FLASH GIVEAWAY PRIZE PACK!!! Includes $20 PayPal and MUCH MORE!!! 24-Hours to ENTER!!!

24-Hour PRIZE PACK GIVEAWAY!!  $20 PayPal CASH and MUCH MORE!!!  Good Luck!!!  

LEAVE me a COMMENT telling me which prize you MOST want!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I’m stuck between glitter stickers and pie 🙂

  2. $20 for paypay! Big!

  3. liliana Standey says:

    paypal 🙂

  4. the paypal 😀

  5. Ginormous

  6. cash

  7. enormous.

  8. Big… I like the $20 Paypal..

  9. Savannah M says:


  10. Paypal cash hello!

    Claire McKeon mosaic317@gmail.com

  11. Paypal

  12. liliana standey says:

    Huge, Synonym: Enormous, Big, massive.. etc..

  13. Paypal cash ofcourse I always need money for new books. lol And the ponytails holders are always nice and needed too.

  14. My favorite prize would be the $20.00 Paypal.

    Answer to last question is obese.

  15. cash but any would be great

  16. Gigantic!

  17. Paypal $$!!

  18. I like the $20 Paypal..

  19. Anonymous says:

    This is one giveaway that me and my kids can use and enjoy!!

  20. I would buy some clothes because I have lost some baby weight!

  21. Massive

  22. Oh, and PayPal is my favorite, but they’re all very nice! 🙂

  23. Gigantic

    Cristina Wyatt

    aguero.crissy at gmail.com

  24. Ginormous.

  25. Gigantic!!

  26. I hate to follow the pack But I want the PayPal!!!

  27. I would love to win any prizes but the pay pal cash I really want to win. Thank you for this giveaway!

  28. Krystlecolley@aim.com says:

    GIGANTIC >> i would love the $ so i could get my 7 year old a nice present for her Birthday,

  29. Big

  30. ANd like the others, yes to the Paypal!

  31. I would choose the “Prize Pack” to win. Thank You.


  32. humungous!!!

  33. ginormous

  34. Prize pack!!!


  36. Anonymous says:


  37. The paypal cash is what I would want most.


  38. Anonymous says:

    Gigantic PRIZE PACKAGE—-McD’s card maybe!

  39. Enormous. Thanks for the giveaway.


  40. Anonymous says:

    Really big!

  41. Gigantic

  42. Ginormous – paypal. Great giveaway.

  43. Paypal is the prize I’d most like to win.
    Another word for huge is tremendous!

  44. enormous

  45. We would love the PAYPAL 🙂 and our word for huge is GARGANTUAN. Or the most ridiculous HUMONGOLOIDISH that my husband just made up, lol. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  46. Paypal would be my favorite!

  47. Amy Greenwood says:

    Ginormous and I would love the Paypal. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  48. I would be grateful for winning any of the above…but I would prefer Paypal Cash…not to picky! lol

    I shared this giveaway on FB, Twitter, and Stumble
    I also put your button on my website (in the right hand column under Our Magical Parallel Worlds and on my blog (in the left hand column under Our Magical Parallel Worlds)

  49. Gigantic! 🙂

  50. Large. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  51. I most want the PayPal cash because I’m not working and money is tight so I would put it towards bills. Thanks for the giveaway!! *fingers crossed*

    Another word for huge is enormous 🙂

  52. The hair ties or the paypal are the most exciting. I have 3 girls with long hair, can NEVER have enough hair ties! Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. Anita Simpson says:

    Paypal would be wonderful of course but the free item coupon, McDonalds, Marie Calendar pie or any of them would be wonderful!

  54. Amy Rhoades says:

    I need the paypal money. That would be so great! Cool giveaway, thanks!

  55. Amy Rhoades says:

    Another word for huge…. gigantic!

  56. McDonalds!!! Yum!!

    Sandee A.

  57. katie Healy says:

    either paypal, 100 ponytail holders or mcdonalds

  58. Paypal and SOCKS!!! I love socks!!

  59. Big

  60. Enormous!!

    Sandee A.

  61. I would love the paypal cash, but I’ll take whatever I can get lol Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  62. $20 Paypal cash

  63. GIANT!

  64. rhocelle c says:


  65. Pony tail holders and PIE!

  66. Paypal 🙂 Then I could purchase the others 😉 lol

  67. Gigantic

  68. humungous

  69. Cristina Garcia says:

    PayPal!! And astronomical!!!!

  70. Doesn’t matter it l be great if cash or prized….

  71. Most wanted is the PayPal cash 🙂 Gigantic!

  72. gigantic!

  73. paypal or the socks lol!

  74. i would love the paypal cash!

  75. colossal
    Paypal & pie & socks

  76. paypal cash

  77. ginormous… I need a new toothbrush and Im really pumped about the 100 pack of pony tails!! –
    Jess H– hacketja@stu.lemoyne.edu

  78. Dawn Sollitto says:


  79. enormous

  80. I would like the $20 paypal cash. Thank you!

  81. I would have to say the cash since I really need it!

    jbafaith2001 at yahoo dot com

  82. the Marie Callender Pie

  83. colossal

  84. The paypal cash! Ginormous!!


  85. I would take the paypal

  86. Another word for Huge is: Monstrous.
    I really need the money right now so I would have to go with the $20 paypal cash.

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