$30 Amazon Gift Card (or choice of PayPal)! 4-HOUR FLASH!

$30 Amazon Gift Card 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!!!
A few AWESOME Bloggers have teamed up to give you this wonderful $30 Amazon Gift Card! We believe in quick, small, and easy giveaways! Our giveaways only have a FEW entries to fill out and you will know if you WIN in just a couple of hours! WHAT FUN! Good luck on tonight’s giveaway! See you back on Friday for another great FLASH giveaway!

Here are our WONDERFUL participating sites for this evening’s 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!! Check out these awesome sites when you have time! 

*NOTE: You can choose PayPal CASH in substitution of the Amazon GC.

Deal Doll
Powered By Mom

Centsible Bargains

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Morgan Dias says:

    I want to buy hunger games trilogy for my new kindle touch:) I’m ALWAYS on amazon for things I want:)

  2. im on several times a day getting free apps and books for my kindle that i won

  3. I actually buy Dvd’s blu-rays, books and apparel. Anything like jewelry too. I just buy mostly what I need when I have extra money to spend I buy what I’ve had my eye on. I buy shoes too on Amazon. I also have bought in the past mp3 players.

  4. Yes I visit Amazon. Endless stuff to find and buy!!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I have bought all kinds of things on Amazon, but books are my most purchased item!

  6. Electronics

  7. I visit Amazon for ereader books and alot of stuff.

  8. kindle books or instruments

  9. I buy a little of everything from amazon!

    jandplee at att dot net

  10. Absolutely – I’ve gotten quite a bit of things on Amazon – ‘specially books!

    luckygirl5918 at gmail

  11. I buy almost everything from amazon. its usually much cheaper, and requires no effort or driving. 😀

  12. I do a little of all. I have bought dvds, books, and other things on amazon. Amazon is one of my favorite websites!!

  13. I am trying to save up my amazon gift cards to buy myself beats by Dr. Dre seeing as that is the only way I will be able to afford it.

  14. I visit Amazon, but the shipping cost is too expensive to my country. So it’s like window shopping for me 😀

  15. Books…lots and lots of books!

  16. I buy baby stuff there.

    aisha holley

  17. Mostly movies

  18. I usually buy books, but right now I am saving up for a Kindle Fire.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I buy books and games at Amazon. Paula Gillespie

  20. I buy a ton of books off of Amazon. I have also bought my Kindle (of course) and a digital camera and camera case off of them. I am in need of a tripod for the camera now and of course one can never have too many books 🙂

  21. Barbara Compton Kesterson says:

    I visit Amazon for books

  22. I buy books from Amazon

  23. I buy all sorts at Amazon. Music, books, clothes, electronics, toys and house goods. But only if I can find the right price. Thank you for the giveaway.

  24. I buy all sorts of things on Amazon. It normally was just books but then I started buying some of my gluten free stuff in bulk there. I also buy other things now & then if I find a good deal.

    Emily G.-D.

  25. Laurna Hamilton says:

    I get all my books off of Amazon


  26. I use amazon for EVERYTHING!! I usually buy books, toys, sometimes music.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  27. I love ordering movie from Amazon, I can preorder them and if the price changes then my account is credited!! Free shipping over $25.00 an order


  28. I usually get the kids books or cds for the daycare.

  29. Books, flowers, stuff for the kids, and I also look for good deals on groceries.

  30. I am saving for a kindle fire on Amazon and thanks for this giveaway

  31. I buy EVERYTHING I can from Amazon. I buy a lot of kids books on Amazon.

  32. i buy books and just about anything else i want thats a great deal

  33. Amazon is where I buy college books for my husband, dvds for gifts, and a variety of other things.

  34. Anonymous says:

    I would be happy with either but would choose paypal

  35. cindy mckean says:

    I always buy my printer ink on Amazon and I am saving to maybe get a computer from there also.

  36. We buy video games, books, gifts, dog items, etc. Pretty much everything that is a better price there than somewhere else, we buy there.

  37. Love Amazon!

  38. books, video games for the pc and stuff for the house like tp and food.

  39. Anonymous says:

    love amazon

  40. Anonymous says:

    I buy all of those things!:)

  41. Random things

  42. I buy books, DVDs, headphones, office products from Amazon.


  43. michelle king says:

    mostly toys for the kids

  44. Amanda Higbie says:

    I buy books/electronics (video games mostly) and sometimes dvds though mainly just one series. (True Blood! Can’t wait for next season on DVD)

  45. elizabeth rupp says:

    products definitely! sometimes though we get their instant movies and they are really good!

  46. I buy all sorts of things on amazon! Lots of books

  47. I buy all kinds of goods from Amazon.com, they rock! Ty for this flash giveaway.

  48. I buy anything I like that is on sale on Amazon

  49. I buy gluten free foods

  50. I buy a lot of different items from Amazon, especially books, toys and makeup.
    Rafflecopter: Tara Woods

  51. dawn stout says:

    I love to purchase whatever gets my fancy while I am searching Amazon. I do get many movies and books.

  52. my husband buys books for the kindle on amazon of course, we buy electronics and lots of everything else

  53. I mostly buy books, but i am wanting a kindle.

  54. I save my Amazon GC for gifts and Christmas! Buy lots of gifts from Amazon!

  55. I buy a little bit of everything on Amazon. Love Subscribe and Save. 🙂

  56. I love buying stuff on Amazon.. So much easier than going to the store.

  57. I love amazon! I usually buy books but I did buy most of my son’s christmas presents from amazon!

    Melissa Caldwell

  58. i love shopping on amazon .i get a lot of wii games

  59. I get a little bit of everything through amazon but books are my weakness 🙂 thanks for the chance

  60. I have a Kindle so I buy all of my books from Amazon, I also buy a lot of music and other items. I love Amazon!

  61. I buy almost everything on amazon

  62. I just buy books!

  63. i mostly buy shipping supplies for my business

  64. I buy everything from Amazon!

  65. Charity Johnson says:

    I visit Amazon for books 90% of the time 🙂

  66. i buy almost everything on amazon, thanks

  67. I go to Amazon to buy pretty much everything except food.

  68. I have only shopped on Amazon once. It was for electronics. !

  69. Anonymous says:

    i buy most of my online things for amazon

  70. I buy everything on Amazon as long as it’s a great deal.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Books for my kindle and gifts for the grand kids

  73. Amazon is one of my favorite online places to shop. I buy all kinds of things there. (Roxann T)

  74. Kelly Britton says:

    A little of everything, depends on how much I have in my Amazon stash account.

  75. I buy a lot of books and toys!

  76. other items, anything random i can think of that i cant find in a store

  77. I have never shopped at Amazon.

  78. Courtney says:

    I love Amazon during Christmas. I have found so many great deals on toys, movies, and books.

  79. I mostly buy toys, electronics and books…but right now I am saving Amazon GCs to buy my kids a bunk bed 🙂

  80. I haven’t bought anything from Amazon yet, but I have looked there for several things for my daughter.

  81. I go to amazon to buy lots of things… most recently I bought my boys bubble guns, and me a book =D

  82. I visit Amazon to purchase many items for my classroom including books and movies. I even purchase some teaching materials too!

  83. I buy almost everything on Amazon. Vitamins, diapers, books, makeup, they usually have some of the best prices on things.

  84. Yes, I go to Amazon to buy almost everything!!

  85. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I use Amazon to buy books and DVDs.

  86. Electroncs

  87. I buy mostly books on Amazon, but I also do most of my Christmas shopping on Amazon as well.

  88. yes I buy everything from them… I’m their biggest supporter. :0)

  89. KYLE PRIOR says:

    YES!!! I have bought MANY baby items (I am due April 23rd) and also my father’s book is offered on Amazon.com which is REALLY COOL!! ANY time I go to buy a book or CD/DVD I always check Amazon.com because they have the BEST prices on the web and super fast shipping!! It makes shopping a snap…and being a mother EVERY second counts….I know I am always going to get the best deal with no worries when I get my books and other items with Amazon!!

  90. I visit Amazon for books, toys, electronics and sometimes health and beauty aids.

  91. I do buy alot of items from Amazon, as I prefer them over Ebay these days. I do have paypal for my spending habit,as I can receive 1% back on each of my purchases 🙂

  92. I live on Amazon, getting books for my Kindle and all kinds of other things.

  93. I buy everything from Amazon

  94. I Love Amazon!!!

  95. I actually buy a little of everything from amazon. I buy everything from music to beauty products.

  96. Everything

  97. Linda Heyde says:

    Amazon is my go to shipping spot……….

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