Who Wants $75 CASH to Help with your Super Bowl Party? WIN SOME HERE!!!

Hosting a Super Bowl Party with all your friends?  

Enter here to win $75.00 to help pay for your party! 
12:01am EST 01/25/12 – 12:01am EST 01/29/12

The winner gets their choice of PayPal cash or a mailed pre-paid Visa gift card to use
at the store of their choice!
Fill out the Rafflecopter below and PLEASE leave me a COMMENT and tell me who YOU want to WIN the Superbowl!!!

Win cash to help fund your Super Bowl Party! 1/25 – 1/29

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Leah Rohrbach says:

    Giants! 😉

  2. My husband would prefer the Giants to win. I’m only there for the commercials. 🙂

  3. Really not rooting one way or other but if I had to pick id say bill and tom

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who’s Playing?I can’t stand any kind of SPORTS!So I could care less!If I had to pick I would say the Cowgirls (Cowboys)but I know that ain’t happening because I do know they aren’t in it.

  5. I need some help on the Google thingy.Hope I did it the right way. (:

  6. I want the Giants to win and that’s only because the Patriot’s took out my Ravens!! I generally only watch the game for the commercials!! Thanks for the chance to win some cash!! We really need some groceries and this would help us out so much!! Thanks again!! 🙂

  7. I think the Giants…Thanks!

  8. The giants! Cheaters shouldn’t win

  9. I was rooting for the ‘Niners, but since they got beaten, I don’t really care who wins. 😛

  10. Since my Cowboys are out, I guess I’ll root for the Pats!

  11. Don’t like the cheatin’ Pats, don’t like the Giants’ spoiled brat, Eli. I am still going to host a party–mostly for the commercials 🙂

  12. rooting for the Patriots!!!

  13. Kelsey Alexander says:


  14. Will have to say GO GIANTS! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  15. I’m gonna root for the team that no one else is rooting for that is around me at the time. I’m not a fan of either, but I love me some football.

  16. Michelle Macaluso says:
  17. the giants i guess

  18. New England Patriots!
    Thanks 🙂
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  19. Giants!! Thank you for the giveaway!!

  20. Giants!! Thank you!

  21. My team is out… so I guess I’ll go with the Pats (the rest of the family will be cheering on the Pats since we are from NE lol).

  22. The Giants!!!!

  23. Neither! Ha ha!I guess I’ll go with the giants.
    -Chelsea Wong

  24. I really don’t want either to win. Double elimination? LOL I will go with the Pats.

  25. Jeanette Mays says:

    I would be very happy if the Giants won a game. Then I would be able to do a little woohoo they won dance. 🙂 Thank you for the chance.

  26. I want the Browns to win the Super Bowl someday. I don’t see it happening anytime soon. I’ll root for the Pats this time.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Giants all the way! Patriots have enough Super Bowl rings. Let’s give the other guys a chance if Da Bears can’t be there! lol

    ~Pam Donica

  28. go Giants!!

  29. twitted great giveaway

  30. I’m a Steelers fan so I don’t care who wins. I’ll watch the game, but I’ll be wishing it was Pittsburgh. Thank you for the giveaway !

  31. the giants easy win!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. The Pats… hopefully, but I will really just watch for the commercials.

  34. Giants–husband is a Jersey boy!

  35. The Giants.

  36. I want the Giants to win

  37. my hubby wants the GIANTS TO WIN

  38. Patriots for me!

  39. I will be honest…I don’t even know who is playing in the Super Bowl or when it even is! LOL May the one you want to win be the winner! Hope this is OK!! I just really need the money! LOL
    14earth at gmail dot com

  40. Tony Hogan says:


  41. patriots
    alliana88m AT yahoo DOt com

  42. The Giants!!

  43. Anonymous says:
  44. April Lane says:


  45. Anonymous says:


  46. Giants!

  47. Sorry, don’t care now that the Packers are out…

  48. Don’t really have a preference. I just like the commercials

  49. I hoping that the Patriots win this year.


  50. I’m more of a college football fan, but we’re going to pull for the patriots!


  51. patriots

  52. Giants!!!!!

  53. Patriots all the way!

  54. betty wojnar says:


  55. Definitely the Patriots!
    Amanda Sakovitz

  56. Patriots all the way!

  57. Awesome giveaway!!!! Thanks

  58. Kimberly owens says:


  59. I don’t care who wins….

  60. Patriot Nation! Being from New England, this season was dedicated to Mrs Kraft hope they win it all for her! :). Lots of people say they hate they Pats but there are many great & talented guys on the team who give their time & efforts to local charities and do much good in the communities 🙂 I’m sure it will be a good game no matter what the outcome. 🙂

  61. Anonymous says:

    Well, I want the Philadelphia Eagles to win but since they are not in the big show, that wont’ happen.


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