate a whole lot of nasty cigarette butts from the environment, not to mention pollution from the air.
We recycle paper, plastic and bottles. I also save a lot of containers and use them for crafts with the kids. One cool thing I diid this year with so many pine trees down after Hurricane Sandy I made a few wreaths out of all the branches I found 🙂
I would like to maybe try some recyling, it near our house and also we are buying the go green lights
Start a compost pile!
This year we are going to recycle newspapers and stop using plastic waterbottles.
Planting seed
Using newspaper and egg shells for biodegradable planters. Reusing milk cartons to grow seedling
Use home made cleaners and bug killers instead of deadly pesticides and chemical products
I am going to make a conscious effort to turn off lights not being used, keep up with recycling (do well now), and def invest in more green products.
We are planting trees in our new yard this year. Also, I plan to expand my recycling efforts from only aluminum and tin to include plastic, paper & glass.
Cut down on electric and water usage. Thank you 🙂
We are eating more whole foods and less packaged, this reduces the amount of trash we have, plus we recycle. I am also trying to reuse plastic containers.
recycle and try homemade cleaning products that are eco friendly
I’m going to plant my own organic garden!
plant my first garden
we recycle the twine off of the hay we feed our cows. it really adds up
I am going to start making my own cleaning products and switch our plastic containers to glass.
I am going to recycle more!
Recycle even more!!
Remember to use my own grocery bags more often.
Once I get more comfortable on my new bike I’ll try riding it to work instead of driving
Use much less energy , by keeping un used appliances unpluged
Its time to turn my mulch pile and remove the brown gold.
planting more flowers, setting up a rain barrel for the garden, and recycle more
We’ve been going to the store less and making more of a point to use our own bags.
I’m going to continue the steps I’ve begun to go green, starting with completing an indoor recycling center for my house!!
I will continue to take my own bags to the store, recycle and reuse as much as possible.
we are just starting to figure out how to recycle old electronics, we have to go to many different places for different things so it is a process but that is our focus now as we already do most everything else