Book to Check Out: The Perdition of Zephyr Hopkins by, Jesse S. Greever

Zephyr Hopkins is a liar.

A good one.

He lies with incredible ease to those whom he loves the most, and even more so to himself. As his convoluted web of deceit threatens to unravel, he is faced with one of the most difficult situations a husband and father would ever have to face; a situation that will force his hand and push him to a crossroads that will affect everyone he cares about.

Equal parts Greek tragedy and fable, The Perdition of Zephyr Hopkins will have you on the edge of your seat as you witness the spectacular implosion of his carefully crafted house of cards. Faced with a choice between redemption or condemnation, a single step will seal his fate.


The Perdition of Zephyr Hopkins

Book was just released today! Go check it out on!!!



  1. Sounds like a great read! Thanks!

  2. This sounds like a really good book! I love when people have some life changing event/choice that totally changes their outlook on things!


  3. Based on the cover, I wouldn’t have picked up this book. But based on your thoughts I think I am going to have to check it out and read it. I know they always say never judge based on the cover.

  4. Thank you all so much for checking out my book. I am interested in hearing the reactions of everyone who reads the book, as it will help me determine what, if anything, should happen to Zephyr next.

    Please feel free to email me at if you have thoughts and reactions.

    All the best!


  5. House of cards, intriguing! Reminds me of a movie (horrible memory I can’t recall which one). Awesome!

  6. I agree with Sharon, I do not like the cover, but you do make it sound good.

    • So, there is a specific reason why I chose the cover the way that it is. It has to do with a specific item in the book (A DON’T WALK figure), and the distortion of the figure is symbolic of a number of things, which I won’t go into (as it would ruin certain elements). Suffice it to say this: the cover is a bit dismaying, and in some cases difficult to look at. So is Zephyr’s spectacular downward spiral. 🙂

      I do so enjoy hearing from readers, though! Keep the comments coming!

  7. i love getting heads up for good books, I pass them on to my daughter…the reader…thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Sounds really interesting! I might have to give it a read.

  9. one of the most difficult choices huh? Makes me really curious!

  10. Sounds interesting! Thanks for the review

  11. Its time for me to pick up a new book! This book looks right up my ally! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I really enjoy finding new authors to follow. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I wish I had more time to read! I have to agree with the others on the cover, though. It gives me a headache looking at it. :/

  14. What perfect timing, I was just asking a friend if she knew of any good books to read. I will get this one to check out, it is past time for a little pleasure reading.

  15. It sounds so intriguing! Thanks!

  16. I’m intrigued! You told just enough to make me real curious.

  17. I am always on the look out for new books to read. Thanks.

  18. Now this sounds like something I can definitely read!

  19. Sounds good! I have been looking for a new book. Will have to check it out!

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