Getting My Sensitive and Dry Skin Ready for Summer! #DialNutriskin #CBias

Is Your Skin Dry? Are You Ready for Summer?
If not, then take this CHALLENGE now!
I have always had issues with my skin. From the time I was a young child, I always had to take extra measures with my dry and sensitive skin. My parents used various lotions on me, and I even had to take baths with specials oils to help my skin. It was always dry, bumpy, and rough. I was self-conscious about it all while growing up. These days I try my best to find products that make my skin feel and look better, as well as work with my sensitive skin. Sometimes lotions can make my skin red and feel hot, so I need to make sure to find products that my sensitive skin can handle.
While shopping at Walmart with my son a few days ago, I came across Dial NutriSkin lotion for sensitive skin. I thought I would try it because it was fragrance free, hypo-allergenic, specially made for sensitive skin, and it says on the back that it will make your skin feel different in just three days! I had to take Dial up on that challenge!
 My Little Shopping Buddy ALWAYS has to choose this cart!
After checking out many lotions, Dial NutriSkin seemed like it would work well and was a very reasonable price at $4.97!

I purchased the Dial NutriSkin Replenishing Lotion for Sensitive Skin for myself, and I also bought the Dial NutriSkin for Men for my husband. He has been having issues with Eczema on his hands, so I thought this might help out his skin.
The first thing I did when I got home was take some pictures of my skin. I wanted to see if there was a difference in a few days. My skin on my arms and legs is dry, as well as the skin on my face. I get dry patches on my checks and forehead. Sometimes after a shower it is even flaky and itchy. As I am nearing my late 30’s I have some wrinkles appearing as well. All those years of being a lifeguard during the summer are catching up with me. And remember when we used to go to the pool and put on baby oil to suntan with? Wow! At least people are protecting their skin these days.
Here are some pictures of my skin before using any of the lotion:
As you can see my skin is definitely a bit wrinkly and dry. I will use the Dial NutriSkin on my hand, arms, legs, and face for 3-4 days to see what happens………
The challenge is up! Four days has passed and I definitely feel an improvement with my skin. Not only does it feel softer and less dry, it also helped with some of the wrinkles on my face as well. The lotion was nice and smooth without being greasy at all. The pump is so easy to use, and I keep it right next to my bathroom sink. The 25% more in the bottle for the price of $4.97 at Walmart was a great deal. This will last me a long time. 
I have been using it twice a day; in the morning after I shower, and then before bed. This has only been four days, so I wonder how my skin will feel in a couple of months? I may be ready for summer after all! Do you need to get your skin ready for summer? Take the Dial NutriSkin Lotion Challenge as well! See how you do! You might find your skin feels healthier, softer, and in my case even smoother and younger looking in just days!
Here are some pictures after using Dial NutriSkin for 4 days:
Please excuse the eyebrows (as they need to be done), but at least you can see the skin and fine lines show some improvement in just four days. The lotion also worked well with my sensitive skin; no breakouts or redness. 
To see the entire Walmart shopping trip just click HERE to visit it on Google+. Also, be sure to check out Dial and see how it works on other people’s skin. You can follow Dial on Facebook and Twitter as well.
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study forCollective Bias #CBias; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. Wow! It really works well!

  2. Man! You’ve got alot of self confidence to post such close up pics! Awesome for you! I’m impressed with the fact that it actually shows results! Cool product! I’ll check it out myself!

  3. I have SUPER dry skin! I didn’t even know dial made a lotion until now! Thanks so much for the review!

  4. I find your post very informative and I love the before and after pics.. it shows how effective the product really is…

  5. Wow, there is definitely a difference!! I always shy away from lotion on my face because I have combination skin and get concerned about the oily patches. This definitely seems like a great product!! 🙂

  6. Wow, looks great! I’ll have to pick some up, especially for my legs! Thanks for the info 🙂

  7. Awesome review! I might have to check out this product..
    great pics.

  8. Great post! I also have dry skin and have been on the market for a product that works- now that I’ve seen that this product works I’ll def. be picking up some for myself! THANK YOU!

  9. That does look like it works well! Thats amazing! Great review!

  10. This looks like a great product for me to try. I have super dry skin! You look great!!

  11. I just got some of this to try too – LOVIN’ IT!

  12. i’ll have to try it on my dry skin!

  13. Thanks for sharing! I really need to get rid of this winter skin, will be giving dial a try since you had such good results.


  14. Thanks for sharing this – it’s so hard to know when you read the product’s claims to know if they are true, so it’s wonderful to see the results!

  15. Looks like a great value for what you get! Glad to see you got good results! Did the mens’ version help hubby’s hands?

  16. Wow… I have oily face skin, but SUPER dry body skin… I will have to try this for sure!!!

  17. Great pictures! I love the before and after aspect! Well done!

  18. I do have very dry skin and have tried many products with no luck. Have not tried this yet though. My problem is remember to use it regularly too though. I need a reminder.

  19. You look great! I’ll have to check this soap out for my dry winter skin. 🙂

  20. Everyone in my household suffers from dry skin…thanks for such a thorough review! I will definitely be looking into this product.

  21. Your skin looks great! And so far we’ve been lucky with my shopping buddies bypassing those carts. We used them once and they are killer!

  22. I’m loving the Dial NutriSkin. It worked for me just like it worked for you. Nice to finally have a product that really works.

  23. Look like it worked really well on you!! I wouldn’t have thought to use it on my face~ opting for a pricer face lotion! Thanks for the heads up!

  24. Wow! You can really see the results. I also love the NutriSkin lotion for my hands and my legs, but never thought to use it on my face. I may have to give it a try. It definitely works!

  25. That’s a really amazing difference for your skin around your eyes – I may give it a shot. I had fantastic results with my arms and legs!

  26. Your shopping buddy is adorable!

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