$20 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!!! 4-Hour FLASH!

$20 Amazon Gift Card 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!!!
A few AWESOME Bloggers have teamed up to give you this wonderful $20 Amazon Gift Card! We believe in quick, small, and easy giveaways! Our giveaways only have a FEW entries to fill out and you will know if you WIN in just a couple of hours! WHAT FUN! Good luck on tonight’s giveaway! See you back on Friday for another great FLASH giveaway!

Here are our WONDERFUL participating sites for this evening’s 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!! Check out these awesome sites when you have time! 

*NOTE: You can choose PayPal CASH in substitution of the Amazon GC.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Books & skin care!

  2. baby stuff

  3. anything and everything especially ds and wii and xbox games on Amazon.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. now that i have a kindle (won it on a fb page giveaway) anything kindle related

  5. Gluten free foods

  6. beauty products

  7. Books, toys, and anything that strikes my fancy for me, my husband or my granddaughters!

  8. Never had bought anything there, but saving for a Kindle fire!!

  9. Everything!!!!

  10. Books and music mostly. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  11. BOOKS!!!!!!!! If I HAVE to buy something besides beloved books I buy my kids toys!

  12. I love to shop for housewares and baby gear. BUT I need some new Crocs SO bad!!! The tread on mine are beyond gone!!

  13. I haven’t shopped at Amazon yet 🙁

  14. Kimberly Wood says:

    I haven’t ever shopped on Amazon but I’d love to look for things for the home and things like watches,etc. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Alison Marshall Yorke says:

    Books, textbooks, office supplies, decor, toys, tea :), batteries, electronics, Wii games, DVD movies, CDs (also their MP3s), and just about any other thing I might need for gifts/homeschool/life!

  16. I’m not usually the one who shops on Amazon, my hubby is the Amazon shopper and he’s been on a shopping spree for camping stuff lately 🙂

  17. Juicers, books and more.

  18. everything!!! :>)

  19. ebooks!

  20. I shop for music, dvds and allergen febreze on amazon.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Edward P.


  22. I buy stuff for my kids’ stuff like for their birthdays.

  23. I usually shop for electronics, gadgets & geekery :] And I dig on all the free music – I take advantage of that to no end! <3 Amazon!

  24. I like buying things for my baby

  25. Hi!
    I like to shop for Books, Kindle books, music, yarn, food items,etc on Amazon 🙂

  26. I have a Kindle so I love to look for good books!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Pssh, what DON’T I like shopping for on Amazon? (Okay, really I only shop for kids stuff…but that’s anywhere, not just online.)

    Katy C.

  28. I shop for DEALS!! Doesn’t matter what as long as its a good deal!

  29. I got some great deals for my daughters xbox

  30. Books, gifts for family, clothes, housewares, you name it, I’ve shopped for it on Amazon!

  31. I like to buy books and makeup.
    GFC: smurfette
    Linky follower: Lisa Brown
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
    Lisa Brown

  32. cars2 toys
    jen453@hotmail dot com

  33. Anonymous says:

    Love to purchase MP3’s lately!

  34. stuff for baby.

  35. I like getting DVDs and books.

  36. I like to shop for k-cups.
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  37. Jeanna Pelton says:

    Everything I love amazon!!

  38. I shop for books, and anything on sale

  39. martha parten says:

    Everything!! I am saving to buy a shark steam mop though. thanks

  40. Birthday gifts..I have BDays coming up to shop for!

  41. elaine smith says:


  42. What don’t I shop for on Amazon? I have loved buying Kindle books lately.

  43. I like to shop for electronics on amazon

    itsjustme62613 at gmail.com

  44. Books for my Kindle

  45. I need a new camera! This could help my camera fund!

  46. diapers…lots of diapers..thanks for the giveaway!

  47. Anything, no really I like to order a variety of things. Beads, clothing, crafting items.

  48. books always books

  49. I like books and DVDs

  50. Kindle books!

  51. Household stuff like kitchen gadgets and home decor. And also like to shop for electronics, video games and Christmas toys.

  52. Kindle book!

  53. Dawn Claessens says:

    Wow, we shop for everything on Amazon. Toys, electronics, books, I just purchased the goodies for the treat bags for our son’s birthday party in a few weeks. You name it, we buy it on Amazon.

  54. Toys for my son.

  55. Christine says:

    I usually shop for kids toys, games, and everything else.
    Thanks for the chance!

    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  56. I shop at Amazon first for just about everything….last thing was a tv

  57. mostly books and music

  58. Baby items


  60. Books, video games, toys

  61. toys for my grandson

  62. What don’t I shop for on Amazon??? Books, plants, household items, you name it

  63. Books, dvd, toys for grandsons

  64. Books and makeup.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  65. Everything!

  66. I like getting books!

  67. I like shopping for movies.

  68. birthday present for my daughter

  69. Books and more Books!!!!!

  70. Books and gifts.

  71. Brenda Webb says:

    I have bought books, cereal, laundry soap, candy, computer battery, toys and cake decorating kit! I love Amazon!!

  72. Natalie says:

    I shop for just about everything! I love Amazon!

  73. Books and toys lately.

  74. Gardening supplies (portable green houses/heat mats/plant lights), books, and other odds and ends!

  75. jslafreniere says:

    GI Joe merchandise

  76. Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends,for it is one of God’s best gifts.

    Gifts To Pakistan

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