$100 PayPal CASH or Amazon GC 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!!!

$100 PayPal CASH or Amazon GC!  4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!



A few AWESOME Bloggers have teamed up to give you this VERY SPECIAL $100 PayPal CASH or Amazon Gift Card on this VERY special Leap Day! This giveaway is a little larger than our normal FLASH giveaways, but it’s for a MUCH larger prize! You will know if you WIN in just a couple of hours! WHAT FUN! Good luck on tonight’s giveaway! See you back on Friday for ANOTHER great FLASH giveaway!

Here are our WONDERFUL participating sites for this evening’s 4-Hour FLASH Giveaway!! Check out these awesome sites when you have time! 

Sweet Pea Savings

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I would try to buy my family something and maybe sponsor another giveaway!

  2. I would use it to help pay for a car rental when I go back home to visit next month!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. Christine says:

    I would give it to my daughter in college.

  4. I would buy some diapers, wipes, and maybe a toy or 2 for my daughter who turns 6 tomorrow

  5. I would buy my son summer clothes if I won!!!

  6. I would buy presents for my kids. 🙂

  7. Buy gifts for the three birthdays next month

  8. Buy my daughter something for her birthday.

  9. Buy something nice for my kids…since I can hardly ever afford to buy them anything.

  10. groceries…lots of groceries.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I would use it to buy groceries.

  12. I am trying to win my way to funding my son and hubby’s trip to come along w/me to my college graduation this summer (way out of state)!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I would use it to buy groceries! sonyamorris@carolina.rr.com

  14. I would buy some sewing supplies & something special for my husband & mom! Thank you! 🙂

  15. Anonymous says:

    Michelle S

    I would use this for gas ($4.29/gallon here), diapers, and a meal for my husband (a Marine).

  16. Well, we just learned that my husband will be laid off in mid-March, so I’d use this as backup for groceries. Thank you for the giveaway.


  17. New Clothes! I would love it! 🙂
    Melissa Caldwell

  18. I would use the money to buy my daughter and I some much needed underclothes.

  19. Man I need this I shop ONLINE almost Every day this would help ALOT. Thank you to all that sponsor this giveaway. Hope My name is picked to win it.

  20. I would use it to get a tablet to keep up with couponing easier

  21. put it toward our upcoming wedding!

  22. Buy groceries

  23. I would use the $100 to go towards bills, oh, the lovely bills. 🙂

    Jeffery Ewald

  24. new clothes

  25. Jeanette Mays says:

    Birthday presents for my daughter

  26. My brakes are going on my van! So… I’d go with PayPal and use the cash towards successful breaking at stop signs! lol
    welindsey at gmail dot com

  27. I’ll put it toward an Amazon Fire.
    Thanks for the contest.

  28. I would buy party supplies for my baby girls 1st birthday party.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Amazon fire or smart phone

  30. I would buy a 4 in 1 Printer. Thank you Jerri Davis

  31. groceries diapers and bills!

  32. Go shopping

  33. I would buy groceries.

  34. I would spend it on my grandchildren. 2+6 year old grand-daughters, and a 12 year old grandson.Love buying them things!

  35. Adrienne H says:
  36. I would put it towards my granddaughters birthday party on March 30!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  37. Lisa Johnston says:

    I would use the $100.00 towards my families trip to Niagara Falls.

  38. Need some new work shoes!

  39. If I were lucky enough to win I’d spend it on my daughter’s lacrosse equipment which we need to buy soon 🙂

    Thanks for another amazing giveaway,
    Kelly Burroughs Crowell – kjb1977 at live dot com

  40. I would use for gas in my car 🙂

  41. I would use it to give my son a great birthday party and awesome presents and get some things ready for when he starts pre-school next week!

  42. Pay my bills! Thanks for the chance!
    Jen Boehme

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