LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap Keeps Us Clean

What’s the best way to get clean and stay clean? Obviously by not touching things and spreading germs. LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap helps you do just that! This winter has been rough with illnesses spreading around our family and friends. The kids go to school, so there are some germs they pick up there. The other place we worry about getting germs is the gym. Most of you already know that my daughter is a gymnast who practices three times a week. My son also takes recreational classes there. With kids touching the same equipment and working out, it is likely that germs will spread.


I always have the kids wash their hands as soon as they get home from the gym. I usually get an, “Oh, okay Mom…” with them dragging themselves into the bathroom. With the new LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap that we just got, they are now running to the bathroom and fighting over who gets to wash their hands first! They think it’s like a “fancy” soap dispenser like they have at stores and restaurants, and they love it! What I love is that they are now getting clean without spreading their germs on the soap container and sink first. The “No-Touch” is awesome!

LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap

The LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap is so easy to use! It is motorized and comes in a plastic package all ready to go! All you need to do is take out the soap, remove the plastic liner, open the soap, and place it back in. There is an on/off button on the back, and believe me you’ll need that if your kids want to overuse it like my kids do!

We have the Soothing Cucumber Splash scent which the kids love! “Mom, it smells so good!” Other options are Refreshing Grapefruit Essence, Aloe Vera Vitamin E with Moisturizers, and Antibacterial Total Care. Keep your kids healthier and cleaner with the LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap! Washing your hands is the best way to help prevent germs from spreading, and the earlier you teach your kids this the better! And when it’s fun to do they love learning!


And now for some exciting news……In February, LYSOL launched “The Kid Who Touches Everything Contest,” and the grand prize is a trip to Disney! Now you can celebrate your kids messes and submit photos of your kids’ messiest moments. One grand-prize winner will be selected to receive a family vacation to Disney World and have his or her photo featured on Don’t worry, you have until May 25th to enter!

No purchase necessary. Contest runs from 2/25/13- 5/25/13. Open to US residents ages 18+. Void where prohibited. Click here for official contest rules.


I participated in a campaign on behalf of MomCentral Consulting for LYSOL®. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.



  1. That picture of your daughter is amazing! I could totally use this hand soap dispenser in my home. It’s on my list!

  2. i had one of these and loved it! i need to get a refill and start using it again! (btw love the pic of the gymnast! i use to be on the gymnastics team in middle/high school 🙂

  3. I’m addicted to lysol and the no touch pump. It’s perfect for working in healthcare and just being a mom with germy kids. lol

  4. This looks wonderful! I think my son would think it was fun to get soap out of a dispenser.

  5. We use Lysol all the time! It is the best!

  6. We have these and just LOVE them!!!!

  7. if we had one of those my son would NEVER leave it alone… he’d use it up all in one day if he thought he could achieve that feat!

  8. This would become a toy in our house… with a 4 year old & 2 year old.

  9. This would make it sooo much easier for my 21-month-old to wash her hands!

  10. Lysol just keeps on reinventing themselves. What a great idea!

  11. Ohh I need to try that out!

  12. I wrote an unsponsored post about this a while ago just because I thought it was one of the greatest things ever.

  13. I would completely use this at my house. Thanks so much for sharing.

  14. Lysol is all over the place. I’m going to get me one of those no hands soap dispensers and will keep this one in mind. Too many germs going around!!

  15. I never have tried these no touch dispensers but they just make sense! Great pics of the kids!

  16. My daughter is already a little OCD with the hand washing, I don’t think she could handle having this pump at her disposal! We overcorrected on the germ phobia and now we try to convince her that she doesn’t need to wash her hands every five minutes. But, I’d love this at the kitchen sink. I hate touching the pump when my hands are covered in raw meat and always want to wash the soap dispenser!

  17. I need one of those. Then my hubby wouldn’t have to holler for me to help him when he comes in here all greasy and doesn’t want to touch anything before he washes his hands.

    It might also help keep us from catching each others colds.

  18. This would be perfect for my kitchen! I hate touching meat and then having to touch the soap dispenser and faucets to wash my hands! This would be a huge help!

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