Nutrisystem Week 2 – Vacation Week – Traveling On a Diet

The Second Week………

I am in my second week on the Nutrisystem diet. This week I received the pantry portion of my stock of food. I started with only the frozen meals, so it was nice to add this element into my diet. There are microwave meals, breakfast goodies, and even desserts! Starting my third week now I can bring it all together on a daily basis and do the FULL DIET correctly. The only thing that makes me nervous is that we are traveling this week for my kids’ school vacation. If you missed my first Nutrisystem post, please read it HERE so you can see where I started.

My bag all packed and ready with a week’s worth of food!
I was a bit nervous packing for this trip, but I did manage to fit one whole week of Nutrisystem pantry food into my travel bag so I can stay on track! I will let you know next Saturday how the vacation week works out! Any tips for me?
Starting Weight: 165
Current Weight: 163.8
Total Loss: 1.2 pounds
Here’s to a NEW WEEK! I still need to work on water intake. Please leave me a COMMENT telling me what accomplishments you had this week in your journey to be healthy!  

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Disclaimer: I am receiving the meals free of charge as a participant in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program; however, all opinions are mine and mine alone.



  1. You are doing so great! This week will be fine, just keep your eyes on the goal! 🙂

  2. Congrats on your progress so far, and good for you for taking your food with you! Isn’t it awesome how easily Nutrisystem fits into real life?

    By the way – love that tote!

  3. I know vacations are always tough on diets – I have faith in you… 🙂

  4. Doing great. Keep up the good work!

  5. We got your back!

  6. Kind of off topic, but I love your bag!

  7. I’m starting Nutrisystem next week too – And am SO incredibly excited to get started! Love that the foods travel with you so easily – Good luck reaching your goals 🙂

  8. You are doing Awesome. One thing that will be hard is the tempting snacks through your trip, I know you can do it. It just takes a positive outlook. I got a babybottle cooler and i keep carrot sticks and celery in there for those times. figure in there they are staying cool

    For me I am down to 240 So down 5lbs from where I started the first this month:)

  9. I’m sure you will find the way to drink more water. I know it can be difficult to stay on a diet during vacation. I hope your family will help you

  10. Great job! Its always so hard to stay on track when you travel and look at you all organized with your food. Enjoy!

  11. Good luck! I think just that you brought the food with you is a great start!

  12. I always worry about what to eat when traveling or during holidays, it can be such a pain to stay on a strict diet! Seems like you’re doing well though. I carry a bobble (filtered water bottle) with me everywhere so I can have water whenever I need it

  13. Good for you for losing! Traveling is so hard on any diet!

  14. Great for you! Losing while traveling is SO hard! New follower from the HOP, hope you come by!

  15. Glad to see the SCOUT Cool Clutch coming in handy! I just started exercising again and this week got up to 4 miles at an average pace of 14.4 miles/hour!

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