Why I Luv Social Fabric/Collective Bias……

Oh boy! Well, this is really hard to sum up in a post. I love Social Fabric for many reasons. I honestly loved them from the very first post I worked on for them! I couldn't believe I could actually do a sponsored post, involve my family in a fun way, and write it more like a personal post than anything else. Who knew? I really wanted my site to be heavily personal, but with making some money as well. This company offers opportunities that are a … [Read more...]


Healthy Food to Fuel the Brain for School ~ #JennieO4kids #cbias

Champions for Kids

I am going to make a confession. We have been letting the kids eat less than healthy meals, and for part of my New Year's Resolution series I am going to show you how we are working to make a change. I am a former teacher, so I should definitely know better. Kids require healthy food, especially for breakfast, to have them learn effectively. You always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so I am going to work harder to make … [Read more...]


Are You a NCAA Fan~Atic? Have You Tried the Games By EA Sports? #NCAAfootball13 #CBias

We Love NCAA 12 and Now We Are Preparing for NCAA 13! Thanks EA Sports! #NCAA13~ EA Sports Has the Best Games For Family Fun ~We are a huge NCAA sports family! During football season the TV is on every Saturday no matter which teams are playing. We watch them all! In fact, my hubby is so attached to the games, that he calls me a "College Football Widow" since I lose him to football for the season. I get him back after the bowl games in January. … [Read more...]
