Treat Your Allergies With Allegra and Feel Better #CBias #ClearBeauty

Do You Have Allergies? Need Some Relief? Have You Tried Allegra?
I have been suffering with allergies all my life. It started with dust and mold allergies, and now it’s migrated to dogs, cats, rabbits, and seasonal allergies (mainly in the springtime). For anyone that has allergies you know how it feels. Stuffy and runny nose, itchy eyes and throat, swollen eyes, headaches, non-stop sneezing, so you get the picture. It’s not fun to feel like that. I have been feeling poorly ever since the early blooming of the flowers here in New England and the pollen all around. I heard about Allegra and that it works well, so I decided to go search it out at my local CVS and see how it works. 

Our CVS here in town is new and very nice. It’s big, organized, clean, and the people that work here are so friendly and helpful. I love shopping at CVS. When I first went in the store I noticed the make-up section up front. I decided I would get some make-up as well to make me feel better. I figure once I start feeling better on the inside then I might as well start looking better on the outside as well. When you’re feeling miserable from allergies you really don’t feel like putting on make-up and dressing in nice clothes. I’m hoping Allegra works FAST like it says and I will be ready for getting back to feeling better in no time.

After finding the Pharmacy section I compared Allegra to other brands that were there. They had Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, and some CVS brands. The Allegra looked good and was on SALE for $17.99 on the end display. All you have to do is use your CVS ExtraCare Card to get the discount on a 30 ct. pack of Allegra. The sale lasts until 5/31/12. I definitely decided that was the way to go both based on reviews and cost savings. They also had Children’s Allegra in liquid formula for $9.99. Great price! After I picked up my Allegra, I decided to head back to the make-up and see what would help me look and feel better.

I decided on some Revlon products. I usually get Cover Girl, but the Revlon products were on sale for Buy One Get One 1/2 Off, so I chose those. There was a woman named Lisa working in the cosmetics section and she was very helpful. She lead me to find great products I could use for my skin and coloring, and she even offered to apply my make-up there in the store and give me application tips. I thought that was so nice! I took her up on the offer. I went to checkout, purchase all my items, take my Allegra right then and there to help me feel better FAST, and let her open up and put my make-up on me! The total only came to $57.67, which is great for allergy medication and all new make-up! 

Lisa, the nice woman at cosmetics, recommended an age-defying foundation with SPF 20 that was so smooth and creamy. Anything to help with the lines and protect your skin I love. The colors she helped me pick out for my eyeliner and eye shadow were neutral tones and very nice. I also got a nice non-clumping mascara and a smooth and moisturizing lipstick that was only 99 cents! She also told me about the ExtraCare Beauty Club where you get $5 back for every $50 you spend. Lastly, she used a primer on me to hydrate my skin that was awesome! She used a tool when I first got there to check my hydration levels. I had dry skin so she showed me this great product to help clean and hydrate my skin. It was by VICHY. I will most likely head back to CVS to pick it up soon. 

The make-up session took about 30 minutes and the Allegra was fast acting! It will also last for 24-hours, so I won’t need to take it again until tomorrow. I literally felt better within the time I was getting my “mini-makeover.” It was amazing. The stuffiness was going away, my eyes felt less itchy and puffy, and my headache was subsiding. I felt like I was leaving CVS a new woman! I felt better inside and out! I will definitely keep using my Allegra, and I will use my new make-up tips I learned to make me feel better on the outside! Seasonal allergies will no longer control my life! I am in control now. 

Back home, changed my clothes, took off my glasses, feeling better from Allegra and my new make-up, and ready for the day! 

To check out my complete shopping experience at CVS, click HERE to visit my Google+ album. 

You can visit Allegra on Facebook and Twitter for more information about the product. 

Also, don’t miss out on a chance to WIN a $50 CVS gift card from Allegra! Click HERE to get to the Allergy Makeover Contest!
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric. All opinions are mine and mine alone.


  1. Love the makeover!! And so glad the Allegra helped you feel better. Allergies are so miserable.

  2. Wow What a great job you did on this post!! Great pics glad Allerga helped

  3. Oh how I hate my allergies!!! How is the Allegra working for you? I usually end up using Zyrtec D for mine….or just Sudafed as it seems to work the best for me! Love your mini makeover!

  4. I never knew they carried children’s Allegra. Good to know! Love your mini makeover session… Those plots look pretty and natural for summer. Great tip about the beauty club! I never knew they had a separate beauty club with rewards!

  5. Those colors I meant… Not plots. Lol spellcheck!

  6. I had no idea CVS offered mini makeovers! Your before and afters were awesome. Wish I could carry a little Lisa in my pocket to help me with my makeup! I always wonder about allergy products for my little ones. Glad to hear that Allegra makes a children’s option. I will certainly check out the closest CVS store next time I go to the “big city”! Glad it worked for you and that you are feeling better!

  7. We don’t have CVS stores where I live, but I wish they did! I used to go to them, and I really liked them. It sounds like they were great. I don’t have allergies, but I know that they can be pretty awful.

  8. Love the make over!!! Had no idea you could do that at CVS!!
    I’m going to try this allegra, I need a miracle, allergies are killing me 🙁

  9. Wow! This is a very cool service that CVS offers! Looks like it really helped!

  10. So jealous of your cvs!!! We don’t have one in WA but get all the darn commercials for them!! Looks great and thanks for the review of Allegra. My Zyrtec hasn’t been so hot but I am scared to switch!!

  11. Pretty lady! Glad the Allgra helped

  12. I hadn’t been to a CVS in a long time but had to get a prescription filled for my daughter. I was amazed at how large and clean my local store was. I’ll definitely be back to check out their make up section.

  13. I’ve never heard of this service before, that is awesome! I love CVS and the ExtraCare Beauty Club. It’s such an easy way to earn ExtraCare bucks.

    I am so glad the Allegra worked quickly for you and that you started feeling like yourself again!

  14. I *never* had allergies prior to moving to AZ (and how funny that an Allegra commercial is on my TV at this second!)

    I didn’t know CVS had makeover thingies! I don’t think mine do! Now I’m going to hunt one down so I can get my makeup done! LOL

  15. I never thought I had allergies, but it seems that every year i get a little closer/more to having them. Yuck. Ive never tried allergra, but I m sure ill be checking out my local store when I am in need for relief!

  16. How cool that you got a makeover at CVS! BTW, that CVS looks more like a home than a drugstore. I am glad that Allegra had you feeling better!

  17. I shop at CVS a lot!! It is right up the street from me and open 24 hours a day which has saved me on more then one occasion!! And the one near me has some food items—As for allergies–I feel your pain–I generally use Claritin non drowsy but from your recommendation I just may try the Allegra, see how it works on me.

  18. Great make-up job, and thanks for the allergy med. info! I am in denial of my adult onset allergies! Lisa at CVS is great, she has helped me before!

  19. A make-over at CVS? Who knew?! Allergies have been really bad this spring. Hopefully this week of rain is going to knock the pollen out of the air.

  20. I had no idea they offered makeovers at CVS! That’s so exciting!!!! 🙂

    I take Zyrtec for my allergies year round, and when they get really bad I throw sudafed on top of that. It seems to get the job done!

  21. I need to try Allegra. Its the only brand I haven’t tried. My allergies are killing me with this weather right now. You look great and that new CVS is awesome!

  22. You look Great!!!! I love how fast the Allegra works.

  23. Great info! And a makeover — how fun!

  24. Your CVS is so FANCY! How cool!

  25. Love your CVS…super jealous right now 🙂 I definitely need to look into Allegra…I’m about at my wits end between myself and my kiddos. The prices look great and I’m sure I can find some coupons somewhere to maximize my savings even more. Thanks for the insight and the fantastic pictures!

  26. I love that CVS offered the makeup consultation.

  27. Your makeover was lovely! I never knew CVS provided makeup consultations. That’s fabulous!

  28. Holy moly- what a difference! You look fantastic. I am going to run to CVS!!! Thanks for the great post!

  29. That’s so awesome that your CVS folks offered to do a makeover like that! Ours doesn’t offer anything similar; I had no idea they did it at all. You look great, too, by the way. You’d never guess you had allergies!

  30. What’s the name of the Vichy product? I didn’t know anyone else made something like that besides Skindinavia…

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