Nutrisystem Week 6 – Using the Online Food Login System

The Sixth Week………

I am in my sixth week on the Nutrisystem diet. I was doing fairly well and even started to work out at the YMCA, until I walked around the outdoor mall with a friend and her kids (and my 5-year old son who walks better than me) for two hours the other day. Now, my Achilles tendon has flared back up. I have to take pain killers and ice it. I will be seeing the doctor again next week, but it looks as if surgery may be in my future. I’m not too happy about that, but I know I need to do something about because I can’t live the rest of my life without exercising. This gain in weight was due to my initial injury in the first place. I need to take care of this problem and get back to my normal active lifestyle.  
One thing I know I need to work on more (since I can’t exercise), is to record everything I am eating online. Nutrisystem has an online area to document all of your progress and food intake. I need to leave this window open on my computer and just make SURE to input EVERYTHING I eat as the day progresses. It’s surprising what extra little snacks you might eat that add up to a lot of calories. See the pic below to take a glimpse of the cool food recording area. If you missed any of my first few Nutrisystem posts, please read them HERE so you can see where I started.

Starting Weight: 165
Current Weight: 161
Total Loss: 4 pounds

Here’s to a NEW WEEK! I still need to work on water intake and recording my food. Please leave me a COMMENT telling me what accomplishments you had this week in your journey to be healthy!  

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Disclaimer: I am receiving the meals free of charge as a participant in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. Have you tried physical therapy in the pool?

  2. Hope you get well soon!!!! Best of luck with Nutrisystem!

  3. I have sworn off gyms ever since I ended up at a physical therapist for 6 months!! I still can’t hold my arms above my head for any extended period of time!! I do try to watch what I eat———but should probably try a lot harder!!
    Congrats on the weight loss!!


  4. I am adding exercise back into my schedule. I walked three times…whoohoo! And jumped rope for a few minutes on another day.

  5. Kristin,
    Whatever you do right now is great. As it really focuses you on your goals and motivates you more.
    NO, it is not fun going under the knife. However, if based on your knowledge and research, it will help, do it.
    To answer your question what I’ve done in my journey to be healthy, I am a regular gym-goer. Though having some lower back issue after the birth of my son, I have been researching and working on my recovery. And I do know how it feels to go without any exercise when you cannot do it.
    In the past two weeks I have toned to a great extent due to my running routine.
    Thank you for sharing your experience. We are here to support you in all your do for success!
    Celebrate Your Victories Today!

  6. Sorry to hear you are hurting. I hope you heal fast. Good news on the weight loss though. Good going!! Yea…

  7. I need to start a food journal again. That helped to hold me accountable in the past!

  8. Sorry to hear you’re in so much pain. I agree with a comment above, I hear water workouts are amazing! Good luck and keep it up!

  9. I am sorry you are in pain:( That certainly puts a damper on exercise. What about low strength exercises. I can show you a few if you like. I used to be a spin instructor so I learned a lot. Good news on the weight loss!

  10. Writing down what I eat has made the BIGGEST difference for me so far. It’s amazing how often I would pop that leftover chicken nugget from one of the kid’s plates in my mouth – or eat a cookie mindlessly as I handed them to the kids. Being more mindful of what I eat has really helped me a ton!

  11. Wow, that’s pretty cool seeing how the online food intake area works in tracking your progress for you. I am big on lists. I say its worth sitting down for a few minutes to list what you eat, what exercises you do and for how long, whether you stretch before and after, amount of water taken before and after a workout, etc. Using safety gear for workouts can be important too. Very sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you will see the results your hoping for with your Nutrisystem tracking and don’t have to have the surgery unless its absolutely necessary. Many blessings and keep up the enthusiasm! 🙂 Rebecca @ Love2EncourageYou

  12. this is absolutely new to me… and since you’ve had a good reviews here, i might check this one too.. 😉

  13. SO sorry about your injury. Hope everything heals up for you. Good luck on the weight loss and keep up the good work!

  14. PennyPincherjenny says:

    4lb weight loss with out excerise is amazing!!! Good luck at the doctors!!

  15. hmm this is interesting! Seems easy to keep up with!Thanks for the info, may look into it!

  16. Thanks everyone for all your supportive comments!

  17. Stopping by from She Promotes to show you some love! I’m so sorry to hear about your injury, but with that aside it looks like you are doing fabulous!! I look forward to coming back and following your journey.


  18. perfect for me coz i am thinking of losing some weight. I am having some hard time that. i might consider this…

  19. This is really nice one, you can monitor all your intake. I hope I could also do the same thing, but I am not online for the whole day. So I might miss out what I am taking. Good luck for this diet program

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