Most people are aware of the world-wide issues with widespread hunger. I previously posted about Future Fortified and how they help to bring people overseas nutrition packets to sprinkle on their food. Well, there are also problems with hunger in our country as well, especially with the poor economy and rising rates of unemployment. Walmart recognized this problem and has created an initiative to combat it.
Walmart is working with Feeding America and four of the most recognizable food brands in America- ConAgra, General Mills, Kraft and Kellogg’s – in a nationwide Fighting Hunger Together initiative from Monday, April 9th through April 30th. Consumers can join the fight against hunger in-store or through Facebook.
Between April 9th and April 30th Walmart will be hosting a Facebook campaign where fans can rally support for communities in need of hunger relief. Vote to fight spring hunger with Walmart among 200 communities with the highest unemployment rate as determined by a Department of Labor Report. Click HERE to view your options. I will personally be voting for Yuba City, CA. We lived close to there for about three years and I want to support a community I am close to in a personal way.
Walmart will donate a total of $2 million to the 21 communities receiving the most support: $1 million to the winner and $50,000 each to the 20 runners-up. Winning communities will be announced May 1st. The Fighting Hunger Together initiative is expected to generate 43 million meals for families in need.
Let’s all vote on Facebook between April 9th-30th and SPREAD THE WORD TO VOTE!!! Make sure to click on the Fighting Hunger Together Icon to get to the voting area. Then you just choose a place to vote!
You can also help by shopping in-store and purchasing select products from ConAgra, General Mills, Kraft and Kellogg’s. Check the in-store signage for details for this April 9th-30th initiative! Let’s do all we can to help fight hunger! We can make a difference together!
Funny- I just saw this at Walmart. ANything to help hunger is a huge plus in my book! I voted:)
Voted. I’m glad to see Walmart is finally doing something!! Hunger in this country is at an all time high!!
I live in Canada so I couldn’t vote for my community but I did vote for a US community.
Such a great cause. Voted
I am glad to see Walmart behind this cause! Thanks for sharing!
I voted!
Great cause. I’m actually working with ConAgra to fight hunger myself. Just visited Walmart and purchased a bunch of these products too.
It’s wonderful when the “big guys” get behind such a great cause!
Life with our Family
glad to see this. Thanks for the share and voted!
It’s good to see Walmart behind such a good cause. I’m off to vote.
It’s nice that a huge corporation is participating in such a worthy cause.
Awesome! Voting now 🙂
I just voted!
Awesome! Voting now!
I’m not a Wal-mart fan BUT any good deed doesn’t go unnoticed. Glad for this movement!
I don’t really like Walmart much either, but I have to admit I still shop there! This is good to see Walmart involved in this.
Voted thank you!!!