$20 FLASH Giveaway!!!!


Here is a quickie giveaway for you! Who doesn’t need an extra $20?

Enter below, win by tomorrow!!

Giveaway opens at 9 PM EST 2/7 and ends at 9 PM EST 2/8!

Leave a COMMENT telling me what YOU would do with an EXTRA $20 CASH in your pocket!!!

We are BACK UP AND RUNNING!!! Sorry for the technical difficulties!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway




  2. Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\Hosting\7680016\html\wp-content\plugins\jetpack\jetpack.php on line 644

    I’d use the $20 for sushi!

  3. I would use it for gas for the car

  4. Books!

  5. I would spend it on some Valentine’s Day gifts for my three daughters 🙂

  6. thank you

  7. Mecca Jones says:

    Birthday present!!!! Lots of birthdays around here in Jan, Feb, & March!!!

  8. PLEASE TRY AGAIN!!! Reload page and it should work!!! =) Sorry. Technical difficulties!!!

  9. fatal error on liking your page, but i already do 🙂 thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\Hosting\7680016\html\wp-content\plugins\jetpack\jetpack.php on line 644

  11. Anonymous says:

    Just tried twice. Still says fatal error. I’d have lunch at my favorite Japanese restaurant.

  12. I would put it towards my husband’s birthday next month. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Already following on Facebook so I’m going to ignore the error 🙂

  14. I would put the extra $20 towards next year’s curriculum for my kids!! 🙂

  15. Pizza!

  16. I would get nicer valentines treats for the kids, maybe the big heart box lol

  17. food money

  18. Something for my mom whos birthday is on valentines day!

  19. I would use it to buy a gift for my sweet hubby

  20. Linda Josey says:

    Definitely towards bills!

  21. I need sneakers for excercising 🙂

  22. I would use it to add to our saving for a new TV fund…thanks for doing this 😀

  23. Valentine’s for the kids!

  24. Hubby’s Birthday is Friday the 10th, so it would go twards his celebration!

  25. Would use it for something special.


    Thanks for the chance to win.

  26. Thanks for the chance to win!! I could really use the cash!! 🙂

  27. valentine present for my husband

  28. Anonymous says:

    I would buy my 16 year old with autism some special clackers off of amazon!! THanks for the opportunity!! Caren Sue Evans

  29. Put it toward new shoes.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I’d use it to help pay bills…thanks for the opportunity1 🙂 Heather Reid, ms_heather217@yahoo.com

  31. I think i would us it for a valentines date! : )

  32. Might have to go get myself a pedicure. 🙂 Thanks!!
    Laurel S.

  33. shoes since all I have is slippers

  34. I would put gas in my vehicle
    sandy1955 at comcast dot net

  35. I would buy some extra fruits and veg!
    Chelsea Wong

  36. We need to stock up our freezer.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Michelle W.

  37. If I win, I’ll add it to my savings for my son’s occupational and speech therapy 🙂

  38. i would use it to buy birthdays gifts for my Grandchildren

  39. groceries

  40. i would get some books for my daughter

  41. I would use it to buy my daughter whatever she wanted at the toy store.

  42. I’d sock it away! loverofanimals49 at yahoo dot com

  43. I would use it to buy some Valentine’s Day gifts..since it is next week! Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. I would use it to pay a bill. Thanks so much!!!

  45. Stephanie Saunders says:

    Buy myself a birthday present – tomorrows my birthday! 😀

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Came by the linky followers hop, am now following and hope you get more followers with this new tool 🙂 I would probably buy books or take my daughter to a movie if I won the paypal cash 🙂


  48. I would buy groceries.

  49. I would buy diapers!

  50. Jeanette Mays says:

    I would save it for a birthday gift for my daughter.

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