The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxed Set Giveaway!!!

The Hunger Games Trilogy…….
 Boxed Set Giveaway
(Pic from Amazon)
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins is a Best Selling Series now in Movie Theaters EVERYWHERE!
If you have not read these books you will want to read them! They are amazing! If you have read them, then you know you will want to read them over and over and save a nice copy on your shelves. 
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To WIN this giveaway,  just ENTER on the Rafflecopter below! The more you ENTER the MORE chances to WIN! Good Luck!
May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor!


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  1. I want to read the books before seeing the movie. Thanks for an awesome giveaway.

  2. I’m not planning to, but my daughter is 🙂

  3. i definitely plan on reading the books. Then I’ll decide if I want to see the movie.

  4. saw the movie online today

  5. I want to, it all depends on money 🙁

  6. These books would be for my daughter, and she saw the movie on Friday!

  7. Amanda Higbie says:

    I am dying to do both!
    Movies planned for when I get my fandango giftcard hopefully soon!
    Can’t wait to read the books either! I don’t mind seeing the movie first or reading first as I hear the movie is actually quite similar to the book. (Which is always great)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I have not read the books yet and would love to win them! I’d prefer to read the books before seeing the movie.
    ~Mippy 🙂


  10. I want to read them. and ill be seeing this movie again!!!!!!

  11. Brenda Webb says:

    I have heard great things about the movie and books but want to read the books before I see the movie.

  12. Yes on both..Want to read and see the movie

  13. Plan to do both!

  14. i would love too. someday..

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. probably will read the books i rarely watch movies

    cindyc at mudlake . net

  17. Me and my son want to read the books and see the movies.

  18. I read the books- and saw the first movie 03/23, the day it came out. I was not impressed… if a person doesn’t read the books, it’d be fairly confusing at times- and even reading it, it left out too many details and changed a few things. :/ BUT- the books are fantastic and I’d love to own them in hardcover. They’re worth reading a few times!

  19. I’m actually trying to get the books for my wife. She hasn’t read them yet and I think they’d make a nice gift. We’ll probably both see the movie soon.

  20. Michelle Macaluso says:

    My daughter and I both read the books, and saw the movie on opening day. It was so awesome! They did an excellent job. I would love to have these books to own, so we could share them with the rest of the family, and so I could reread them too.

  21. Yes.. I plan on reading the book and watching the movie!!

  22. Yes on both. would like to read the books first

  23. Anonymous says:

    My 17 year old daughter and I plan on seeing the movie, she has read the first book but I have not read any of them yet – I’d love to win these for both of us – would make for some great mother and daughter time which is rare with a teenager.

    Gail Potter

  24. I plan on doing both, but I refuse to see the movie until after I’ve read the books.

    Tracy Awalt Juliano
    ohsopetite1 at yahoo

  25. Absolutely I want to see the movie and read the book.

  26. Brandy Batson says:


  27. I will read the books. I will see the movie if I can find the time.

  28. Rachel McNally says:

    I’ve read all of the books and saw the movie this past weekend.

  29. Yes, I am planning on seeing the movie and reading the book.

  30. alexandra clark says:

    Read the trio just recently. Amazing books!

  31. i dont want to see the movie until i read the books!

  32. I definitely plan to read the books. I haven’t decided about the movies yet. I’m afraid they may be too violent! But I’ll probably want to see them after reading the books.

  33. Misty Hensch says:

    Both of my older daughters have read the book, and once I do, we’ll see the movie together

  34. I did it a bit backwards and saw the movie first! But am now dying to pick up the series to find out what happened! ps. the movie was incredible!

  35. Yes, I will definitely read the book, I don’t really go to the movies any more, but when it comes out on DVD I will watch it. I like to read the book before seeing the movie!!

  36. Plan on doing Both :0)

  37. I would love to read the books. Maybe I’ll see the movie too!

  38. Amy Brown says:

    I want to read b4 watching

  39. catherine g says:

    would love to read the books before seeing the movie

  40. I am thinking of reading the books, whether I watch the movie will totally depend on how well i like the books and taking into consideration I am no where near a cinema

  41. Anonymous says:

    I probably will eventually read the book and see the movie. Everyone says the book is better than the movie so will probably read it first before seeing it. Paula Gillespie

  42. I am planning on seeing the movie. both my kids saw it and said it was great. 🙂

  43. I loved the movie and now I’m dying to read the books.

  44. I’m not sure about the movie but I’m interested in checking out the books, if I win the books then I’ll definitely read them :p

  45. I will probably read the books 1st and then see the movie on dvd

  46. I want to see the movie first thanks to all the bloggers!

  47. Yes, to both. 🙂

  48. I would love to read these books and then see the movie. I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t yet, of my friends!

  49. Michelle Rosemark says:

    Yes to both!

  50. I am currently reading the book and as soon as I finish it, I’m going to see the movie

  51. Anonymous says:

    Love these books, a must read!!
    Jim F

  52. This is all for My Daughter she is CRAZY NUTS about The Hunger Games Series!! She read the first book and seen the movie and she LOVES it 🙂

  53. I hope to see the movie and read the book

  54. Anonymous says:

    I read the books twice and saw the movie the first day it came out! I love them both!
    Jennifer Reyer Young

  55. Yes I am, but I want to read the book first, then see the movie =)

  56. vanessa p says:

    done and done

  57. Yes, I am going to read the book and see the movie!

  58. I have not read any of the books, but I loved the movie and want to read the books. Thank you for the chance to win!

  59. My niece introduced it to me. I want to read the books first. The book is always better than the movie. Been through too many Stephen Kings!

  60. I have read the books and watched the movie. The movie done well and I liked it but the books are so much better. I would love to own the book set!!

  61. my mom loves the books, so i’ll need to read them!

  62. Rebecca Xavier: I just saw the movie today. Now I really want to read the book.

  63. I have seen the previews of this movie & I think it’s going to be kick-ass(pardon my French,haha)!!! I think it’s going to take over the Twilight saga & I hope after the first movie that there’s gonna be more to follow!!! I am excited for this giveaway because I cannot get my fiance’ to go t othe movies with me, so would have to “watch the movie” via reading these books & I SOOOO wanna “see” this movie!!! Thank U VERY much for this awesome gift in this giveaway!!!!! I am excited!!!!!

  64. oh yeah!! you bet i am!! its gunna be good!

  65. Undecided. But it seems like everyone loves it lol.

  66. Yes, sadly when it comes on DVD since I don’t get out much :).

  67. I really want to read the books long before I see the movie.

  68. I read the books and watched the movie!

  69. Holly Hennessy Swint says:

    I am planning to do both! Holly Hennessy Swint

  70. My husband and I REALLY want to both read these books and go watch the movie but times are hard money-wise right now so we are having a tough time justifying the cost. I sure would love to surprise my husband with the set. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
    Joni Lackey

  71. Anonymous says:

    absolutely adores the books and loved the movie too! ~smtatertot13

  72. Joy Person says:

    I read the first book and watched the movie. The movie was great but the book was better! 🙂

  73. I would put them in my classroom library! I always encourage students to read before seeing the movie! Books are always better!

  74. I would definitely like reading the books first then watch the movie!!

  75. Tiffany LaCourse says:

    I def. plan on reading the books & watching the movie!

  76. I would love to read the books before seeing the movie. Thank you, this is a great giveaway.

  77. I want to read the books before I watch the movie. My husband only wants to watch the movie. I don’t know if he’ll wait for me LOL

  78. I read the first book and it wasn’t really my cup of tea but my daughter LOVED it! She wants the 2nd and 3rd one so bad and we had them ordered from Barnes and Noble but they were on backorder so long that we finally just gave up. Thanks for the giveaway!


  79. I will see the movie

  80. Laura Miller says:

    I plan on reading the books THEN seeing the movie. Its always better that way.

  81. Saw the movie… i really liked it! I can’t wait to read all the books 🙂

  82. I would love to see the movie as well as read the books!! Thanks for the chance!! God Bless!!

  83. I would love to read the books and see the movies

  84. yes I am planning on reading the books and seeing the movies.

  85. I want to do both but I always read the books first!

  86. Yes and yes!

  87. yes I would do both

  88. Already have done both, they are excellent!

  89. Yes, I’d like to read beforeI seethe movie.

  90. Shawna C says:

    I have already seen the movie but I would love to read the books!

  91. I’d love to read the books before I see the movie. Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. hearing about the movie has made me want to read the books! Good Luck everyone.

  93. id like to read the series first

  94. I want to read all 3 books and then see the movie.

  95. LOVE these books! My copies were lifted from my classroom during my maternity leave. 🙁 Notes and all!!! I would love a new set for home.

    • Oh and yes, I just saw the movie tonight. Book far surpasses the film, but the film was pretty amazing! Did a much better job than I thought they would. Often great books are not done justice in a film.

  96. I just got back from the cinema, and I LOVED the movie!
    So excited to read the book!

  97. Lisa H. says:

    I have heard so much about the books that I want to read them first and then I might watch the movie…the previews dont look interesting but it might be because I am not familiar with the background

  98. Will do both. Usually read the book first.

  99. I will wait to see the movie till it comes out on DVD but I really want to read the books beforehand! Would love to win this!!

  100. I haven’t read these yet but heard how good they are … thank you for this giveaway!

  101. I’ve seen the movie now I need to read the books so I understand everything.

  102. I would really love to see the movie after I read the book but it is so tempting to go ahead and see the movie. I hope to do both!

  103. Anonymous says:

    My son went and saw it last weekend. He said he’s go with me to watch it too so it must be good.

  104. Raf Levart says:

    saw the movie and now I am a fan and will read the books

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