Nutrisystem Week 9 – Wedding Weakness

The Ninth Week………


I am in my ninth week on the Nutrisystem diet. I am still having issues with my Achilles tendon. I got an MRI on it but I have yet to hear any results about needing surgery or not. I will call the doctor back tomorrow if I still do not hear anything.  It’s been over a week since my MRI.  I know if I could exercise then my progress would be much faster. I really want to get back into exercise.

One tough part of my week last week was attending a wedding in PA. Whenever you travel it’s a challenge, and even more challenging if family has invited you to be part of a rehearsal dinner and reception at a wedding. It was a great and fun time, but there was food galore! The reception even had a “Cake Buffet!” There were like 20 different types of gourmet cakes to choose from. Chocolate is my down fall, so that was really tough. 

I decided to eat just a little bit of the dinner at the reception so I could have half a piece of the chocolate cake. I also only ate a portion of the meal at the rehearsal dinner and turned that dessert down. When you’re traveling and at a wedding being on a “diet” is much harder. You can travel with some of the Nutrisystem food, but when everyone is going out to restaurants it’s hard when your microwave meal is back in the hotel room. If you’re going to choose to eat out, then just eat smart. Choose lower fat food items, eat a decent size portion (don’t overdo it), and try and exercise while you’re gone if you can. If you missed any of my first few Nutrisystem posts, please read them HERE so you can see where I started.

(My entire family was in town for the wedding)

(The wedding cake was one of the choices, but there were many more!!!!)
Starting Weight: 165
Current Weight: 159
Total Loss: 6 pounds!!!  

Here’s to a NEW WEEK! I still need to work on water intake and recording my food. Please leave me a COMMENT telling me what accomplishments you had this week in your journey to be healthy!  

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Disclaimer: I am receiving the meals free of charge as a participant in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. As long as you get back to eating those meals you will be fine! Actually every once in a while you have to indulge a bit to trick your body!! You’ve tricked your body–now back to it!! And slow weight loss is always better then quick!!

  2. Sometimes it helps to indulge a little bit. That way you don’t get tired of the same type of food everyday and give up! Don’t give up! Keep it up! Good Luck!

  3. I’ve been being more active, I started walking/jogging! I need to work on my water intake too, that has always been a struggle for me to drink enough. Great job and keep up the good work!

  4. Traveling is hard. I love to eat at restaurants and am trying to train myself to eat just half of what is served.

    Ps. That wedding cake is gorgeous!

  5. Wow keep up the good work and will power! Traveling has to be tough with limited choices but arena you did great!

  6. I would have lost it at the cake table. Good job!

  7. You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work. We are getting ready to travel, and I needed to read this! Thanks for sharing

  8. Awesome job. Cheating on a rare occasion is actually good. It keeps the binges to a minimum. I still haven’t gotten back on track yet. 🙁

  9. Once in a while wont hurt you, sometimes you need a little treat to keep you going, Keep it Up !!

  10. I think you did great! Don’t be so hard on yourself.

  11. You did well! It’s difficult sometimes to find the strength – I’ve been going through that myself, I am planning to work out at the gym today to make up for my weekend indulgences!

  12. Doing good, mama!

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