Making a Fun Home for your Children Starting with Their Bedrooms

When it comes to the family, there is nothing more amazing than your children and the experiences that you get to be apart of. Your home is an extension of that and something that they are going to remember for a lifetime as either something positive or something negative. Although there is a lot of important information out there regarding the right and most effective ways to teach and raise your children, there is also something to be said for having an environment that encourages positive and adventurously inspirational fun. This is something that can be done by keeping your home light, bright, and cheerful. It also starts with the bedroom, the first place that you see in the morning.
For children’s rooms, you want to make sure that they are well organized and there is plenty of room for play. One great way to do this is to add twin-over-twin bunk beds. These can ensure that you are using your space the most effective way possible, and it also gives your child some extra places for storage.

In addition to just being all around fun beds, bunk beds also can be made to resemble other creative and fun things, such as adventure themes like ships, vehicles, and houses. One great idea that many people are using is to create bunk beds that serve as miniature rooms all to their own. This involves some extra design and assembly, but with using some creative lighting and some paint you can have a seriously amazing space that utilizes every bit of their room.

There are also some bunk beds that are only really one bed, but extend over other furniture pieces to get the most out of your space, such as desks or shelving. There are attachments that can make their bedroom a place that their friends will envy such as swings and slides. There are even similar designs for younger children that are lower to the ground and feature play houses or other spaces exciting for children to play in.

In addition to bunk beds, there are many furniture pieces that can be added to give you more for your space, but can also make it more interesting. These can come pre-done, or you can even go to the local thrift store or yard sales and find some useful pieces and repaint them. There are even some great patterns available online for taking old wooden enclosed box television sets and turning them into desk style shelving pieces. This is done by removing the actual television and simply reworking the wooden box portion.
The most important thing is that you just get creative with the space! Your children will get excited with you and when they do, just watch as their level of creativity soars.

* This is a sponsored post



  1. I love that last one! Or, rather, I should say my son would love it. Actually, I kind of want the second one for me! Does it come in queen size? LOL.

  2. My brother and I had buck beds growing up and it was certainly some of our best memories (nothing that cool though!)

  3. My son has bunk beds. The only thing we use the top bunk for is stuffed animal storage, lol.
    He would love the last one with the slide:)
    Great post.

  4. That purple bunk bed is just awesome! These things surely have come a LONG WAY.

  5. The castle bed looks like it would be hard (read not safe) to get under the canopy part. Otherwise it looks like fun. I used to baby sit for some friends and when they moved into their new house there was a set of bunk beds in the boys room that had a secret passage that went from the top somehow and opened out in another place in the room. It was kinda neat. Kids loved it.

  6. I don’t know why but every child I have known seems to love bunk beds. I think it is the jungle gym of bedroom furniture. And wow, what a jungle gym!!

  7. This is so cool – I am on the market for one of these

  8. Thisclooks awesome!! We need some of these!

  9. Meant to say bunkbeds:)

  10. Those are great beds! I want one!

  11. I love the dollhouse bed. Kids need a special space in their house I agree!

  12. Wow,this is GREAT and could not have been timed any more perfectly. We are starting to shop around for Logan’s “big boy” furniture. You’ve definitely given me some NEW ideas! 🙂

  13. We got tri-bunk beds for the kids so that if we have a third boy they can all three share a room if they want or they can have a friend spend the night! I love how in a normal sized bedroom we have 3 twin beds that only take the floor space of one twin. Love love love

  14. dropped by from alexa hop:)

  15. My kids would love a bunk bed. These are such cute ones!

  16. WOW! This would be awesome for our Midwest kids who have to stay indoors and play all winter! These designs would really make a child’s room a fun space that they would love. Very cool.

    jenny at dapperhouse

  17. FUN!! I love the last one!! :O)

  18. I can’t wait until the girls are old enough! The last one is awesomeeee!

  19. Those bunk beds are awesome!

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