Wordless Wednesday – Come Link Up!!!!

I HAVE to share this hilarious photo with everyone, and yes there is a little bit of a back story (so really a not-so-wordless Wednesday).  Quick version – I gave my 7-year old daughter a timeout.  She sat at a little desk that has a wipe board on it.  Later that night I found this written on the desk.  I couldn’t help but TOTALLY crack up (and take a picture of it).  It said, “Momma Luvs Books is not fun” and has a shoe kicking a book!!  PRICELESS!!!  And she even got the “Luvs”correct.  Had to share!!!  Link up your Wordless Wednesday post below!!  ONLY rules: Please comment on my post and a few others of those that link up.  I will comment on ALL that link up!!!  =)



  1. lol!

  2. I think my daughter’s can relate LOL.

  3. OMG, I think our daughters (mine is 6 1/2) share an attitude. So far, Lilly hasn’t lashed out at my blog- but she does tell me I’m lazy when I ask her to clean her room. LOL. She doesn’t get away with that either. She still has to clean her room- and then I give her a chore I normally do. Eventually she’ll figure out EXACTLY how “lazy” I am not. LOL.

  4. HAHA! That is HYSTERICAL! I love it!

  5. that is really funny!! sounds like something my daughter would do, only she doesn’t know my blog name! lol

  6. Too funny. Kids come up with the darndest things sometimes.
    Cindi Starr

  7. That is too funny.

  8. Orrr bless, thats so cute x

  9. I know my kids hate how much face time my computer got in December while I was doing the Christmas push… hopefully January will be less stressful for all of us!

  10. I don’t do WW but I had to comment. That IS hysterical! Sometimes you wonder about how old their brains really are when they come out with stuff. 🙂

  11. LOL… SO funny. see you can link up this Saturday!

  12. Oh, that is too funny!! I love the shoe kicking the book! lol Thanks for the link up! 🙂

  13. Hmmm… The things they come up with

  14. Hahah too funny! You have quite an artist on your hands 😉

  15. HAHAHA!! Awww!!!


  16. So cute!!

  17. hilarious!

  18. Adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  19. too cute! artist in the making 🙂

  20. How adorable and funny. Adding the shoe is priceless.

  21. This is great. Love it.

  22. SO FUNNY! I cant stop laughing 🙂

    jenny at dapperhouse

  23. Hysterical! A fantastic Word-full Wednesday post!

  24. I swear time outs give them a burst of super creativity!

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