It’s Important to Save Your Child’s Work

Save Their Work…..Save The Memories
 (Pic from Hobbies On a Budget)
Being a former teacher of eight years, I know how important saving your child’s work is. It important to preserve memories, to follow your child’s progress, and to teach kids to organize. I came across this great post today from Hobbies On a Budget about organizing your child’s school work, so I thought I would share it with you. Click HERE to read! Also, I love the idea of digital portfolios as well! Taking pics of your child’s work and organizing it can keep it nice forever!
What are you currently doing to preserve your child’s work?


  1. We have binders for each boy right now and currently everything that comes home goes in there. At the end of the year we are going to go through them and see what’s worth keeping (significant work, originally/creative work) and pitch the routine that really doesn’t show case what they did and who they are. I want to teach them how to perserve them memories and organize, but be careful not to put too much significance on objects themselves and turn it into a form of hoarding (for lack of a better word).

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