Spring Cleaning….Hard Work But Oh So Nice!

Spring Cleaning…. A MUST Do!

Do you ever let piles build up in corners? Do you have a hard time sorting through all the mail you get or can’t decide which papers are important to keep and which to throw out? This is the story of my life! I have moved five times in the past 12 years, and even with those moves to help you get rid of things you don’t need, I still end up with bags and boxes to clean out. It seems like a never-ending chore. I’ve taken a ton of things to donate to places and I’ve had multiple yard sales, but there still seems to be STUFF to sort through. I have boxes of things from growing up (some sentimental and I want to keep), and clothes that “may” come back in style. I also hate getting rid of the “baby things” because it makes me sad. I know I have to get rid of things to feel better though.

I recently cleaned out my office. With blogging and being a Girl Scout leader it has become a complete mess of papers and books everywhere. I took before and after pics (reminder: still not done cleaning) to show you a little of it. Yes, it’s embarrassing. Don’t worry though. My entire house is not as bad as this. I do not need to be turned in for the Hoarders TV show (yet). 

I have also worked on the kids’ rooms this week, the kitchen, and the garage. I still have some bedrooms to do, some closets (UGH), and the basement. We even live in a small house now (which I guess makes the need to clean even more urgent). Stuff is taking over. When we were in larger houses there was more room to store stuff.

Here are the SCARY pics of my office. If you can’t stand looking at messy rooms please leave now (or just scroll down quickly to leave me a comment about how to clean up better).  And I do feel better once the cleaning is done! I realize that LESS IS MORE and that once things are cleaned out a huge weight is lifted off me. I just need to work on a little each day!




What tips do you have for cleaning and maintaining order? I seem to let it get out-of-control like this every so often and then I have major cleaning to do! I would love some advice!


  1. I have to go through everything once a week or I just lose control. I have TONS of buckets, bins and other organizing products. I even have a closet that has built in sliding bins. It really does help. Once you do it, try to keep up on it. Like I said I do it every week.

  2. The best advice I ever got was to make sure to clean one room everyday. If you do a deep spring cleaning, and then set yourself up a schedule like “Kitchen monday” “Living room tuesday” and yada yada.. it helps to maintain order. Plus my 6 year old likes to clean so he helps me as long as it doesn’t involve chemicals 🙂

  3. Some days I am tempted to just toss it all out and start over.

  4. OMG! What a difference! My bedroom, is where my computer is and like you, with blogging it gets so messy! I have stuff all over the house that im either giving away, reviewing or whatever lol

  5. Entertain often! My husband laughs because he can always tell when we are having company. I’m running around like a crazy person and the house is spotless! I try to entertain at least ever other weekend even if it’s a cocktail at our house before heading out.

  6. WOW! A total transformation! Awesome job! Wanna help me pack next? 🙂

  7. martha parten says:

    Maybe if you got a few totes and labeled them (ex: giveaway , donate , etc) and when you have something in your hand decide where it goes and put it there. Keeps from piling up on the floor. Good Job!

  8. LOL! I thought my office was out of control! Things pile up so quickly in the office that I have to tackle it once a week. Unfortunately, it only stays orderly for a couple of days tops.

  9. Lol…love the before and after picture! You go Mamma. I need to get on the dreaded DEEP cleaning soon.

  10. It’s so nice doing some spring cleaning. We did ours already. Had a huge garage sale and everything.

  11. Great job with getting everything to look nice!

  12. Small spaces are so hard to keep clean and organized. Even with buckets and bins it is still hard. I haven’t found an effective way to do it and still be able to fit everything. Wall storage would be my first choice if I wasn’t renting. I don’t want to put a lot of holes in the walls. But I have heard that if you can’t go out you have to go up.

  13. Plastic bins that are labeled. The best part is they come in all sizes! I have 2 little boys so some times are toys get out of control. These are so nice because you just put them all in the bin, put the lid on and voila ‘mess be gone’ lol. They also work nice for clothes we keep our older sons who is 4 for our younger son who is 1… So with a 3 years difference the clothes is going to be around for awhile but with the bins I don’t even notice them 🙂

  14. Thanks for all the great ideas! I need to get some bins it seems. I have so many craft items and such for Girl Scouts.

  15. I am the same way! I try to keep everything that needs shredded in one bin, and purge once a month. It helps a little!

  16. I just clean when I am in the mood. I keep trying to make it more structured but it just isn’t happening.

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