$50 Walmart Gift Card 5-Hour FLASH Giveaway!!!

Welcome to Saturday FLASH $50 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway Hosted by Coupon Scribbles

On tap for tonight…. A $50 Walmart Gift Card

The FLASH Giveaway begins at 7pm EST Saturday 1/21/12 and ends at 11:59pm EST Saturday 1/21/12 Be sure to come right back to this post around 12:30am Sunday 1/22 to see who won. That’s the beauty of the Flash Giveaway – There’s no waiting around to see who won.

Participating in the Saturday Flash $50 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway tonight along with Coupon Scribbles are:

Follow the instructions below. Good luck!!!  LEAVE me a COMMENT telling me you ENTERED!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I would probably buy something for my kiddos

  2. I would buy groceries!

  3. Leslie Harris says:

    I would buy groceries for my mom

  4. Anything really:)

  5. I will use it to buy groceries for my family

  6. Groceries.

  7. I would buy groceries and household items!

  8. I’d buy diapers and baby clothes.

  9. I would stock up on some household supplies.

  10. Groceries

  11. Groceries

  12. I would buy myself a new outfit since I am losing so much weight and hardly have any clothes that fit.

  13. I would love to get some new bathroom decor.

  14. I entered the $50 Walmart GC Flash.
    I would buy Valentine’s gifts for my hubby & son.

  15. Food!

  16. i tried putting the e-mail i subscribed with on the boxes and it wouldnt let me. but i used tracystuhler@att.net just so you know 🙂

  17. I am going to buy me a couple of nice outfits to wear to job interviews! I am looking for a new job.

  18. Probably buy some groceries, and maybe a $5 dvd lol Thanks for the contest!! Have a great night!

  19. Dawn Loughner says:

    I need some new school pants for my daughter!

  20. Probably buy toys and movies and notebooks;)

  21. Alicia Zirjacks says:

    I would buy groceries.

  22. I seriously JUST came from walmart and spent $358 on groceries and household supplies (no extras of any kind)…I would spend it on some more groceries!!! 🙂

  23. Would buy presents for my son Josh’s third birthday on February 21st.

  24. Groceries

    Calshondra Williams

  25. I would spend it on gas for the car, walmart offers a few cents off a gallon when using their card or giftcard ,, I entered the flash giveaway

  26. I’ll probably buy some new PJ’s 🙂

  27. Food shopping 🙂

  28. I would buy groceries or gift for my girlfriend

  29. I liked and shared and then when I hit enter … it went to page can’t be found. So I don’t know if I’m really entered or not. Love the name of your Website, Mama Luvs Books. I luv books too.

  30. michelle k says:

    well food pull ups and a nice gift for my husbands bday/vday

  31. I would buy some cat food and groceries

  32. I would get some groceries!


  33. I would buy groceries…can always use more $$$ for groceries…thanks for a chance to win the Walmart Gift Card 🙂

  34. Definitely groceries! Thx!
    welindsey at gmail dot com

  35. I will buy one of my twins a new pair of tennis shoes to go over her legbraces

  36. melanie r. says:


  37. Niki Slovacek says:

    My little brother is in Afganistan, I’d buy him magazines and snacks and send them over!! <3

  38. nausea meds for my chemo days

  39. I would buy groceries.

  40. I entered! I would use it on groceries.

    Allison Lancaster

  41. groceries as jan is always hard after xmas lol

  42. Danielle Davis/Grady says:

    I would buy things for my sons 1st birthday 🙂
    Thank you

  43. oh i am STACEY DEMPSEY ON RAFFLECOPTER (there was no place to leave that as this is my GFC name)

  44. I would save it for when I needed it.
    Thanks for the chance to win


  45. Something for my daughter for her birthday

  46. Groceries!

  47. diapers and wipes. they are much needed now a days. and maybe lipstick for myself : )

  48. I will be buying for my daughters 4th birthday party. Thanks so much, hoping I can win!! 🙂 you guys rock!!

  49. {Quanda} I’d buy groceries. Thanks! 🙂

  50. Valentine Gifts….Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite~

  51. I entered Thanks!! 🙂

  52. i’ll buy some make up and a valentines gift for the hubby

  53. I would probably buy toys and movies. 🙂

  54. i entered

  55. Birthday present for my son, no doubt about it


  56. i would buy gas and groceries

  57. I would buy birthday gifts for my nephew.

  58. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the giveaway.
    Brandy Lockley

  59. The money will go toward one of the winter lights to help with the winter blues. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Tina ‘the book lady’
    wswpub (at) gmail

  60. liliana standey says:

    gas 🙂

  61. I would buy groceries and household items that need replacing.

  62. DVDs for my daughter probably

  63. Sue shelley says:

    Clothes…thanks for the chance.

  64. I might just wander around and throw whatever I see that looks interesting in my cart. I never do that. It might be fun.
    btjfarnham at yahoo dot com.

  65. G&G Gas & Groceries

  66. Anonymous says:

    I forgot to add in my other comment that if I win I will use it to buy my daughters more monster high dolls.
    Brandy Lockley

  67. I would save it to buy my kids Christmas!!!

  68. I would use my gift card to buy some baby gifts for a friends shower.

  69. I would probably use it towards bills. My goal is to be debt free this year. Thank you for the opportunity on this giveaway 🙂


  71. I would put it aside toward a new tv.

  72. Anonymous says:

    I did everything but twitter,dont have that or know how to twitter.loll Thanks for the opportunity to win something.

  73. I entered…on your site even. 😉

  74. i would buy the kids new clothes!

  75. I would buy household items.

    myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com

  76. I would buy a gift for my sons birthday. Thanks for this opportunity!!

  77. Anonymous says:

    i would stock up on cat food for my cat!!!

  78. Groceries!
    amanda joy
    iheartcoupons4 at gmail.com

  79. I would buy household items such as cleaning supplies and toiletries. I’m not working so this will really help!! Thanks for the giveaway!! *fingers crossed*

  80. i would go to walmart and use some of the coupons I have won the last month. which in turn will be used for my family and me.. 🙂

  81. Thanks so much for this great giveaway, I entered & hope I win!!

  82. I entered and would probably get something boring like groceries or gasoline.

  83. Michell Dunlap says:

    not sure really….but I am sure I could figure something out lol

  84. I would buy groceries.

  85. I’d but whatever we need, groceries, household items, whatever!

  86. Jessica Fulford says:

    I would buy something for my new great neice coming in May 😉

  87. I would put the money towards a Keurig!

  88. I would buy pull ups and a new toilet for my son since we’re starting to potty train!!!

  89. I’m in. Thanks.

    msveronicas at gmail dot com

  90. I entered! Thanks for the giveaway!

  91. Diapers

  92. Jeanette Mays says:

    Household supplies, and some birthday gifts. Thank you for the chance.

  93. Jodi Hoppe Wresh says:

    I would use it towards TP! lol CIAwoman66@yahoo.com

  94. Thanks for the great give away. I would buy lots and lots of books.

  95. Clothes maybe, or fabric for clothes!!

  96. If I won it I’d put it towards a new microwave mine died. Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. I’d put it towards groceries. Times are tough. Thanks for the giveaway.


  98. I would put it toward maintaining my stockpile/couponing.

  99. I would put it towards paying off the Walmart bill 🙂 thanks!

  100. I will buy something for my fiance for Valentine’s Day!

  101. I’ll buy cat food and litter

  102. I’ll buy groceries, laundry detergent and pay for my monthly prescriptions

  103. I would buy gas!!!!

  104. Ann Fudge Cluck

    I entered!!

  105. Ann Fudge Cluck

    Valentine dinner with hubby

  106. groceries!!

  107. I will buy all my household needs .. thanks for the chance

  108. Groceries

  109. I would buy Valentine gifts for my kids.

  110. I would probably buy something for my daughters birthday coming up!

  111. Probably groceries and maybe something special for my children. Thank you for the giveaway!

  112. Some new jeans for my 9 year old. Boys grow way too fast, and jeans are expensive..lol

  113. entered and would use it on some new clothes

  114. easter gifts

  115. New clothes for my son

  116. Kaydee Jones says:

    A nice outfit for me.

  117. I would first buy a camera bag and maybe a new shirt!

  118. Stephanie Salisbury says:

    I entered and I would use the $$ for whatever it was needed for at the time.

  119. I need some warm PJ’s so that is what I would buy.

  120. enter thanks i would love to get my kids something


  121. I would put it towards an iPad 🙂

  122. i would buy formula

  123. I would buy groceries! Love buying groceries there.

  124. stuff we need for our up coming trip to see my family!!!

  125. I’m not sure, but probably gifts for my daughters.

  126. With the 50, I would buy some college supplies for my classes this semester and some groceries

  127. (dealbunny20@gmail.com) – we’d use it for gas money!!

  128. I would use this for groceries. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  129. Clothing or food

  130. Jason Crooks says:

    Would use it for a couple new sweatshirts. It got cold here finally.

  131. food for my family.

  132. Entered! Would come in handy for groceries for these growing boys!! :o) THANKS!!

  133. I’d buy something for my husband or kids. Thanks so much for the chance!

  134. necessities: toothpaste, oatmeal, socks, etc.

  135. I’d buy food!

  136. I entered !

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