Painted Instead of Dyed Our Easter Eggs!

Roll It for Easter Egg Painting

My kids found a new kit this year called “Roll It!” We got it at Walmart and thought it might be fun to try out instead of the traditional Easter Egg dyeing that we usually do! It actually turned out great and the kids had fun! Some positives:

1. Easy to Use (open packets of paint and put them in trays)!

2. The paint washed off the kids and counters very easily!

3. The eggs dried quickly

4. The eggs turned out pretty

Easter Egg Painting Mama Luvs Books

The Kids Were Happy Campers and Excited about their Egg Creations! Happy Easter Everyone!





  1. So cute! I can’t wait to dye our eggs tonight 🙂 happy Easter!

  2. Those turned out great and look like so much fun! My kids would love to try painting their eggs, I’ll have to keep an eye out for this.

  3. I like those better then dye!

  4. Awww! Super cute! That kit looks fun!

  5. These look great, and possibly a lot easier than the regular die kits 🙂

  6. Great tip! Thanks for sharing!

  7. we are doing our eggs tonight–can’t wait –looks like you guys had so much fun
    thanks for sharing and wishing your family a very Blessed Easter!

  8. o fun i have never painted ours before maybe we will do iit this way this year!

  9. We are coloring eggs tomorrow. I like the bright colors of this set. My boys would love it.

  10. Looks like your kids had a blast – I can’t do the colored eggs anymore – too many leftover eggs for me to eat. Happy Easter.

  11. Oh that is cute! My kids would definitely enjoy that! Sadly I don’t think we are doing eggs this year. No one eats them. Normally we do them at the Grandparent’s house and then the aunts/uncles and grandparents eat the eggs. But they are all out of town this year. So sad. maybe we will do it next weekend after Easter when the family comes back into town.

  12. I like the painting idea so much easier – it’s something my toddler could actually do!

  13. Yay to no vinegar. The smell starts to irritate me. what a great idea!

  14. Kelley Johnsen says:

    Thanks for sharing this. I am looking to see how we are doing eggs this year. We are cutting out the dyes this year. Thanks you for the idea 🙂

  15. They came out sooo pretty!!!! Things have been nuts in my house this week so I just bought a standard egg kit, but I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for the kit you used next year!

  16. Such a good idea! Easy to use and makes for some really neat designs!

  17. What a neat way to change up Easter egg traditions! My son is just 2 and is just now getting into dying eggs. I would like to try painting in the future though!

  18. Very cute… I try to avoid the egg dying altogether, my kids have no idea what they are missing, lol. 🙂

  19. that is clever, I love this idea! Looks less messy too!

  20. The kids would totally have fun doing this!

  21. I purchased the same kit. We haven’t tried it yet, planning on doing our eggs tomorrow. I’m glad that it works out well and washes off easily. 🙂

  22. That looks like more fun that what we will be doing. I have a kit from 2 years ago that we are finally going to get to use, lol. Hoping it is still good.

  23. That’s so cool! We are dying this year (more fun for us!), but when Addie is ready to join in the more mess the better- I think this paint option will be on the list of things to try!

  24. GREAT idea! Seriously don’t know why I never thought of it myself. This seems like way more fun too. I’ll have to try it!

  25. What a neat idea. Those eggs turned out really pretty. My daughter loves dyeing her eggs two colors like her daddy and I do. I am sure they would all love this. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Looks like a super fun way to color Easter eggs! Way more interactive than dipping them in a cup and waiting on them to get some color:-)

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