Kohl’s Cares® Program Brings New Books ~ And Money Goes To A Great Cause!

Guy Parker-Rees Illustrated Storybooks
Available at Kohl’s
Kohl's Cares
I’m sure you’ve walked into Kohl’s and as soon as you see the registers in front you can see the latest Kohl’s Cares® Books and Stuffed Animals available. My kids beg to go to Kohl’s so they can see which animals and books are out. Each book and each stuffed animal are only $5 (super great deal, especially on these hardcover books that are usually between $15 – $20), and the kicker of it is that 100% of the net profits go to benefit children’s health and education. It can’t get any better than that! My kids love to save their allowance and get these books and animals. It something they love and something they can afford.
Right now, Kohl’s has the Guy Parker-Rees’ books available which have adorable animal illustrations and they will excite readers as they learn about the importance of individuality. These must-have children’s stories, which are now available in hardcover along with coordinating plush frog, monkey and giraffe toys and an illustrated tote bag, are all just $5 each.
Books and Animals from Kohl's
We received Down by the Cool of the Pool and Giraffes Can’t Dance for review. My 7-year old daughter was able to read them to my 5-year old son, and we all snuggled on the couch and listened to them together. The books are hardcover and nicely made, and the illustrations are gorgeous. Definitely a steal for $5! Our favorite was the Giraffes Can’t Dance book because we loved the lesson it taught about people being different and that it’s okay and each person needs to find their own way. It rhymed and was easy to read. 
Additionally, Down by the Cool of the Pool is a great book for teachers that want to teach students about onomatopoeia. It has tons of words that sound like their meaning. It is also a very cute story with beautiful illustrations by Guy Parker-Rees!
Available Kohl’s Cares Cause Merchandise for Kids:

Down by the Cool of the Pool by, Tony Mitton – Children will love to sing and dance along as the story comes alive with animal sounds and celebration!

Giraffes Can’t Dance
by, Giles Andreae – This adorable story will teach children about the importance of individuality in a tale of a giraffe with two left feet. 

Dinosaurumpus! – Read this fun story aloud to children and watch their excitement as they get a glimpse into the life of a dinosaur. Who knew dinosaurs could dance? 

NOTE: This book and coordinating plush are available exclusively at Kohls.com only.

NEW ITEM: Down by the Cool of the Pool tote bag – Resourceful and cute, this multi-purpose tote bag is great for the pool, a sleepover or even a trip to the grocery and features a vibrant illustration from Down by the Cool of the Pool – a must have for summer!

“The Kohl’s Cares program has raised more than $208 million over the past 10 years and at only $5 each, these books are a fun and affordable way for parents to keep kids interested in reading all summer long,” said Julie Gardner, Kohl’s executive vice president and chief marketing officer.
Stuffed Animals from Kohl's
Our favorite thing about the Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program is the fact that our purchase goes to help other kids in need. So if you are looking for some great summer reading for your kids or even a nice gift, then head to Kohl’s to pick-up these great books and stuffed animals!
To WIN a copy of both hardcover books (Down by the Cool of the Pool and Giraffes Can’t Dance) and your choice of ONE stuffed animal (giraffe, frog, or monkey), please fill out the Rafflecopter below! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I would like the monkey:) Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  2. monkey

  3. Monkey! My son loves monkeys!!

  4. The Frog Please! Thank you!

  5. I’d like the giraffe!

  6. I think we would like the Monkey.
    We have some of these from Christmas – the panda & 2 books.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Normally I would have to say monkey, but that giraffe is just too cute!

  8. I am thinking my son would love the Dinosaur or the frog!! This is awesome! i love when you have a chance to win prizes for kids!! love your site!! =)

  9. gilbertsteph says:

    Would love the giraffe, its baby girls favorite animal 🙂

  10. whoops i must of missed the part about the Dinosaur!! he saw the picture and said the Monkey so im way… off.. lol

  11. Linda Clements says:


  12. I would LOVE to have the monkey.

  13. Think I’d go with the Giraffe. 😉

  14. Vicki Chrzanowski says:

    I love the books that Kohl’s offer!! The price is wonderful too!! I would love the Giraffe!!


  15. the monkey!! 🙂

  16. The frog looks so fun!

  17. Anonymous says:


    dmforman at comcast dot net

  18. I would love the giraffe! They’re a favorite animal of everyone in my house!

  19. I’d have to say the giraffe, but they’re all so cute!

  20. the giraffe my daughter has always favored the zoo animal variety :o)

  21. The Monkey would be great.

  22. Monkey!

  23. Anonymous says:

    I would love the giraffe.
    Pam Mom2ri@aol.com

  24. I would like the frog cause we call our little guy frog boy all the time lol. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!

  25. My girls would love the Giraffe or Frog

  26. Anonymous says:

    The giraffe.
    chacha6581(@) yahoo dot com

  27. i would like the monkey:)

  28. Cynthia says:

    I call my kiddos “My precious monkeys” so I would naturally like the monkey 😀

  29. I think the giraffe is adorable!


  30. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. Would love the Monkey.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  31. Monkey 🙂

    jandplee at att dot net

  32. The Frog. Thank you for the opportunity.
    sweetpeonies07 at gmail

  33. The dinosaur. My 4 yr old is obsessed with them right now.

  34. I guess I should learn to pay attention. He saw. the picture and was excited about the dinosaur. I call my boys my little monkeys so I would pick the monkey

  35. Monkey!

  36. Anonymous says:

    We would love the giraffe thank u!,natbelinsky@verizon.net

  37. Monkey…that is what my class is all about

  38. I think my kids would pick thee monkey!

  39. I would pick the monkey and my daughter agrees with me it is her favorite also.

  40. I will go for the FROG 🙂

  41. I love the monkey!!! We have read down by the cool pool. We loved it!!!!

  42. I love the monkey!!! We have read down by the cool pool. We loved it!!!!

  43. I really like the monkey!! So Cute!!! XoXo

  44. I would love the Frog.

    sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. the monkey for my little monkey face baby girl who inherited her daddy’s ears lol

  47. the monkey 🙂

  48. My daughter would love the frog!

  49. I like the monkey

  50. It’s hard to choose…I know my daughter would love any of them! Probably the frog.

  51. monkey!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Anonymous says:

    I would to have the monkey as I am doing a monkey theme in my classroom this year.


  54. Giraffe

  55. I’d like to win the monkey.

  56. The giraffe.

  57. i would love the frog!

    christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  58. My son would love to have the monkey! =)

  59. we would love the giraffe

  60. Kimberly Bauer says:

    The Monkey is so cute!

  61. I really like the frog!!
    Thank you 🙂
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  62. Shannon McDaniel says:

    I think my son would love the monkey!

  63. monkey

    Jeana O’donnell-Murphy

  64. Monkey. I love it

  65. I’d have to have the monkey!! My lil girl would go crazy for him 🙂 She’d carry him around all day saying “ooh ooh aah aah” 🙂

  66. I love the monkey!

  67. The monkey all the way 🙂

  68. The giraffe gets my vote! My kinders will love these books and the giraffe as well! 🙂

  69. I think the monkey is the cutest, for sure 🙂

  70. My eldest daughter and i both love giraffes. My youngest daughter couldnt care less as long as its soft and cuddly lol

  71. Love them all but if I have to pick one the FROG

  72. Monkey

  73. I am torn….I would be happy with any of them

  74. My son would love the monkey.

  75. Debra Urban says:

    I would love any of them. My oldest would love the frog. My daughter would love the girafee. My youngest would love the monkey.

  76. Rachel M. says:

    My son purchased the frog and monkey for our preemie twins and they’re at the hospital with the babies. I’d love for him to have the giraffe or dinosaur for himself at home.

  77. Angel M says:

    I would like the monkey for my son.

  78. I would love to win the monkey !!

  79. mandy rickert says:

    My kids would be happy with any but I really do like the monkey thanks for the chance

  80. I’d take the frog since I already have a Curious George monkey from Kohls Cares

  81. kids would love the monkey! Thanks for the giveaway! I had never heard of this but i think it’s a great cause i will definitely get to khol’s for these books!

  82. I like the giraffe!

  83. The Giraffe!


  84. Love the giraffe!

  85. I’d like the Giraffe 🙂

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  86. April Habiger says:

    The Monkey that is my sons nickname and he <3's Monkey's!

  87. I would love the monkey because we have been calling my son a little monkey since the day he sarted climbing. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!!

  88. Anonymous says:

    This is Caitlin Wright Villasenor Google wont let me comment

    My oldest loves frogs my middles nickname is monkey and my baby son has a collection of giraffes so that would be hard! Id say id love to be surprised. they are all so cute

  89. a monkey i can give it to my nephew Roman for his first birthday

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